God doesn't exist because of the Red Light coming from the galaxies. When the planets are spreading they are dragging the light making it longer so it shifts to the longer wavelength of the visible light spectrum called the Red Light affect. This means that they have been expanding from a single point therefore they have been thrown into the universe by the Big Bang. The fossils prove the missing link between the monkeys and humans and therefore we must've evolved from them. God was invented to control the masses and before the police that was necessary to keep people in their place. Therefore why do we still believe in him when we have proven otherwise. 2/3 of the planet still believe in God and I want to know what u think, yeah?
I don't think you should believe god exists, I'm just saying that there's no definitive proof either way.
Fair enough, I agree with you there...
It's considered spam to continually post after yourself.
I'm not spamming. That's when you upload links of advertisements, not when you are speaking in your own terms on your own thread. Who the hell thought that was a good idea of spam? Other think that too and i was wondering who thought of it first is all...
I think you need to explain the concepts of spam to me, because I do not fully understand it...
Simply, you can't "rove" it one way or the other. There's nothing that flat out disproves the existence or possibility of there being a supernatural being that we would call, "God." Even if you can utterly rip apart any holy text or religion, that does not preclude the possibility of there being a supernatural being.
Alright then, I want to prove the extremely high improbability that God exists as a percentage of <0.1%.
"Believe" is a bit of a misleading word. The better way to state this is that at the moment the Big Bang Theory fits the best with our current knowledge of the universe.
Yes, that's what I meant. It's been a while since I last did that aspect of physics (2 years ago, in fact!).
As for having to believe in something...no, I don't think so, at least not the way I think you're saying it. It's not required to hold some way of thought in order to get along in the world.
I don't think you should believe god exists, I'm just saying that there's no definitive proof either way.
Fair enough, I agree with you there...
It's considered spam to continually post after yourself.
I'm not spamming. That's when you upload links of advertisements, not when you are speaking in your own terms on your own thread. Who the hell thought that was a good idea of spam? Other think that too and i was wondering who thought of it first is all...
I think you need to explain the concepts of spam to me, because I do not fully understand it...
Simply, you can't "rove" it one way or the other. There's nothing that flat out disproves the existence or possibility of there being a supernatural being that we would call, "God." Even if you can utterly rip apart any holy text or religion, that does not preclude the possibility of there being a supernatural being.
Alright then, I want to prove the extremely high improbability that God exists as a percentage of <0.1%.
"Believe" is a bit of a misleading word. The better way to state this is that at the moment the Big Bang Theory fits the best with our current knowledge of the universe.
Yes, that's what I meant. It's been a while since I last did that aspect of physics (2 years ago, in fact!).
As for having to believe in something...no, I don't think so, at least not the way I think you're saying it. It's not required to hold some way of thought in order to get along in the world.
I don't think you should believe god exists, I'm just saying that there's no definitive proof either way.
Fair enough, I agree with you there...
It's considered spam to continually post after yourself.
I'm not spamming. That's when you upload links of advertisements, not when you are speaking in your own terms on your own thread. Who the hell thought that was a good idea of spam? Other think that too and i was wondering who thought of it first is all...
I think you need to explain the concepts of spam to me, because I do not fully understand it...
Simply, you can't "rove" it one way or the other. There's nothing that flat out disproves the existence or possibility of there being a supernatural being that we would call, "God." Even if you can utterly rip apart any holy text or religion, that does not preclude the possibility of there being a supernatural being.
Alright then, I want to prove the extremely high improbability that God exists as a percentage of <0.1%.
"Believe" is a bit of a misleading word. The better way to state this is that at the moment the Big Bang Theory fits the best with our current knowledge of the universe.
Yes, that's what I meant. It's been a while since I last did that aspect of physics (2 years ago, in fact!).
As for having to believe in something...no, I don't think so, at least not the way I think you're saying it. It's not required to hold some way of thought in order to get along in the world.
I don't think you should believe god exists, I'm just saying that there's no definitive proof either way.
Fair enough, I agree with you there...
It's considered spam to continually post after yourself.
I'm not spamming. That's when you upload links of advertisements, not when you are speaking in your own terms on your own thread. Who the hell thought that was a good idea of spam? Other think that too and i was wondering who thought of it first is all...
I think you need to explain the concepts of spam to me, because I do not fully understand it...
Simply, you can't "rove" it one way or the other. There's nothing that flat out disproves the existence or possibility of there being a supernatural being that we would call, "God." Even if you can utterly rip apart any holy text or religion, that does not preclude the possibility of there being a supernatural being.
Alright then, I want to prove the extremely high improbability that God exists as a percentage of <0.1%.
"Believe" is a bit of a misleading word. The better way to state this is that at the moment the Big Bang Theory fits the best with our current knowledge of the universe.
Yes, that's what I meant. It's been a while since I last did that aspect of physics (2 years ago, in fact!).
As for having to believe in something...no, I don't think so, at least not the way I think you're saying it. It's not required to hold some way of thought in order to get along in the world.
I think you need to explain the concepts of spam to me, because I do not fully understand it...
Spam is when you make posts that are unnecessary or repetitive or which just flood the thread/topic/comments.
