The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
You will receive a pot of gold.Why did the elephant grow wings?
Cause they're allergic to peanuts.What do you call a zombie who feasts only on zomies' flesh!
A zombie hunter.Why do zombies get such a bad rep?
Because they are just misunderstood creatures who just want a hug.Why do cows moo?
Because meow was already taken.why there arent any more pirates in the Caribbean?
Because they all time traveled.Moneh moneh moooooooooneh!
Because it isnt a questionWhy is the cake a lie?
Because the pie is the truth.How many spies does it take to screw a lightbulb?
I dont know, um twlevty?How many lightbulbs does it take to screw in a squirrel?( I asked this already)
Not sure maybe dozens!How many evil sweet blocks does it take to build an empire state?
What is 9 x 9 :l
Did the math on this one... -5.8How come the moon and sun never hang out?
They will cause global warming.On a scale of -10--100, how fun is this game?
100v=v]m, BNGBKGBJRA BVgurogbiGJRIHUPOQHGPWhy did I put a link into the answer?
Because your post automatically became a link to a random website.How do you shoot a hoop?
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