Now on to one of the sub questions. Is it natural? Well, someone mentioned that it wasn't natural only for humans. Now, why this discrimination? If the Gods of various religions keep throwing and creating people who are homosexual, either a) They're bad factory operators or b) Something is fishy with whatever anti-gay talk religious conservatives swear is sacred.
These attempts to make such parts not mean what they are saying is just another example of cognitive dissonance. You are told the Bible is a book of morals, you are confronted with verse that are clearly not moral, so to resolve the dissonance you try and make those parts mean something else.
Oh no, i totally believe the bible is immoral in so many explicit ways, trust me. You have seen me before, talking about the flaws within the bible and even though we don't agree, one argument that weedles it's way in is that the bible was written by man, but yes.
Leviticus 18:22 "'Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable.
Leviticus 20:13 "'If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.
Is what i am referring to with the population crisis. It is true that there are other homophobic verses in the bible, and as a lesbian i'm not defending it in the slightest, trust me. But currently, the research on church history [by homophobic christians] is actually suggesting that Leviticus as a writer was clearly homophobic (due to the wording) but the motive was for the population.
the size of the gay scene doesn't matter. the question was if adoption by gay people fixes the need for more foster homes.
Me talking about the size of the gay scene was not in terms of adoption, it was in terms of you suggesting that you knew so many gay people.
Foster care is a problem world wide - we've established this. My argument is not that gay people suddenly fix this problem, it's that if the WORLD, in it's entirety (Not just NL) allowed gay adoption, it could help decrease the numbers. Plain and simple. I'm not disagreeing with you, i'm just not limiting it to Netherlands, I don't pretend to have knowledge on NL, because well, i don't.
But currently, the research on church history [by homophobic christians] is actually suggesting that Leviticus as a writer was clearly homophobic (due to the wording) but the motive was for the population.
And that part is why I wouldn't trust such research and would require a second less bias opinion supporting it. Far to often do we get apologetics doing the job of what I mention in my previous post and this really smacks of doing just that.
But currently, the research on church history [by homophobic christians] is actually suggesting that Leviticus as a writer was clearly homophobic (due to the wording) but the motive was for the population.
Thinking about it let's break down the logic of this for a moment. So apparently the whole point of what's going on in Leviticus with homosexuality is so they can shore up the population some. So the catch two guys going at it and the solution to this? Have them put to death reducing your overall population by two. Doesn't sound like such a good plan for shore up the population.
not the population. but it would scare those who are also homosexual and they will hide and wont have sex. away from the eyes, away from the heart.
i think its supposed to be more of a punishment then solution. again, they are "kind" enough to say that only having sex is a sin and being gay isnt so as long as you dont accept yourself or apologize for what you are your ok