ForumsNews and Feedback[duplicate] Bad Eggs Online

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Bad eggs online is a fun multiplayer online game u get to play with users live i have a list of glitches in the game

1. On the Castle fire a bazoka at the bottom right (the wall noy the floor make sure theres part of the wall under it) now fire an airstrike at the bottom of the explosion (on top of the bottom part)

2. play 3 vs.3 if u r in the middlethrow a gas nade directly under u it should travel under ground Castle map

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15,595 posts

Here's a thread in the appropriate section of the forums to discuss this game.

And here's the developer's profile. You're better off reporting the glitches/bugs/problems in the game on his profile than you are in the forums considering most developer's probably don't often check the forums and AG staff can't attempt to fix his game.

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