so do people think we evolved from billions of years ago, and became the most intelligent animal that has ever lived on this planet by chance, or that, an other theory, that we were put here but aliens as an experiment.
I know this is a bit crazy, but on Coast to Coast a few days ago, George Noory had a guy on that had some theories about our beginnings. One of those theories was that somewhere out there, there are interplanetary wars between different races of humans. Earth was a test in which all these races were placed on one planet and left alone. These faraway humans are now watching us to see how we settle our differences.
If this is true then...
could it be that our ancestor human parents have lived in Mars, had superior technology, but died out due to the destruction of their world from people from Venus? And the people from Venus died out due to an extreme form of global warming?? Remember we have traces in mars where there were water patterns there. And if Venus had 85% of the carbon dioxide gases taken out, it would be a fairly stable planet, once it had its atmosphere back in place. It would be slightly warmer yes, but it is in a position, where, given the circumstances, could be a habitable place to live.
Does it really matter it's an interesting discussion continue it. I like what Shinsetsu said and the quote except I don't believe that our 'ancestors' lived on Mars and Venus and all i'm of the opinion that they lived in entirely different solar Systems perhaps even in different star clusters within the same galaxy am I not hoping for outside the galaxy just yet, lol not even Star Trek has gone that far.
However, I find it interesting how at one time Mars could have most likely held life. Sometimes I wonder if we didn't do to Mars what we are doing to Earth now, pretty much screwing it up. Then we came to Earth and abandoned Mars.