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9,439 posts

The US ambassador to Syria is being sent back due to excessive violence against peaceful protesters. Protests have become so bloody (4000+ unarmed civilians killed) that many members of Bashar Al-Assad's own army have decided to join the rebellion against his regime because they cannot condone the killing of innocents and decided to actively defend them. link.

Your thoughts, opinions, ideas?

  • 26 Replies
5,129 posts

I'm interested in hearing what u think about the current events in my country

carry on

i'm more intrested in your opinion.
do you think other nations should help the rebels/protesters wich will result in a full size war.
or do you not want a full size war in your country and rather do it like it's going for the last half year+
653 posts

I hope the US does not try to intervene with Syria and create another Libya situation. Many do not know that Russia is an allie to Syria. That could get very interesting.

Russia has plenty of its own problems over the election. I don't think they would be able to voice much of an opposition and definitely not boots on the ground in Syria. They need their soldiers at home to threaten their own protestors.
755 posts

@Deth666: Just so you know, russian warships and submarines have just been deployed from their port in Syria. I think it's a little more serious than most truly understand. Russia is a force, you have to understand they have do have a heavy fist. I just dont think it is in our best interest to start that war. Also knowing China and Russia are good friends. I say let NATO lead this crusade, and let America take a back seat. America is not the world police.

5,129 posts

I say let NATO lead this crusade, and let America take a back seat.

like the usa did whit libya?
start the bombing and then say "it's not our war, europe go and fix it we already have 2 other wars going on"

**** that, don't try to put your policing the world at NATO now.
don't **** over nato that it is their problem. it's not nato's problem either. if the usa is going to do that trick again, i sure will contact the media. and use that medium to show europeans what tards the usa realy is. it will become a real mission except for a side mission to spread the anti-usa word.
4,752 posts
Grand Duke

it will become a real mission except for a side mission to spread the anti-usa word.

I beg your pardon? You've lost me there.
Could you clarify what's the "real mission"?
5,129 posts

atm it's to keep my job and business rolling.

that i would give pass on to my brother and i will spread the word. (isn't 1st time he takes it over from me so i can focus on something els then the business.)

5,129 posts

i should have used "main" instead of "real"

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

I say let NATO lead this crusade, and let America take a back seat. America is not the world police.

America provides one of the largest contributions to NATO. Without American muscle, I doubt the Europeans have that much of a stomach to go to war, given the recent Euro crisis to boot.

No one is in a position to get into another bout of foreign adventuring now.
653 posts

Honestly, I don't think any country actually gives a flying f**k about the suffering of people in other countries. Countries only care about what helps them not what helps others. I don't actually mean the citizens of a country don't care I suppose I mean the governments don't care about others. Every country only cares about what furthers their agenda and their agenda, normally, isn't on track with what their citizens' agenda is. There's always some super secret war for power being fought behind the scenes that no one knows about. It doesn't matter what country it is they're all controlled by j**k offs.

1 posts

I have not read all the comments,but i do believe some people misunderstood everything. People are dying everyday. They go out to protest knowing there is no chance to come back home safe but they still do it for freedom. Honestly I think it has got to stop. Everyone should have the freedom of speech. None is helping the country,whilst Libya got help from the NATO. Why can't Syria get help too? Since the Syrian revolution started more than 5000 people gave up their life. The government is not planning to stop the killing unless a more powerful country gets involved and stops it. I think it would be the right thing to do. Innocent kids and women are dying and i don't see how someone with conscience could watch it happen and not help if they are able to.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Everyone should have the freedom of speech. None is helping the country,whilst Libya got help from the NATO. Why can't Syria get help too?

Because the West is already in a deep enough financial crisis without having to spend more money on foreign adventures. They are also scared of causing a situation that might turn into another Iraq.

I think it would be the right thing to do. Innocent kids and women are dying and i don't see how someone with conscience could watch it happen and not help if they are able to.

It is, but unfortunately, no one wants to marshal the resources needed for such an endeavour.
Showing 16-26 of 26