Aliens, aliens, aliens....strange little creatures. Could they exist? Why would they exist? What exactly is an alien, and to who is the alien? Are we the aliens in this world? Imagine the Earth WITH "aliens." Aliens are simply outsiders, or something different. Deer could be aliens, buffalo could be aliens, molecules could be aliens. They're all different, but they all have one thing in common: they aren't intellgent. And it is what it is. Not that they are stupid, just What if aliens visited Earth? What would you think of them. Even so, perhaps cats could be intelligent creatures. (makes me think of Thundercats, eh?)
Life with cats. Just think of it. A strange univers this would be. "Honey, you forgot to clean your litterbox!" It scars me a little, actually. Cats going to school, running for president, working, or perhaps typing this right now. Maybe to cats, WE'RE cats. Maybe they DON'T accept us, but because they aren't intelligent, they can't show, say, or act what they are trying to get to.
Now, the main point of this thread. Adapting aliens into our world would be an interesting....and distrubing experience. Many people thought of African Americans as "aliens" during segregation times. Maybe cute little green men would be aliens. Maybe at school, your best friend is an alien, or maybe at work, your co-worker is an alien. I would accept them, but it would take time. However, time is something the human race doesn't have. In a matter of time we won't be here anymore. However, only time will tell what shall happen.
Now, how would you react to aliens coming to Earth. Would you accept them?
Oh man, I have a lot to say about E.T.'s since I'm studied so much about them... And just like the Bigfoot thread I promised to talk about and never got around to it, I probably won't mention much here.
Hmm, there is a lot of evidence for and against them. However, there is indeed a LOT of good evidence regarding physical evidence and not hearsay or photographs.
as making any new friend, be friendly towards them, however never leave your guard down. even if they're peaceful still keep an eye on them.
if they are war mongering, fight for survival nothing else. in the end, leave survivors to tell everyone else who is out that we are not to be underestimated.
If they want peace, they will have peace. If they start a war... the world goes into World War mode, bands together, and unleashes every thinkable weapon on the invaders!
Here's a few points to all you agressors out there:
1. There's no known inhabited planets within range of telescopes 2. Therefore, any alien race would have to have come from SEVERAL galaxies away. 3. Anyone able to do that in any plausible time would be insanely advanced. 4. For them to have put that much into it, they would have had to put considerable resources into it. 5. Above stated reasons, we would be NO match for them. 6. Your best bet in case of first contact is to kis butt, and hope they don't take you out. 7. If you fight back, you're only gunna make things worse. 8. They probably have a galactic empire worthy of a Sci-Fi series. 9. You don't wanna mess with anyone that powerful. 10. Aliens=we're screwed.
1. There's no known inhabited planets within range of telescopes
We don't yet have the technology to detect such planets even in range. We have only recently developed the means to detect extrasolar planets near earth size.
2. Therefore, any alien race would have to have come from SEVERAL galaxies away.
Given the above I think this is to premature to say.
3. Anyone able to do that in any plausible time would be insanely advanced. 4. For them to have put that much into it, they would have had to put considerable resources into it. 5. Above stated reasons, we would be NO match for them.
Even if they weren't coming from another galaxy I would still agree.
6. Your best bet in case of first contact is to kis butt, and hope they don't take you out. ...
Aliens possibly or even probably exist because they can and there are millions of galaxies in this universe, so why not? But we are only one in a million planets in the galaxy so it is highly unlikely they'd ever stumble upon Earth. Plus them being a green phosphorescent colour is highly unlikely as the probability of them being exactly like how we imagined them to be is somewhat unlikely. They could even have taken the same evolutionary tract as us and be the same species, DNA, RNA, etc. There is a planet which was calculated to be a possibility of life but the gravity would crush humans, so if there is an extra-terrestrial species of living organisms on there they wouldn't be like us because our spinal chords aren't adapted for that amount of gravity. So who knows what they could look like or even if they exist? I would say that they probably do exist and that they probably wouldn't come to Earth due to the vastness of the universe. Therefore I would accept them on face value but I wouldn't believe entirely that the odds of them coming to Earth are particularly high and the odds of me seeing one isn't particularly high, so I'd be a bit skeptical because of the probability of seeing one being so low, but if it was proven to be an extra-terrestrial species (or simply a new species of living organisms found on Earth that have been created via genetic modification, experimental science, evolution or in difficult to reach places like extreme environments and under the deep sea where the pressure could crush a deep sea diver, then that would be a new species as well...). So I would say that I would be skeptical of accepting an alien species, plus they could try to invade Earth if they have the technology to do so or we might try to take them prisoner like District 9. So I would be skeptical, but if they were proven to exist and they weren't gonna kill me or take over earth or get themselves killed or captured by the American government, then yes I would accept them. Sorry about the lengthy essay styled response, but this is how I feel about this complex topic. So there you go, then...
Aliens...if they are real,which they probably are somewhere, if they are peaceful for once in real life the general population probably wouldn't like them because they don't even like themselves with racism, sexism, and very little tolerence in the world. So the governments would accept them if they are peaceful but a lot of people would not. Another variable is if they are smarter than us. In the movies they are always smarter then us with better technology and the whatever reason one side attacks and one side wins. So if they are smarter than us the chances that they won't be accepted is higher I think. I would accept them personally if they aren't the "movie aliens" which kill and destroy.