During colonial times we enslaved africans and thought there was nothing wrong with it.
After civil war times and the abolition movement,blacks struggled with severe racism and prejudice, especially in the south, and even in the north. Although these issues were helped with after the civil rights movements and reforms, it still is around subtly and greatly today.
In the late 1800's, laws were made to limit the citizenship of chinese americans and stopped immigration. This was primarily because "They looked weird" In the building of the railroads during the prosperity of our economy, they were usually put up for suicidal jobs like setting dynamite inside a mountain in order to make a tunnel. Many of which died. We were fine with that.
In the 1940's during WW2 a huge amount of racism and prejudice was put onto the Japanese people in america. Many innocent actual citizens of the USA(Some were from Japan, but most were innocent) were forced to lose all of their possesions and property and move to detention camps. Afterward they encountered terrible times with extreme hostility and racism towards them from the whites.
Today, we have many racists towards the mexican people,and it has taken great effect in kids and teenagers. We call them "Beaners" and make jokes about them crossing the borders etc. etc. Laws have been made in Arizona to have policemen pull over cars if they are not driven by whites. (Not word for word but the jist)
Also today, because of the 9-11 attacks and problems in the Middle East, much racism is shown against muslims. People joke about their god, "Ala" and joke about their clothing, the 72 virgins in heaven, etc.
How can people seriously call themselves americans (mainly white people), people who are supposed to be acceptant of all cultures and all religions, when they have been racist to so many groups of people throughout history and still today? What IS the definition of an American? Is it only a individual perception? And will racism exist until the existance of only one race?
I didn't realize there was some contract that people had to sign saying that they'd throw away all their stupid prejudices before they could be called Americans. As for the 'throughout history' thing - the misdeeds of peoples ancestors shouldn't weigh on the shoulders of their descendants - it's up to each generation to carve their own history whether that be good or bad. The definition of an American:
noun 4. a citizen of the United States of America.
Racism will always exist in some form, sadly, people like to group people with similarities so that the world is easier for them to understand. They apply stereotypes and prejudices to these groups which leads to, if it couldn't already be called it, racism.
How can people seriously call themselves americans (mainly white people), people who are supposed to be acceptant of all cultures and all religions, when they have been racist to so many groups of people throughout history and still today?
It's happened everywhere in the world, for a very long time. It's almost like asking if we can call ourselves humans because we have the ability to reason and sort out our problems through being rational, yet we don't always do just that, nobody's perfect, by any means.
This was primarily because "They looked weird"
I always thought this was because there were just too many leaving China and coming here.
Laws have been made in Arizona to have policemen pull over cars if they are not driven by whites.
I thought it was only if the officer suspected the driver to be an illegal immigrant, not that they had to because they weren't white.
Also today, because of the 9-11 attacks and problems in the Middle East, much racism is shown against muslims. People joke about their god, "Ala" and joke about their clothing, the 72 virgins in heaven, etc.
That's died off where I live, now we only joke about that when making fun of stupid people. (these are also thrown in with jokes about the moon landing being fake, 9/11 being an inside job, voting for Obama because he is black)
And will racism exist until the existance of only one race?
No, the Holocaust happened almost 70 years ago, yet you can still hear people cracking Holocaust jokes.
I thought it was only if the officer suspected the driver to be an illegal immigrant, not that they had to because they weren't white.
Well yeah, but this is based off of racial profiling. They don't have an actual way of knowing whether or not the person is an immigrant before they pull them over.
Also, I agree with avorne. The way our ancesters were doen't do much to define who we are. And while there is racism in america, theres racism pretty much everywhere. I don't really think theres any more in america than there is in another country.
If we're talking about prejudice and discrimination, we might as well through in sexuality too.
During colonial times we enslaved africans and thought there was nothing wrong with it.
There were many people, including important people, that thought slavery was wrong back then. Fully knowing this, the signers and formers of the Constitution made said document loose in nature, allowing for future generations to add/remove with the times. Before Africans, it was the Native Americans. Before Colonial times, slavery was a practice in Europe. In Biblical times, Hebrews. You have to understand that in that crucial time period, we were most concerned with forming a nation. That's why in the beginning, only white males that owned land (a big deal) could vote. It was only later that the entire white male population was next on the list.
