ForumsThe Tavern10 Life goals

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1,094 posts

So, if you have some goals you wish to accomplish before you die, post them here. Would be thankful if you also post why you would like to accomplish the listed things. And yes, 10. No more, no less.

1. Go Skydiving- I always wanted to jump out of a plane and land safely.

2. See a Whale- I think whales are majestic creatures, so large, but so beautiful

3. Dive deeper than 100m- The deepest I've gone in all my 2000 dives is around 30m. Wonder how it is down there

4. Do at least 15 more professional plays in the Yugoslovean Drama Theater- I'm an actor, always have been since I was a child. Needles to say, this would be a very large achievement.

5. Propose to my girlfriend- Need I say why I want this?

6. Make my Father happy- He used to be a happy man before my mother died. It all went downhill. I just need to make him happy somehow.

7. Become a Sc.D- 2012, I've got 4 or 5 years worth of education left (probably a lot more), I want to be a doctor in the fields of Physics and Chemistry

8. Save up money- Not just because I need some savings, but my brother has the starting of a serious disea

  • 19 Replies
1,094 posts

I'm sorry for the random cut at number 8, I don't understand what's wrong with AG these days.

8. Save up money- Not just because I need some savings, but my brother has the starting of a serious disease, I can't recall the name, I want to aid him fight it, which I hope we will be able to dodge

9. Go to church- This may seem as a small accomplishment, but I grew in a family of pure Atheists where my parents used to take away the privilege of playing outside if I gone inside a church. Yes, my parents were that extreme in their disbelief.

10. Visit my old school 'friend'- I was bullied by this one kid, I used to beat him up every day for tormenting my friends as well, he said I'd accomplish nothing in my life. He is 21 years old, hasn't a job and lives with his parents with minimal education. I'm the same age, Live wherever I decide to live and will doctor in 2 scientific fields.

5,340 posts

8. Save up money- Not just because I need some savings, but my brother has the starting of a serious disease, I can't recall the name, I want to aid him fight it, which I hope we will be able to dodge

then id change it into "helping my brother overcome the desease" then just "save up money"

lets see mine... (they are pretty simple and i dont even think i have 10...)

1. find love
2. find friends who will accept me
3. making my love/friends happy
4. live and die with no regrets
5. be a better person (note: the word 'better' will never change because i think there is always room for being kinder and nicer)
6. not to see or think of people/events i dont want to
7. go to college in usa (not a real goal... just a way for me to get some of the above
8. to not hurt anyone (kind of like number 4)
9. feel safe (in any way)
10.have more confidence

i guess all of those are just sub goals to my ultimate one:

being happy
2,074 posts

Here is my list! Some of them are only temporarily goals.

--Not in a specific order--

~ Try not to stay on ArmorGames for too long - For the last 2 weeks, I've been on AG for like 2 hours a day

~ Not to be so racist - Since the beginning of the school year, I've constantly been saying quote quote racist comments.

~ Not to argue with the site's moderators - I've argued plenty of times on here and I don't want to be banned again.

~ Get all A's - In 6th grade I did it, but this year, in 8th grade, not so much.

~ Not to forget things my parents tell me to do - My parents always yell at me.

~ Get a better rank on ArmorGames - I don't want other AG users to say "Haha! You're still a knight!".

~ Talk to my friends from elementary school - I had this one friend I had in 5th grade, but then we went to different middle schools.

~ Get the teachers to like me - So far, either the teachers I have 1) hate me or 2) Don't care.

~ Get along with people - I like to complain and argue, so I don't have good relationships with certain peeps.

~ Visit different countries and cultures - I always stay here in the U.S., which is kinda boring sometimes.

274 posts

Get all A's - In 6th grade I did it, but this year, in 8th grade, not so much.
Easy enough.

But I'd say that I'd like to be more aggressive, or less aggressive. All I know is that I wanna change the quantity of aggressiveness. Also I've been to America 8 times and my goal is to live their and be a forensic pathologist. I don't have 10 goals...
15,595 posts

- Finish highschool. (Seems easy enough, but I want to try to finish with excellent grades/marks)

- Study law in college.

- Possibly join the army or the marines a year or two after highschool. (Mainly because they'll help with college)

- Get a career involving law.

I'm not sure what else to put down. I'll figure it out along the way.

