The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
By doing the chicken dance when wearing a tutuMy question was left I ask again. I have yet to look into it...but why was Hitler hated so much?
Because everybody was jealous at the fact that he became a meme.How do you put an elephant into a fridge?
By saying hi. What is the meaning or lif- I mean red?
Yes, it's good for your health! xDWhy did you hide that? >
BECAUSE HE FELT LIKE IT!Why was that answer in all caps?
Because you wanted to remind us all of Billy and his greatnessWhy won't my dog steal a car for me?
Your dog got run over by a parked car once.How do you stop a car from spinning?
Can you kill air
How do you stop a car from spinning?
So easy, cause the battery's low! Well how do you charge your iStone?
You buy the iRock and the iWin.Where do you buy these products?
At Home Depot, of course. Is an iLose available?
After they started producing the iParticipationAward...the iLose production was ceased, making it very rare (and valuable!)What are some great apps for these products?
One of the great (and only) app on these products is 'Crash', which crashes your product and renders it unable to work forever.Who do I sue now that my products don't work any more?
Gaea, goddess of the Earth (if I remember correctly).How do you sue Gaea and win?
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