1) Posts under 7 words are generally considered spam 2) Double posting and over is generally considered spam (unless the second post is to add to the first or you got ninja-ed) 3) Off topic posts
So far you've double posted the same comment 2-3 times on this thread (See your above posts). Click on the submit button only once to stop that from occuring. You've also posted on top of yourself multiple times while responding to seperate people. While not off topic or under 7 words, all of that could have been said in one post instead of 5 seperate ones.
As for having to believe in something...no, I don't think so, at least not the way I think you're saying it. It's not required to hold some way of thought in order to get along in the world. That's what religious people do...
Please explain further, I'm not sure I catch what you're trying to say.
Alright then, I want to prove the extremely high improbability that God exists as a percentage of <0.1%.
You can't really add a probability to it. Either it exists or it doesn't, which would make it have the odds of 50/50, but odds can be misleading. Really, all you can do is show that God is an unncessary addition to already existing concepts and pick apart religious doctrine/texts so as to show that they are flawed.
Any person who applies at least some thought or has some knowledge of biology will know that, if interpreted at face value, the story of Adam and Eve is a load of horse dung.
Thank you, that was what I was getting at, not the fact that it is good at being a good anecdote, anyway...
The "ultimate" defence that religion has is this statement.
I know, that's how I'm trying to be fair...
God is the cause of everything in the universe. He created everything as it is, and is behind every action that occurs.
No he doesn't. He was invented by humans therefore how could you possibly know that that is true?
You can't disprove this, or argue against it, because you would have to disprove reality. In this instance, throwing God behind it all is adding something that can neither be proven nor disproven, and since religion requires faith this is not a problem.
God doesn't exist and I won't believe it until it is proved. The Big Bang Theory may be wrong, but it has the most amount of evidence backing up. Moreso than the invented God. If he is being referred to perverbially, then fair enough. But if you are saying that he exists, then you're wrong...
So far you've double posted the same comment 2-3 times on this thread (See your above posts). Click on the submit button only once to stop that from occuring. You've also posted on top of yourself multiple times while responding to seperate people. While not off topic or under 7 words, all of that could have been said in one post instead of 5 seperate ones.
I DID NOT CLICK ON THE SUBMIT BUTTON MORE THAN ONCE! My computer crashed! I clicked refresh and it resent the information. Even if that is considered spamming, it is accidental, not intentional. Jeez, give me a break... Stop talking about spam, if you wanna talk about anything off-topic post it on my profile page, will ya?!!
Please explain further, I'm not sure I catch what you're trying to say.
Religious people invented God so that there would be an explanation for the creation of the universe. They are wrong to say that without any backing evidence, which is fair enough because that was how it was back then but I do not understand why we still believe in it!
You can't really add a probability to it. Either it exists or it doesn't, which would make it have the odds of 50/50, but odds can be misleading. Really, all you can do is show that God is an unncessary addition to already existing concepts and pick apart religious doctrine/texts so as to show that they are flawed.
Whatever, man. There are so many possibilities to the creation of the universe that God is only one of the infinite possibilities. So it is <0.1%. Don't dispute me there, I do A-Level Statistics; I know what I'm on about...
The Big Bang Theory may be wrong, but it has the most amount of evidence backing up. Moreso than the invented God. If he is being referred to perverbially, then fair enough. But if you are saying that he exists, then you're wrong...
I'm going to quote myself here, because you obviously did not read what I said.
The Big Bang Theory has nothing to do with the existence of God. In fact, 18th century philosophers were the first to believe in a God who pretty much created the world and then went on his merry way. Which, to put it in a modern context, could mean that God set up the Big Bang and then was simply never heard from again.
You would do better with referring to the theory of evolution as inconclusive proof of God's nonexistence. Although probably not the way I'd hope for.
Your logic, Jamezzs, is faulty and you refuse to accept it.
No he doesn't. He was invented by humans therefore how could you possibly know that that is true?
How do you know he was invented by humans? Many people have claimed to have talked to God.
Yeah, but the LIED!!! Ever heard of the ability to lie? Well, they were wrong and possibly crazy. They never heard God speakin to them, that was schizophrenia, man...
There are so many possibilities to the creation of the universe that God is only one of the infinite possibilities.
I wasn't referring to the the creation of the universe, I was saying that there is either a supernatural being or there isn't. Only two possibilities there.
They are wrong to say that without any backing evidence, which is fair enough because that was how it was back then but I do not understand why we still believe in it!
They did not yet know how the universe worked and what not, which made religion easy to accept. Nowadays people believe in it because their parents taught them to and many other people do as well. They constantly get support in their beliefs and do not listen to reason/logic and do not apply reason/logic to their beliefs.
I wasn't referring to the the creation of the universe, I was saying that there is either a supernatural being or there isn't. Only two possibilities there.
yeah that is a 50/50 chance. Sorry for the confusion
They did not yet know how the universe worked and what not, which made religion easy to accept. Nowadays people believe in it because their parents taught them to and many other people do as well. They constantly get support in their beliefs and do not listen to reason/logic and do not apply reason/logic to their beliefs.
That's because they follow religion blindly not knowing why they are doing so.
BTW, the reason why it is taking you so long to respond is because you have to think long and hard about what to say next because you know really that I'm right and that you're wrong and therefore you have to concentrate a lot in order to say anything sensible against me, whereas I can just blurt my opinions onto the page because I don't need to think long and hard about it because I know that I am right and I don't need to think up anything smart to combat that like you do. So, LOL!!!
Post things if you think that this is a somewhat controversial topic for choice!!!!!