347 posts

1. Go sky diving
2. Go bungee jumping
3. Ride a hot air balloon
4. Learn how to solve a rubix cube.
5. Learn how to play 3 instruments
6. Run a marathon
7. Say the phrase, "There's something you don't see everyday".
8. Be on t.v in anyway.

I'm still working on it. I want at least 10 things, but no more than 20.

1,608 posts

1. keep my love.
2. Get a house.
3. Be a nice guy.
4. Go to church more.
5. Stop with this cuz I think of anything more.

1 posts

1. Go sky diving.
2. Play soccer on a very high rank.
3. Get full A's in school.
4. Be famous ( i know if i make nr.2 i'll succeed with this one.)
5. Travel around the world.
6. Find the true love.
7. Spend more time with friends.
8. Learn the "Crazy Train" solo on guitar ( i know the rest of the song but the solo is like impossible.)
9. Run a marathon.
10. get married and get kids ( if i can accomplish nr.6 this will probably happen.)


5,365 posts

1. Visit Canada and Germany. - My two favorite countries. ...Actually, the only two I like. :| I have many reasons for loving them.
2. Obtain a $100,000+/year job. - While I don't think it's everything, I do think money is important.
3. Become better at Latin. - I've been taking it for several years, and I'm ok with it. I think it's an important language, and it's not actually that hard.
4. Learn to play a keyboard synthesizer. - In my opinion, its versatility makes it the best instrument. You can play almost anything with one.
5. Become closer to my religion. - Unlike my statement about money, I think religion is everything. I can be much closer to my God, and my faith has kept me alive countless times.
6. Write. - And I mean, write. Like, an entire book of short stories. Even though I don't like a lot of writing, and I'm not good with reports or anything, I have recently found out that I enjoy writing horror short stories. I should finish my first within a week or so.
7. Travel to Willowdale, Toronto. It's where my favorite band, Rush, was formed.
8. Buy a 2010 Chevrolet Camaro SS. - My dream car. :3 I'm going to spend thousands on aftermarket parts.
9. See Rush perform live. - Like I said, they're my favorite band. Meeting them would be great as well.
10. Control my anger. - You really have no idea how important this is. I've never even thrown anything, but I'm incredibly irascible and hateful. (Only sometimes, though. I'm nice to people I like. But I don't like a lot of people... :[ )

205 posts

1. Get that boy to be my love (unless I'm destined to fall for a Japanese seiyuu aka Kousaka Atsushi)
2. Travel around the world
3. Do thrilling sports (skydiving, etc)
4. Practice archery
5. Be a seiyuu
6. Be an illustrator
7. Play violin, cello & drums
8. Watch Jpop & Kpop live
9. Live in Spain or Japan
10. Watch seiyuu events

3,371 posts

1. Be a great scientist that helps people.
2. Find someone that really cares about me. (Girl)
3. Make this person (girl) happy and keep it (her) happy.
4. Overcome my asthma.
5. Feel wanted/cared about.
6. Make lots of money so I can fund more research, or donate to go along with the cause of helping people.
7. Save someone from a terrible life. If possible, a whole group of people.
8. Have kids(or not.) I still want to try either way.
9. Still be healthy as I get older.
10. People to understand and accept me.

4,710 posts

1. write at least one book.
2. get my own library.
3. marry, make one boy and one girl.
4. to work in an institution where i can care for disabled people.
5. travel around the world with my mom or alone.
6. see some old school friends again from face to face.
7. learn a third language (maybe Dutch or French).
8. learn how to play a guitar.
9. have one room or a glass house in my garden full of cactuses.
10. get a cat, a dog, a hammock and a waterbed.

if you have questions (in case i described not anything enough), then ask.

676 posts

1. Go skydiving.
2. Meet a goat while skydiving
3. Have my parachutes not work while skydiving and use the goat for protection
4. Be yelled at by animal activists
5. Go to jail
6. Escape from prison
7. Become a fugitive
8. Cause a explosion with a cool action scene (with guns!)
9. Go to Uncle Gary for help.
10. Find out uncle gary is a Al kida (however you spell it) member.
11. Save the world.

I don't want to do those in order, by the way.

2,074 posts

- Get Married - :3

On AG? lol
347 posts

You sure about 'in any way'? Maybe not every possibility would be a good thing. :P

Well... I meant in any way like in a commercial, or an interview, or an ad.
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