ForumsWEPRShould the world colonize beyond earth?

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53 posts

This is actually a debate topic, and a dang good one. I want to see what all of you think about this, being a controversial topic.

I personally am against it, It is just another gambit that the economy has to worry about.

  • 156 Replies
360 posts

hahiha, is that a pics of a world whit 1 giant city? (link aint working)

if so then that will not happen in the near few 1000 year.
atm all 7 billion people living on this world would fit into los angeles (LA)

so to have 1 giant city all over the world we would need atleast 700 billion people. and by that time our consumerism would have killed this earth already.

Not really, if we have the tech to make a city that big, I'm pretty sure we could turn the moon into one giant farm.
5,129 posts

i don't think you can inmagion yourself how much 700 billion people realy is. you will need about 20 eurths to keep up whit that kinda demand. 1 moon wont be able to help.

10 posts

if its save and we can survive beyond earth people will.

360 posts

i don't think you can inmagion yourself how much 700 billion people realy is. you will need about 20 eurths to keep up whit that kinda demand. 1 moon wont be able to help.

We could easily grab stuff from the other Planets/moons in the SolSys, or just grab from some planets around other stars.
5,129 posts

We could easily grab stuff from the other Planets/moons in the SolSys, or just grab from some planets around other stars.

if we could then why shuoldn't we live there instead of evryone on this 1 planet. =P
5,129 posts

btw my numbers are all wrong. =P
700 billion is just 100 times more. while LA is not 1% of earth.
so it will be even waaayyyyyy more then 700 billion.

3 posts

i think eventually a alien species will come and give us warp travel or something and we will colonise. i mean a few days ago i heard scientists found a planet with earth like tempertures and characteristics. so yes we should.

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

i think eventually a alien species will come and give us warp travel or something and we will colonise. i mean a few days ago i heard scientists found a planet with earth like tempertures and characteristics. so yes we should.

So why is it that aliens are assured to come first instead of us going out to colonise them?
3,592 posts

So why is it that aliens are assured to come first instead of us going out to colonise them?

Good point their why would they waste their resources to reach us meanwhile they can wait for us to reach them if their are ALIENSout their.DT07
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Good point their why would they waste their resources to reach us meanwhile they can wait for us to reach them if their are ALIENSout their.DT07

No no. My point was that, why are we always envisioning about ourselves being the ones that are technologically inferior? Either way, though I detect sarcasm in your post, the point of colonization is to gather resources.
1,502 posts

Personally I see no point in colonizing somwhere else. Why should we unless it is a last resort? We already have a whole entire planet we don't take good care of, so why travel to one thats millions of lightyears away just so we can start the process over again? And what about the inhabitants of that planet? What if they are "hostile"? If the planet can support life, it is likely that it has animals of some sort, or even what we would call aliens.

We don't have to be inferiour... War of the Worlds is not real life, neither is Aliens or Sign. There is no basis of knowledge to say that the other "life forms" out here are more technologically advanced than us.

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

We already have a whole entire planet we don't take good care of

That's exactly why we need to colonize since our resources are definitely finite, with the major fuels running out alarmingly fast.

And what about the inhabitants of that planet? What if they are "hostile"? If the planet can support life, it is likely that it has animals of some sort, or even what we would call aliens.

We don't need to colonize planets that can support life, given that scientists plan to build enclosed spaces just for humans. Either way, I think the majority of colonies would just be resource gathering outposts for humanity.
1,502 posts

Well, here's the obvious flaw. Even if we travel at light speed, thats many million/billion years til we get there. There would have to be many generations of people being born and dying on the spaceship or shuttle or whatever it is that takes them there. That would mean resources would have to be provided to support the people living on the ship.
Thats a lot of resources. Food, and water, although the water shouldnt be a problem. Thats also a long time for something to go wrong with the ship. And if we are trying to harvest resources to take back to Earth, then we would have to travel ALL the way back, same risks as before. Just as well, just because a planet is like Earth doesn't mean its the same. It likely has different levels of minerals in the soil, and the veggies or whatever they have could be poisonous to our systems.

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Even if we travel at light speed, thats many million/billion years til we get there. There would have to be many generations of people being born and dying on the spaceship or shuttle or whatever it is that takes them there. That would mean resources would have to be provided to support the people living on the ship.

Off the bat, there are plans to colonize Mars, which doesn't take that long to reach. Next off, we can colonize via machines to just gather up resources.

Just as well, just because a planet is like Earth doesn't mean its the same. It likely has different levels of minerals in the soil, and the veggies or whatever they have could be poisonous to our systems.

We just need to excavate minerals we require, iron, copper, nickel etc, not exotic materials as of now.

There would have to be many generations of people being born and dying on the spaceship or shuttle or whatever it is that takes them there. That would mean resources would have to be provided to support the people living on the ship.

Cryo sleep. It's not science fiction.
5,129 posts

Well, here's the obvious flaw. Even if we travel at light speed, thats many million/billion years til we get there.

this 1st planet they saw wich will become our 1st realy far outpost. IF we ever got the know-how how to get there. is just 600 light years away. but your still right that it takes ages and many generations will never be outside this ship.
and if i know humans just a little bit then there will happen something that fails the mission. (something that happend in 1 of those vaults in fallout for example)

Off the bat, there are plans to colonize Mars, which doesn't take that long to reach.

about 9 months to be exact.

It is proposed that cryopreserved people might someday be recovered by using highly advanced future technology.[2]

The future repair technologies assumed by cryonics are still hypothetical

it's not fact either.
we can freeze them but there is no way yet to bring them back alive.
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