Certain events in history have such huge impact that we remember exactly where we were and what we were doing when they happened. Think of one such event and tell about it on here.
I distinctly remember finding out about Osama Bin Laden's death. I was home in my dining room. I was on facebook and saw a post about Osama being killed. I flipped on the TV and turned it to the news; sure enough Osama was killed by Navy SEALS. It was late at night and I yelled for my mom to "get down here". I remember seeing the college kids in Washington DC going crazy in front of the white house. My mom was pretty much in awe.
Really, the only thing that's happened in my lifetime was 9/11, and that was just a terrorist attack on the U.S.A, not really world changing either.
Same here. Terrorists have came and died, and simply put, although it was momentous for many people, especially the families of 9/11 victims, I won't call it a world changing event. Terrorism is still alive and well.
Apart from 9/11 the other closer more world changing event is the fall of the USSR, and I wasn't even born then.
9/11 definitely, 9/11 had a bigger impact on me than any other "historical" event of my lifetime. I remember watching the live footage and thinking this is fake, its not really happening, its a trailer for a movie or a bad joke. But sadly it was very real. The whole thing was very surreal.
Anyways, I also remember the 2001 Afghanistan war, Iraq of 2003 and 2006 Lebanon war.
I'unno, I don't think there's been much truly world-changing stuff happen during my lifetime, a coupla wars and some terrorist attacks - and that whole 9/11 thing. Nothing truly major that hasn't happened before in history.
I remember Obama being elected. World changing. The downfall of the United states. :/
haha true dat
I hardly find that world changing.
You don't think it disrupted the Taliban for even a day? It would be like the assassination of the president of the US or the prime minister of Britain these countries would still be "alive and well.", but it would disrupt them and it would definitely be a world changing event.
I distinctly remember finding out about Osama Bin Laden's death. I was home in my dining room. I was on facebook and saw a post about Osama being killed. I flipped on the TV and turned it to the news; sure enough Osama was killed by Navy SEALS. It was late at night and I yelled for my mom to "get down here". I remember seeing the college kids in Washington DC going crazy in front of the white house. My mom was pretty much in awe.
The reason you remember it is because it was so recent. But I guess it does sound like it was very significant to you.
I guess I don't feel the affect of it as much because I'm Canadian. But I barely remember the day, and when I found out I merely thought "Oh wow. They finally did it."
It's America changing, not really world changing. I mean it does change the world, but not as significantly as the assassination of a world leader or a natural disaster causing mass destruction in a highly populated area.
I would say the Japanese Tsunami was much more memorable for me than the death of Osama.
You don't think it disrupted the Taliban for even a day? It would be like the assassination of the president of the US or the prime minister of Britain these countries would still be "alive and well.", but it would disrupt them and it would definitely be a world changing event.
Oh I'm sure it disrupted them greatly. But the way those organizations work, they are always ready for someone higher up to die, there is always a replacement. Osama was fully replaced within a week with "Osama 2.0"
I came back from outside when I saw towers crashing on TV. First I thought its some kind of a movie.
Now THAT I remember.
I would put myself down for 9/11, the japanese tsunami, And the death of Michael Jackson.
Sorry for double post. But I've heard stories about the day Elvis died. My mother told me she walked into her friends house and everyone was crying, even a grandmother. They were all balling. It was huge.
For 9/11, I was in school and they made an announcement, but it didn't mean much because I was too young to really understand. For Bin Laden's death, I woke up and it was on the news. It wasn't a big deal to me because I figured he was dead or almost dead for a few years since the Taliban stopped giving proof that he was alive. He looked quite weak in their last video proof.
I think he might have been ill at the end of his life. For 9/11 I didn't learn until I saw it on the news after school, but I think I was 6 so I didn't really get impacted. Bin Laden's death, I was watching CNN, and they broke the story with a speech by Obama.
I am rather surprised with the flippancy to which so many American posters are reffering to 911 with. Whatever you believe about the affect it had on operational ability of terrorist groups in the Middle East, it was undoubtedly a world changing moment in world history. Never before was the conflict between Western capitalism and Islamic fundamentalism so clearly symbolised as on 911. And of course it heralded the Patriot Act, the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, despite the latters irrelevance to the terrorist act itself.
To answer the question though, I was coming home from school when I heard about it on the radio. It was rather odd, because unlike the London bombings, it was unclear for a long time whether or not it was a terrorist attack after the first aircraft hit the towers, and not simply massive pilot error or a malfunctioning aircraft.
Oh it's not that we don't think it was a big deal. It's just that most of us were too young to understand at the time.
I mentioned it in mine, and I understood at the time as well (3rd grade) but I still don't think that it's "that" world changing. What I consider world changing is like the discovery of electricity, or computers, etc. Things that have affected nearly everything we do and continue to do so.