Machine Gunner: M1919 Medium Mg's/Bren light Mg/ DP 28 LMG, M.1891, M1911A1 pistol/same/Nagant M.1895, Morphine Needle, 1 M2 frags/M.36M Mk.1 "Mills bombs"/RGD. 33's, M1A1 Bazooka/same/same, Ka-bar/F-S Knife/NR-40, Military Fatigues, 5 misc. items of your choice
Sniper: Scoped M1917 enfield/same/Scoped Mosin Nagant, M.1891, M1911A1 pistol/same/Nagant M.1895, Morphine Needle, 2 No. 77 smoke grenade/same/same, Ka-bar/F-S Knife/NR-40, Camouflaged Military Fatigues, 5 misc. items of your choice
Pilot:M.1891, M1911A1 pistol/same/Nagant M.1895, Morphine Needle, 5 No.74 Sticky grenades/same/Molotov Cocktails, Ka-bar/F-S Knife/NR-40, Military Fatigues, Repair Kit, Ability to use vehicles 5 misc. items of your choice
Medic:M1911A1 pistol/same/Nagant M.1895, Morphine Needle, 2 No. 77 smoke grenade/same/same, Ka-bar/F-S Knife/NR-40, Medkit, Medical Military Fatigues, 5 misc. items of your choice
Axis Classes
it goes Germany/Italy/Japan
Rifleman: Karabiner 98K/Carcano M1981/Arisaka, Walther P38/Beretta M1934/Nambu Type.14, Morphine Needle, 3 Model 24 Grenade (with frag sleeve)/Bomba M1935/Type 97, Kampfmesser 42/same/Type 30 bayonet, Military Fatigues, 5 misc. items of your choice
Assault: MP-40/Beretta M.38/Type 100, Walther P38/Beretta M1934/Nambu Type.14, Morphine Needle, 5 Model 24 Grenade (with frag sleeve)/Bomba M1935/Type 97, 3 Panzerwurfmine's/same/same, Kampfmesser 42/same/Type 30 bayonet, Military Fatigues, 5 misc. items of your choice
Machine gunner: MG-34/Breda M.30/Type 3 MG, Walther P38/Beretta M1934/Nambu Type.14, Morphine Needle, 1 Model 24 Grenade (with frag sleeve)/Bomba M1935/Type 97, Panzerfaust/same/same, Kampfmesser 42/same/Type 30 bayonet, Military Fatigues, 5 misc. items of your choice
Sniper: Scoped K98/Scoped Carcano/Scoped Arisaka, Walther P38/Beretta M1934/Nambu Type.14, Morphine Needle, 2 S-mines/same/same, Kampfmesser 42/same/Type 30 bayonet,Camo Military Fatigues, 5 misc. items of your choice
Pilot:Walther P38/Beretta M1934/Nambu Type.14, Morphine Needle, 5 Panzerwurfmines/same/same, Kampfmesser 42/same/Type 30 bayonet, Military Fatigues, Repair kit, Ability to use vehicles, 5 misc. items of your choice
Medic:Walther P38/Beretta M1934/Nambu Type.14, Morphine Needle, 2 S-mines/same/same, Kampfmesser 42/same/Type 30 bayonet,Medical Military Fatigues, 5 misc. items of your choice
now you can make your own class, but explain it
to the sheet!
Name: Age: Gender: Class: Nationality: include whether axis or allies Personality: least 3 Phy.Desc.:least 3 Traits: i make from your personality/or desc. Bio: optional, least 5 sentences Perk: i make from bio ---------------------- Squad: 4 (put how what class each squad member is and their names) Weapons: Uniforms: Misc.: you can make 5 ---------------------- Health: 100/100 Condition:
Have the civilians turned around, or are they still watching? All the Germans start moving as far away as possible, but stay just within sniping range(you said that the civilians have old WW1 rifles, and shotguns, so they won't be able to do anything against sniper rifles).
no, you couldn't fight a whole town of them
and yes PM
You're gonna need to be more specific than that, Loco..... And isn't this awfulyl defended for a supply camp bwell behind the main line?
it's not like you got Sergeant Shultz defending this, these are the marines.
Sure, we could. They're poorly trained at best, their weapons are inferior, and we outnumber them. Even if there are more of them, we could take them. It is a small town, after all. There couldn't be more than 100 citizens willing to fight, and even if there were, they wouldn't have enough supplies for everybody.
and yes PM
The medics patch up Heiskanen, Metzinger, and Wagner. Richthofen stays low, and uses his binoculars to observe the town and see what kind of defenses they have, where people are at, etc. Everybody else starts cleaning their weapons and practicing.
Sure, we could. They're poorly trained at best, their weapons are inferior, and we outnumber them. Even if there are more of them, we could take them. It is a small town, after all. There couldn't be more than 100 citizens willing to fight, and even if there were, they wouldn't have enough supplies for everybody.
who says they're untrained?
The medics patch up Heiskanen, Metzinger, and Wagner. Richthofen stays low, and uses his binoculars to observe the town and see what kind of defenses they have, where people are at, etc. Everybody else starts cleaning their weapons and practicing.
can't. they don't stray around the edges except for sentry duty
They're civilians, even if they had someone to train them they wouldn't be able to do it properly. Soldiers have time to train, because it's their job. Soldiers spend all day every day for a few years training(boot camp, specialized training, etc.). Civilians can't do that, because they have a life to keep up with. You can't spend all day learning how to shoot a gun AND work your actual job, but it's the latter that will put food on your table.
can't. they don't stray around the edges except for sentry duty
Duh, he's observing the sentries. When do they replace sentries? How many are there? What delay is there during sentry swaps? How are they armed? Etc.
They're civilians, even if they had someone to train them they wouldn't be able to do it properly. Soldiers have time to train, because it's their job. Soldiers spend all day every day for a few years training(boot camp, specialized training, etc.). Civilians can't do that, because they have a life to keep up with. You can't spend all day learning how to shoot a gun AND work your actual job, but it's the latter that will put food on your table.
no you couldn't train them good in conventional tactics, have you ever heard of unconventional?
Duh, he's observing the sentries. When do they replace sentries? How many are there? What delay is there during sentry swaps? How are they armed? Etc.
change every 3 hours, no delay as the next sentry relieves the first, 2 for each opening (making a total of 6) these are armed with either sten/thompson or old ww1 rifles/lee enfields mk III
no you couldn't train them good in conventional tactics, have you ever heard of unconventional?
Of course, guerilla warfare is an option, but we're not going to give them that opportunity.
change every 3 hours, no delay as the next sentry relieves the first, 2 for each opening (making a total of 6) these are armed with either sten/thompson or old ww1 rifles/lee enfields mk III
The Germans pad the bottom of their boots(so they don't make noise), darken their faces, and just generally stealth things all up. xD Then they rest until about 1 or 2 AM.
The Germans pad the bottom of their boots(so they don't make noise), darken their faces, and just generally stealth things all up. xD Then they rest until about 1 or 2 AM.
yeh but that means you have no extra ammo, no rations, etc.
All the more reason why we absolutely need to take back the town before we starve to death and/or get shot and killed by the enemy because we don't have anything to defend ourselves with. Describe the sentries and the town's defenses.
All the more reason why we absolutely need to take back the town before we starve to death and/or get shot and killed by the enemy because we don't have anything to defend ourselves with. Describe the sentries and the town's defenses.
yeh, the ones you made. plus rubble wall where the building kersploded
Good, we didn't make any defenses but trenches, and those won't do anything for keeping people out. Are the sentries in the trenches? Where are the sentries? You said there were only 6.