Hi, I'm a big fan of this game and I like to create levels. Anyone who make playable levels is welcome to share the links here. You can also write a story about your creation if you like.
The gun go up and down happily !. but wait the angle is big and its hard even to activate it in this level you need to hit the viking with the up and down moving gun you can activate it by hiting the huge ice box but make sure you do it at the correct time!
its not imposible i tested it and i killed the viking but it took me some tries to hit him
Viking behind toilet: "Hurry chief, I need to poop!!!" Chief: "Go crap in the woods!" (loud farting noises) Other Viking: " Okay then I'll light a cigarette to kill the stench!" Chief: "Noooo!" BOOOM!!! :O
ANON'S SEWER BEDROOM Our bipolar asperger OCD and ADD troll was asleep in his bedroom near a septic tank when it backed up, flooding his already filthy and moldy room. :O :O
ASPERGER ODYSSEY Anon of Retardia went on a voyage to discover the third eye. When he met with the Dalai Lama, he heard that he was too stupid to ever develop it. Discouraged, he returned to his sewer home. On his way, he failed to notice a dangerous bridge. He fatally fell and impaled his brain on a stick. :O