I want to make a thread like this, for all of the people to post their stories of hope. It keeps us going. I think it would be great to know what gifts people can give to the world.
I live to contribute to society, to build upon what already exists and layout the steps to a better future, I don't have delusions of 'making it big' and being able to change the world in a major way but I'll do what I can to help the human race have a better and brighter tomorrow.
I live because I only get one life, and I don't see any reason to take that privilege away from myself.
There's nothing I look forward to; nothing I hope for; nothing I want to necessarily do with my life. I'm just here because I've been granted the gift of life, and it's the only opportunity I'll ever have to be alive.
Dedication, hard work, friendship, a helping hand in times of need and maybe some happiness along the away. I might not be able to give something to the whole world but I can certainly give something to the people around me.
I live to help others and make them happy. If during my life and hopeful career as a scientist I can really help people as a whole, then my purpose in life has been fufiled. If I do make it as a scientist hopefuly I can give the world a cure to asthma or a mental illness. something involving the body or possibly the energy crisis, which affects more people then that would be my gift. I can also give the gift of being there for people. I'd like to help people and listen to their problems. I guess if being a scientist doesn't work out then I'll try to be a psychiatrist or something like that. The way people think intrest me. But, basicly I live for others. Or at least thats what I've determined my own existance for.
I'm full of crap and have very little to offer to the world... I'm trying to work on that. Meanwhile, I buy dark chocolate in hopes that during one of my chocolate highs my life's meaning will be revealed to me. Also, I make satirical remarks on the internet. :P
I live to make children and raise them, so they can make children and raise them. That is the meaning of life for me. Though it seems like very simple, it isn't. To make children, you need to find someone that you really love. To raise them well, you need to get a nice job. To get a nice job, you need to educate well. If there is a threat to your children, you eliminate it. For example, if your country is at war, you go and fight so your children can live a good life later.
I live because I exist. And simply existing would never be enough for a perfectionist like me. I have no higher cause in life and no higher spiritual calling. I live for dark chocolate cake because it's one of the best things in the world. I live for my family because they wouldn't know what to do without me. I live to learn and to teach. I live for music because I'm rather good at it.
I live because there's nothing else for me to do. I live because when I die, there will be nothing left of me. I live because my friends didn't, I live because some didn't want to. I live because I love living.
right now. i live only for my hope. there arent many things in my life right now that are the most important to me. i hope to have a better life.
a better life means something different for a different person. its usually their meaning of life. my meaning of life is happiness. and my happiness comes from others happiness and how much they like me.
yup i need people to love me XP shallow but hey at least i can say that XD.
i dont want to make a big change, all i want is to find people who will except every part of me, will love me on any condition, and that i will do the same to them.
i cant give much to the world and i dont really want to give anything to the world. my happiness comes from indiviudals so i only give to individuals. i dont have many special traits so i cant give much. but ive noticed that being nice is something that got alittle bit difficult to find.
so all i can give is being a good friend, listening and trying to help my friends when they need me. its exactly what i want them to do for me.
what do I live for? I was asked to give an essay over this once. I'll give you the short version.
I live to observe the world, and to see how mankind will turn out in my lifetime. I don't expect anything big to be done in my lifetime, but even small changes in the right direction is good.
I give the gift of my analysis to whoever asks for it, for those who have asked for it only come when they truly needed it.