In the late 1800's, laws were made to limit the citizenship of chinese americans and stopped immigration. This was primarily because "They looked weird"
Doing a bit of research before making a thread will do you much good. During the early stages of the California Gold Rush, there was a relatively stable population of Asian immigrants and they were well-received. It wasn't until a high spike of Asian immigration during the gold rush did they then become disliked. Along with participating in the gold rush, they "took" the jobs in order to make a living.
In the 1940's during WW2 a huge amount of racism and prejudice was put onto the Japanese people in America.
Being America, we like to remain neutral in affairs unless it directly affects us. It was the same in WWI with Germany. With WWII came the Japanese and Pearl Harbor. The prejudice came directly from the attack from the Japanese, otherwise we were peachy with them. Since the army from Japan attacked us, we naturally developed a Scare with those living in America.
Today, we have many racists towards the mexican people,and it has taken great effect in kids and teenagers. We call them "Beaners" and make jokes about them crossing the borders etc. etc. Laws have been made in Arizona to have policemen pull over cars if they are not driven by whites. (Not word for word but the jist)
Not much to say here. If they want access, do it legally. I don't take kindly to how the legitimate Mexican citizens are being treated, though. They, the policemen, seem to only operate on looks and feel the perfect time to request their citizenship is when they do minor acts. Like speeding. It doesn't stop there, though. No, they can just pull anyone they "suspect" to be an illegal immigrant and "request" for their citizenship.
Also today, because of the 9-11 attacks and problems in the Middle East, much racism is shown against muslims. People joke about their god, "Ala" and joke about their clothing, the 72 virgins in heaven, etc.
Along with the incident with the Japanese, we developed a Scare towards Middle Eastern people and those devoted to Islam. We were so American and patriotic that we forgot the little details that were the consequences of WWII other than "we blew them up". So. Not just those in the Middle East, but also those that lived in America. They received the pain too.
How can people seriously call themselves americans (mainly white people), people who are supposed to be acceptant of all cultures and all religions, when they have been racist to so many groups of people throughout history and still today? What IS the definition of an American? Is it only a individual perception? And will racism exist until the existence of only one race?
I would say people have to be accepting of all cultures and religions, but then again, only the law has to, which means you must be accepting publicly. The definition of an American is one who has American citizenship. Racism will still exist until every last man on earth becomes acquainted with every last species on every last planet on every last galaxy in the universe. Or is that not racism and instead speciesism?
As for the 'throughout history' thing - the misdeeds of peoples ancestors shouldn't weigh on the shoulders of their descendants - it's up to each generation to carve their own history whether that be good or bad.
Avorne, while you are absolutely correct. The sins of the father should not be applied to the son. But I feel like even though it happened to our ancestors it still applies to us now because the wrongs of the past have not been righted or an attempt to right them.
No, the Holocaust happened almost 70 years ago, yet you can still hear people cracking Holocaust jokes.
I've never heard a Holocaust joke before. Maybe I should be glad for that.
Just want to point out, it's not racism if it's true and not meant to (solely) harm. What would you call political cartoons? Sure they might be offensive, but someone is always the butt of a joke.
What IS the definition of an American?
What Avorne said.
Is it only a individual perception?
It's a nationality.
And will racism exist until the existance of only one race?
Most people consider themselves and the group they are apart of to be best. So...yes, there will always be people who believe they are superior to everyone else or believe that certain people are inferior. Even if everyone was all of one race, there would be discrimination somewhere in some form over things like where you were born or ancestry.
well i dont live in america, so i cant say much, but the fact the racism is every were is completely true. ive been to many country's and seen the most strangest kind of racism even worse then what you have. you see, Saudi Arabia is were all Muslims have to go to do haj, and almost everybody has a harsh time there, specially Pakistanis. we even have someone who was killed jst because he was american
Well I come from Singapore which is a complete melting pot for races. I interact daily with Indians, Malays, Chinese, Whites blah blah. We make jokes about each other because we know we don't really mean it. By putting a firm lid on it I feel; you're just going to get an implosion sooner or later.