ForumsWEPRShould the world colonize beyond earth?

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53 posts

This is actually a debate topic, and a dang good one. I want to see what all of you think about this, being a controversial topic.

I personally am against it, It is just another gambit that the economy has to worry about.

  • 156 Replies
3 posts

We should go beyond the solar system before sun explodes

I don't understand why this guys keep deleting my replies.
screw you stupid admins. I don't deserve this.

1,826 posts

Thats a little sci-fi isnt it?
But yes i will like to live on moon so I can brag to my earth living friends about working out with 40 kilogram weights.

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

But yes i will like to live on moon so I can brag to my earth living friends about working out with 40 kilogram weights.

Given that you will probably live in an artificial environment that has gravity similar to Earth instead of living permanently in a suit, you won't be able to gym that way!
1,826 posts

Given that you will probably live in an artificial environment that has gravity similar to Earth instead of living permanently in a suit, you won't be able to gym that way!

Dont you think some business man will make a park there where crazy stuff could be done.
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Dont you think some business man will make a park there where crazy stuff could be done.

Will he? Maybe. Maybe not. Again it's all speculation. If I ever moved to another planet, I'll stay well within the confines of the colony.
5,129 posts

Dont you think some business man will make a park there where crazy stuff could be done.

no there is not enoufg room on the moon for that.
there are only 3 or 4 places on the moon where we are able colonise.
evrywhere els on the moon it's to dangares. the sun will kill us there whit 1 of his solar flares. on earth we are portected from it but the moon isn't.
when a solar flare go's towards the moon then we have about 7 min befor it will hit. so we have 7 mins to get out of the danger zone.
1,826 posts

Will he? Maybe. Maybe not. Again it's all speculation. If I ever moved to another planet, I'll stay well within the confines of the colony.

That is very very probable thing to happen. Some big corporation like disney or someone else will do that for sure.
2,226 posts

I don't really think that extra-planetary colonization is really an option at this time as we don't have the technology, time, money, or even a planet which has been found capable of sustaining life.

1,391 posts

I don't really think that extra-planetary colonization is really an option at this time as we don't have the technology, time, money, or even a planet which has been found capable of sustaining life.

There was recently a planet discovered 3 Million Light Years away from us, that has a star like our sun and is near the less the same distance from the sun as us, Scientists belive it sustains life. Future Colonizeation prehaps? But about the money and technology, it's developing fast and we will have to go sometime the Earth isn't going to last forever!
360 posts

the usa has elimenated themself from being the 1st getting the resource by stoping the space shuttle program and say they aim for 2020 aswell. but that they don't know if they are going to make it.

I'm sorry, but did you just think we were going to land the space shuttle on the moon? Your argument is invalid.

And check out our Orion Capsule and the SLS Rocket.

nasa doesn't fly atm

Manned, no. But we still send a ****ton of probes into space.

We should go beyond the solar system before sun explodes

Our sun is too small to explode.

when a solar flare go's towards the moon then we have about 7 min befor it will hit. so we have 7 mins to get out of the danger zone.

Eight miniutes. And there are more then three or four places.

There was recently a planet discovered 3 Million Light Years away from us, that has a star like our sun and is near the less the same distance from the sun as us, Scientists belive it sustains life. Future Colonizeation prehaps? But about the money and technology, it's developing fast and we will have to go sometime the Earth isn't going to last forever!


How about Mars? It is close, probably has metals we want, and should be easy to terraform.

Half the density.

and if we were only so much closer to the sun, our planet would burn.

About 20,000,000 Kilomters in each direction. Last time I checked, the diameter of earth is about 12,000.

Well, here's the obvious flaw.  Even if we travel at light speed, thats many million/billion years til we get there.

So the nearest life supporting world is millions/billions of lightyears away? WTF
5,552 posts

So the nearest life supporting world is millions/billions of lightyears away? WTF

I don't know where this is coming from, but, the only life supporting world that we're looking for if we take this for true. We're looking for VERY specific conditions, temperature, atmospheric composition, bodies of water, consistency in conditions...etc. For all we know, life can spring up in many many many different environments, but, since we know it can in the type we're in, that's what we're looking for.
30 posts

there is a place called the goldilocks zone which means if any planets are in that zone and have H2O it is habitable by humans and scientists believe in the future our sun will expand causing earth to leave the goldilocks zone and other planets to go in it therefor will have to re-colonize just not in our life time. I predict we will have to in a couple hundred million years

360 posts

there is a place called the goldilocks zone which means if any planets are in that zone and have H2O it is habitable by humans and scientists believe in the future our sun will expand causing earth to leave the goldilocks zone and other planets to go in it therefor will have to re-colonize just not in our life time. I predict we will have to in a couple hundred million years

Finally, someone who knows the sun will not go novae. Yes, we will have to move in about a billion years.

I don't know where this is coming from, but, the only life supporting world that we're looking for if we take this for true. We're looking for VERY specific conditions, temperature, atmospheric composition, bodies of water, consistency in conditions...etc. For all we know, life can spring up in many many many different environments, but, since we know it can in the type we're in, that's what we're looking for.

The milky way galaxy is only 100 Thousand lightyears in diameter. Before we go searching far and over, we still have to check 100 billion stars.
5,129 posts

There was recently a planet discovered 3 Million Light Years away from us,

make that 600 light years

about the money and technology, it's developing fast and we will have to go sometime the Earth isn't going to last forever!

we can't go there yet. because we don't have the right fuel, speed or ability to keep resources for 600 year (if we go @ lightspeed) on 1 ship.
if we go to this planet thats 600 light years away tomorrow. then that ship will take millions of years befor it arrives.

communication whit this ship is also impossible because it will take more then 600 year befor 1 radiowave is there. and by that time it will be unable to find because of the "Cosmic microwave background radiation"
5,129 posts

I'm sorry, but did you just think we were going to land the space shuttle on the moon? Your argument is invalid.

nasa said itself. it's on their site

Manned, no. But we still send a ****ton of probes into space.

thats the job of nasa yes.

Eight miniutes. And there are more then three or four places.

aww just 1 min off.
and no there are not, if so can you give me the locations of the others outside the main 4? sofar i know 1 of the 4 places was even a maybe. and if so only small. maybe there are places where 1 building (outpost) would be safe but not a base.
(i'll post my map later when ive searched.)


kepler 22-b
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