Post your thoughts of Homosexuality. And I can foresee this becoming a thread full of hate and such, just please, don't insult anyone, just list your thoughts of the manner.
I honestly don't have anything against homosexuals, they are human as well, they just like men slightly more than women and vice versa. I only disapprove of them showing signs of affection in public, because I find it rather disturbing, to say the least, when 2 men hug in a sensual way on public transport or the streets
gays should be killed. people shouldn't be gay in the first place
You're kidding right? Thats like saying, "deformed people should be killed. They shouldn't be deformed in the first place." Could you at least explain why you feel the way you do?
Could you at least explain why you feel the way you do?
He/she's most likely saying that because they are one of those people that take the Bible literally when it suggests/says kill all gays. The Bible was never made to be taken literally, most of it was made by storytellers, which wrote/sang to entertain. So read with an understanding.
Good job, you're just as bigoted as any other racist or antisemitic ***.
What's wrong with being gay? You must not be a fan of freedom, or are just too closed minded to care. You probably think sex before marriage is completely wrong too, don't you?
lilystarof, gays lesbians and all other people have human dignity. being against homosexuality is like racism, only worse and more hurtful. They are people too. When we see them, they may seem different, but there are songs to be sung, and all of them should be hurt. I actually have a lot of respect for them. I see that they have made that choice, and fought for their freedom. It's just wrong that they have to go through all of the stupid BS we give to them. If I were the bully, I would feel pretty darn sorry for them, because one day, they will regret all that they said, and be begging on their knees when the victim is famous. Take Neal Patrick Harris for example, he is gay and is proud. What really matters about a person is that they have pride in who they are, and no matter what happens, will stay how they are.
Uh, guys. Don't you think we should go easy on her... I mean seriously. Shes most likly uninformed. If you just inform her of our logic and reasoning, fairness, ect... It would only be reasonable to agree.
im probably one of the youngest users on here!
How old are you? 13? I'm 14. Many users who particpate in the WEPR are young. Age isn't really an excuse.
Just put yourself in their shoes. How would you feel to be born a homosexual and constatly judged badly for no reason, about something that's not even uder your control?
Well, we all have to get used to it, why should a normal couple be allowed to engage in intimate acts whilst they can't?
The only thing I have issue with this is the use of the word "normal." What is normal for one person, is not normal to the person halfway across the world, or even in the house across the street. I would rather have someone say, "Why should a heterosexual couple be allowed to engage in intimate acts whilst they can't?"
Again, no attack against you, but simply a way to make that statement more PC
I disapprove of people of any persuasion showing too much affection in public. Holding hands, hugging and small kisses are fine. Anything other than that, I'd really rather not see. But that has no bearing on my opinion on sexuality in any way.
True what people do in the privacy of their own homes is there business. No one should tell someone how or who to love.
Give them civil unions and it would end all this silly bickering. Its basically a marriage in all but name so religions have no more reason to bother about it.
They aren't the same, a marriage grants a number of rights to a couple that a civil union does not.
I have nothing against gays. I pretty much don't care how you get off, so long as both people (or all the people) in the act consent, then go ahead. I see no reason not to.
I completely agree with you here. In fact I would like to see laws reflect this in many more aspects as well. In other words don't legislate morality.
um im younger than what you said.
If your younger then 13 your not really suppose to be on here in the first place.
But as for your statement of homosexuality not sounding right, what makes it not right?
Since some people seem to forget that we have rules on this site, I am here to remind you. Keep it civil, remember you are talking about human beings here, who, btw, are able to come here and read what you said. You might think you are just airing your opinion, but this is a public forum, you can view it even if you do not have an account here, not to mention we most likely do have homosexual users here that can read what you wrote and might take offence or actually take it as another hit to something they can't change.
So, before you go on about it being wrong, it being against your religion or further escalating down the road of extreme opinions like Lilystar did, remember above, or at least stick to the rules.
It is okay to have a different opinion than others, it is alright to voice this opinion, but keep it at "I don't like homosexuals because -good opinion not related to religion, because religion is a crap excuse for thinking less of other human beings-".
If you do feel like voicing such opinions, please do so. Somewhere else. /modrage
Awww Cenere, did you have to delete Lilystars posts before I read them?
I don't see why you find it natural. :P
Well, it isn't unnatural. Please, check links/sources before replying to them.
Shes most likly uninformed. If you just inform her of our logic and reasoning, fairness, ect...
She's not even 13, she'll learn as she gets older (I hope)
gays should be killed. people shouldn't be gay in the first place
This brings tears to my eyes, I swear. What is so wrong about homosexuals that makes you wanting them to get killed? Imagine you were gay, and someone says you should be killed for liking the same gender stronger than the other. I deeply respect homosexuals, they are the most amusing people on the planet, and to be honest, most of them probably have more balls than me. They are still human, it's just society is enclosed in such blinding views that the majority of people in the world think it's the worst thing a individual can be, homosexual.
I think they should kill pedophiles and necrophiles and such -philes, for they are truly a disease for humanity.
She's not even 13, she'll learn as she gets older (I hope)
i wish that was true. but i think that if you wont talk about it with young children they will NEVER learn. i think that the best thing is to show them it is normal while they are young. because today, even people with no problems against homosexuality make jokes and say things that arent even meant to hurt them yet people who are new to the subject will take them seriously.
if people wont show that this is normal then most chances are a person would see the negative (made up) side of it before the other one and that would make them close minded about the situation.
i wish that was true. but i think that if you wont talk about it with young children they will NEVER learn. i think that the best thing is to show them it is normal while they are young. because today, even people with no problems against homosexuality make jokes and say things that arent even meant to hurt them yet people who are new to the subject will take them seriously.
There are less harsh ways to explain it to her rather than out rightly calling her a bigot and comparing her to anti-Semites. If you want someone to actually learn and be convinced by your arguments, be more gentle. Sure her opinion might make one feel repulsed, but there wasn't a need to go all out and treat her like that. Esp for one so young.
There are less harsh ways to explain it to her rather than out rightly calling her a bigot and comparing her to anti-Semites. If you want someone to actually learn and be convinced by your arguments, be more gentle. Sure her opinion might make one feel repulsed, but there wasn't a need to go all out and treat her like that. Esp for one so young.
i responded to ONLY the comment i quoted. i didnt say anything about this specific situation.