I'm going to overall like it because they are adding a lot of new things that will make it more fun and better. There are some things that I'll dislike, but I'll get over it.
The new site has much to offer that the old one doesn't. The backgrounds are a cool improvement. The search bar works much better than the one on the old site. The slides on the front page catch your eye and show you the games you'd want to play.
Overall, I think that AGv3 is going to be a HUGE success.
I like it, although there are a few kinks. In the "new games" section right on the top of the homepage, not ALL new games show up, just somewhat popular ones, but I've noticed my taste is a lot different from the majority's, so this can bother me. Also,I think that it's really just a lot of changing the look, and not TOO much content. I would really like to see some more new content on the site, because I've seen so many content ideas that are GREAT in the feedback forum thing. That's it. Otherwise, great