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14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Since this topic hasn't been popping up much, and since the old threads are all so cluttered up, I took the liberty of creating this new one.

So yes, someone asked me for sources about my claims that 1500 species of animals practice homosexual behaviour? Here.

Source 1

Source 2

Now on to one of the sub questions. Is it natural? Well, someone mentioned that it wasn't natural only for humans. Now, why this discrimination? If the Gods of various religions keep throwing and creating people who are homosexual, either a) They're bad factory operators or b) Something is fishy with whatever anti-gay talk religious conservatives swear is sacred.

  • 704 Replies
5,340 posts

there is a difference though. when 2 gays want to marry both of them want that. obviously an object cant have the will to marry and since we cant communicate with animals we dont know if the animal wants to marry either. that argument is as stupid as all the others. i mean, a religious jew can say "you eat bacon? what will happen next? eating humans?" anything can turn into an extreme way and people just love showing those sides to prove their illogical opinions as facts

5,129 posts

"where does it stop from there?"

it's not a reason, it's a question.

married to multiple people

it's nothing strange, it happens ALOT in this world

incest marriages

incest gives much more actual problems then homosexuality does.
not only for the people themself but also for the rest of society.

getting married to animals.

and why should we disalowe that? if people think they are going to be happy. let them marry whit animals. aslong it is clear that animal sex is BAD!!

like if we legalized marijuana, then soon afterwords, there would be another drug that people would want legalized soon after

come the my country and you will see this is totaly BS.

well it's BS if the people are educated enoufg on that field.
i would see americans actualy getting so stupid to demand all drugs legal. but it is very very unlikly in any other country.

there is a difference though. when 2 gays want to marry both of them want that. obviously an object cant have the will to marry and since we cant communicate with animals we dont know if the animal wants to marry either. that argument is as stupid as all the others. i mean, a religious jew can say "you eat bacon? what will happen next? eating humans?" anything can turn into an extreme way and people just love showing those sides to prove their illogical opinions as facts

8,256 posts

things like getting married to multiple people, or incest marriages,

Homo sapiens, if I remember correctly, is technically supposedly a polygynic species. And polygamy was and is still quite widespread. Only those with a different set of moral (the christian one for instance) have a problem with that. And probably feminists too.

Incest marriages, it will never gain enough support to pass, although it has been rather common in the past. All royal houses have done that, I'm sure. And really apart from the morals again, there's technically nothing to argue against it. The only no-no are incest offsprings of course.

I'm not arguing in favor of any of it, don't get me wrong. I'm just trying to make you think about why exactly something is to be considered wrong.
6,672 posts

i agree with everything you guys are saying, and have said some of the same stuff as you guys in actual debates at places like school.

im just saying, its the only reasonable argument i can think of.

5,552 posts

im just saying, its the only reasonable argument i can think of.

If the most reasonable argument against something is a logical fallacy, that's a pretty good reason in itself for it to be allowed.
2,301 posts

aslong it is clear that animal sex is BAD!!
I'm assuming you mean bestiality. Now, this has come up on this thread before, but I want to make a much stronger and more partisan claim than before: No it isn't. You're wrong. Humans having sex with non-human animals is not morally wrong per se. All the arguments for my position have been laid out on this thread -- they are the same arguments championing homosexual rights.

Because the real reason anyone is against either of them is because it just seems wrong to them. They decide it's wrong first and rationalize that. As we're about to see.
5,340 posts

be surprised and hate me but honestly i dont find sex with animals as bad. yes, it might cause diseases (and this is a guess. i dont care enough to actually research about this one) but in my opinion as long as both want it there is nothing wrong with it. usually you cant know when an animal actually wants it or not but with some animals you just do. (i was really surprised when 3 dogs (NOT together) actually tried something with me. and if your that interested only one of them was female XD)

1,386 posts

Though I dont really like gay people, I do think that gay marriage should be allowed, its other peoples choices to marry their loved ones.

1,094 posts

like if we legalized marijuana, then soon afterwords, there would be another drug that people would want legalized soon after

Some countries, as you probably know, had made marijuana legal, for the simple reason of profit. Instead of criminals and what-not earning tons of money via marijuana, a country can make marijuana legal, being sold in stores and pharmacies, thus, earning profit. Amsterdam is an example.

Gay Marriage should be legal. I know about 10, 11 gay couples that are together for years, and are very happy with each other. And then, when you turn your head towards straight people, you see marriages that cost millions of dollars that last for a month or two. Of course, I realize not everyone is as big an idiot as these kind of people, but it makes me melancholic when I hear on the news someone divorcing after a month together, while gay people are banned from getting married.
5,129 posts

I'm assuming you mean bestiality. Now, this has come up on this thread before, but I want to make a much stronger and more partisan claim than before: No it isn't. You're wrong. Humans having sex with non-human animals is not morally wrong per se. All the arguments for my position have been laid out on this thread -- they are the same arguments championing homosexual rights.

it can traumatise the animals of the animal in question is smart enoufg to understand.

and i know it's not seen moraly wrong everywhere in the world.
in some places it's kinda normal to **** a chiken aslong you don't have a girl to **** yet. and even these people's parents know they **** chikens.

the same arguments championing homosexual rights.

not realy. gay's can tell eatchother they want a **** in their ***.
a chiken can not agree whit it and is simply miss-used.

a country can make marijuana legal, being sold in stores and pharmacies, thus, earning profit. Amsterdam is an example.

i just want to make clear that here in the netherlands marijuana is not sold in any store. only some special shops are alowed to sell it and even those shops are not allowed to buy marijuana themself or to grow it themself. there is still alot criminality around marijuana here in the netherlands.
but whitout a single doubt we have WAAAAYYY less then any other country where marijuana is 100% illegal.
(in the netherlands it isn't legal either, we only pretend it is )
3,139 posts

Though I dont really like gay people

.... Great argument.

There's nothing wrong with being gay and wanting to be married. It's basic human rights. Imagine [those straight people in the forum] being told that you can't marry the man/woman of your choice? Just because.

Being gay isn't unnatural. We're all humans. We all feel happy, sad, we all love and feel loved. It's only right that we should marry and be allowed to adopt.
5,129 posts

be allowed to adopt.

this should depend if they are able to care good enoufg for the kid.
they should not be alowed to adopt only because they are gay and married.
3,139 posts

this should depend if they are able to care good enoufg for the kid.
they should not be alowed to adopt only because they are gay and married.

Well of course, the same rules would need to apply for gay couple adoption to normal adoption. Only those financially and emotionally secure.

I mean if you look at the welfare system, there's way too many kids needing adoption and not enough families adopting. Now, if gay couple adoption was legal everywhere, it would start to slowly eliminate the numerous kids in foster care or living in neglect.
5,129 posts

if gay couple adoption was legal everywhere, it would start to slowly eliminate the numerous kids in foster care or living in neglect.

it didn't had that effect here in NL
3,139 posts

it didn't had that effect here in NL

Where is your statistics for that?
Showing 661-675 of 704