The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
One of Fish's sarcastic relpies.
Why is beef better than fish?
Because you always have a beef with Fish.
Hey that's not actually too dumb an answer.
Why is the sky blue and grass green and not the opposite.
Because that would be to Jackson Paul-ish.
Why are women always being lied to about what 8 inches is?
Because they always take 8 yards.(see what I did there?)
The square root of an onion is a onion root that has been cut on four sides to make it square.
What's 9+10?
Why is my watch pointing at the number 13?
Because the apocalypse has come.
What would you do if the world was ending?
I'd go on raping and doughnut eating spree.
Why don't doughnuts have nuts in them?
They do, they're just really small.
How is Santa still alive?
Because he keeps bribing Death to not kill him
Why did I sleep at 4:27 A.M. once in this week?
Because you're a naughty boy!
What happens to naughty boys?
They do naughty things
Why have I played Minecraft for a total of over 6,000 hours and I still feel like a noob?
Because you're a naughty boy! Haaaah!
What do people say about you behind your back?
They say that they think I'm an alien. I must take care of them quickly before word gets out. My species must colonize earth.
How's your species doing?
It's doing fine,how's yours?
What if we're all just simulated hypothetical persons living inside a video game?
Then fool me twice... them bodies is the Matrix.
Why is black leather rad?
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