First of all, i would like to start with some weapons that are really useful and why they are.
Name: The holy grail Function: This gun has only one bullet a clip, but one of its shots is deadly for allmost all non shielded enemys.
Name: The acid hound Function: A weird but powerful rocket launcher. Use it wisely to prevent from killing yourself.
Now i would like to say some tips
Tip 1: If you are low on hp, do NOT try to hide etc. Try to find an health package.
Tip 2: Adrenaline boost is not needed at all! If you get hit by a rocket launcher and you get hit again, whats the function then? You will just die!
Tip 3: If you do a capture the flag mission, make sure there is at least one person that is defending the flag. It will prevent the enemys from getting your flags while you are trying to steal their flags.
Another duplicate of
And about those tips.... 1. You cant hide at all so I dont know how anyone would do that 2. I've killed tons of enemies with 1% hp left and you should be able to dodge that second shot 2. the NPCs are dumb they wont do anything even if they are at your flag
Why do you say that? If it's a 1 on 1 match, you could just hide from the enemy until you can pick up a health powerup.
Tip 3: If you do a capture the flag mission, make sure there is at least one person that is defending the flag.
True, if you're doing a difficult level. Unless you're doing a 1 on 1 level, then it doesn't matter about where you run.
Tip 2: Adrenaline boost is not needed at all! If you get hit by a rocket launcher and you get hit again, whats the function then? You will just die!
Unless you quickly use your static field to reflect the shots. However, for the Ion Cannon, it will be useless considering that weapon has a fire special.
Tip 3: If you do a capture the flag mission, make sure there is at least one person that is defending the flag.
This won't be impossible if you set the enemies harder your allies (bot) ! First : Sometimes they're stupid and don't take the flags to our base immediately, as they wanna' chase other enemies, LOL x(... Second : No bot "volunteer" to guard our flags like you have just said, except they will respawn right then....
Tip 1: If you are low on hp, do NOT try to hide etc. Try to find an health package. Tip 2: Adrenaline boost is not needed at all! If you get hit by a rocket launcher and you get hit again, whats the function then? You will just die!
Trust me ! Emergency boost is better if you want to's up to your skills... But I will give you a small tip : The bots never walk in one way for a long time, they may change the direction after a few seconds (like run away from us even they're all chasing us, LOL). This point of their stupidity may help you hide...anyway...but beware the Shredder and Ice Hunter...
Tip: When you are using any explosive, try to get rapid fire cause' bullets will be flying out really fast
That's a dumb idea. If you do that, the "really fast bullets" are likely to make you suicide. The risk of killing yourself with explosions isn't worth one or two kills. Plus, if the enemy has static shield(like RAZE) you just screwed yourself. Better off using the Shredder instead.
Name: The acid hound Function: A weird but powerful rocket launcher. Use it wisely to prevent from killing yourself.
Usually the default Rocket Launcher and the Ice hunter are more useful. They're a lot stronger and more useful against Raze, who will usually throw a Static Sheild as soon as you hit him, so the first hist matters more there.
Tip 3: If you do a capture the flag mission, make sure there is at least one person that is defending the flag. It will prevent the enemys from getting your flags while you are trying to steal their flags.
This would work if the enemy AI wasn't smarter than your team AI. They never defend and throw themselves at the enemy. To top that off, they usually ignore the opponent if they have the flag but are a bit far away.
[quote]Tip 2: Adrenaline boost is not needed at all! If you get hit by a rocket launcher and you get hit again, whats the function then? You will just die!
And with any other defensive equipment, you "will just die" in only one rocket. In other words YOU FAIL QUINNIEDUDE.[/quote]
lol Unless you're going against a robot; I think they have more health.