This is a rather Anglocentric video, but I think the speaker ex-minister for trade Digby Jones makes some very good points. More importantly he makes them in a way both layman and more knowledgable people will be able to appreciate.
I decided to make this thread in response to the almost fanatical fascination with China Westerners have all over internet forums. Their paranoia that they are going to take over the world without realising the inevitable reciprocity of global economics.
Therefore I ask you to watch the video in its entireity if possible, and then answer the question where do you think your country's role in the new economic order will be?
i don't see why to fear china. having china as a friend is just great. also is the video not so much about china but the whole world economy. he sure made some good points. but non of them are new. like he said somewhere close to the beginnen. "it happend befor, it's not new. it's a constand flow of wealth. only the scale of it is bigger this time then normal.
also does he say that worldization = not americanization. wich might fear a load of americans because they have always been thinking that they are so great and beter then any1 els.
anyway my conclusion: make friends whit china not fear them they are realy good trading partners if they like you (wich will be a long long way for the usa =P)
The sad part about his speech is that its mostly common sense. Will anyone really listen?
I think that until the '70s and maybe '80s Americans thought globalization meant Americanization but not since steel mills and auto plants closed. Maybe my view is a little narrow since i live and drive right by the giant empty factories and empty storefronts all the time.
I have no idea what America's role will be or should be. I guess if i go back to the video he talks of already large businesses in Britain. So, i assume that American companies like US Steel that are already large and well known will have a better chance of succeeding in the new world economy. Although, i don't believe any country will succeed economically until it is able to and does provide it's own needs first. It's like some unknown American band that's like "well we're big in Japan"
Also, we need Restecp. "Owz anyone out there meant to restecp each otha? If you lot in 'ere, don't even start restecpa-ing one another." - Ali G Sorry it happens when i listen to a British person speak.
P.S: As someone who has sit through many boring speeches, although they were on construction technology and even sewage techniques for boroughs and municipalities, he actually knows how to speak.
Despite china being the largest manufacturer of steel the US is still 3rd in steel production. Although, that's redundant because i was referring to large well known companies like US Steel that are owned and operated by Americans not specifically them.
Singapore won't need to fear China. We are of the Chinese diaspora for one, and we are a tiny dot of Chinese people in a sea of Muslim states. Plus our trade ties with China are rather significant, which perhaps affords us the luxury of closer ties in the future.
I've always hated Communists. My father hated Communists. My grandfather hated Communists. They tell their citizens that they represent the people, that through them they can save the people from the exploits of the capitalistic system, when their workers actually receive worse pay than those of the capitalists and worse conditions of living, on top of a stagnate of improvement due to a lack of competition.
China is an evil blemish that must be popped. We just need to find the right needle to do it.
I've always hated Communists. My father hated Communists. My grandfather hated Communists. They tell their citizens that they represent the people, that through them they can save the people from the exploits of the capitalistic system, when their workers actually receive worse pay than those of the capitalists and worse conditions of living, on top of a stagnate of improvement due to a lack of competition.
Do you know something? China isn't even Communist. Marx would chuckle his head off at this Pseudo-Communist state.
when their workers actually receive worse pay than those of the capitalists and worse conditions of living, on top of a stagnate of improvement due to a lack of competition.
Pay is low mainly because China didn't industrialize and modernise as fast as the West. Partially to be blamed because of Mao, but also because of past exploitation by Westerners and the Japanese, and because the conservative feudal monarchy only fell in 1911.
I am very much agaisnst china. All they do is send us toxic lead junk and create more national debt.
There would be no toxic lead junk if there was no demand for it by Americans. A small minority of Chinese products are dangerous, but the rest aren't. Also, national debt is created because your government spends much much more than it can afford, billions on it's military for example.
Again, do get a proper grasp of the topic before posting and embarrassing yourself.
China is getting to be menace. They are creating a vast military, possibly hiding missiles, sending us toxic lead. China is evil.
The Americans have a vast military, so why can't China? Talk about hypocritical.
possibly hiding missiles
So says a citizen whose nation has enough missiles to destroy the world multiple times. The Americans invaded Iraq, Afghanistan, and intervened in Libya whilst supporting Israel. Oh the Americans are evil! Look at me too! I'm an ignorant blighter!
earlyer today i mentioned people were getting more dumb by the day. but it becomes a bigger problem as it seems that it's not a matter of days but hours =O