Before you all "sigh" and go here we go again another Christian trying to bring us to Christ. LISTEN!!!!...okay now that I got your attention lets get to the point. Why is evolution wrong? well humans evolved from apes right? sure we have a monkey skeleton at the beginning and human skeleton at the end WHERE IS EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN. If anybody I mean anybody can show me like an ape turning to human skeleton or dinosaur turning to bird skeleton then I will try evolution maybe. Trust me I know evolution I have study it and it all sounds like a five year old wrote it I mean come on no one in their right mind is gonna think the first cell came off an alien ship. REALLY its RIDICULOUS. Take it as you have all the parts for a watch and you put it in a bag no matter how many of millions of years it takes its not going to turn around and say to the other hey guys lets come to get together and make a watch. Same with evolution I don't believe the cells were just going through their daily routing and then got bored and said hey guys (the other cells) lets come together and make a multi-celled organism. Speaking of cells if evolution is true then where did the first cell come from? if you can find evidence of a cell coming out of the darkness of the universe then we'll talk. Evolution just seems like a whole plan to draw everyone's attention away from Christianity. O and for the recorded a good Christian doesn't consider Christianity a religion because its not.
No. I am not even going to bother reading this, considering the fact that it is a dub, and I assumed it would be locked by now. Check out the other one for the conversation that is actually going on.