hmmm, I think they found a planet that looked like Earth, and from what I remember(this was about three years ago) they just dubbed it Earth 2, I think they changed the name since that was temporary... I do remember they said it was in another solar system in a galxy far far away, well, scratch the last part, but it was in another solar system
oh now both of you are being a little irrational, he gave up, however Serb plz don't cuss, it just makes it worse! Anyway nerds get the good grades, colleges, and finally jobs, yaaaay, end of story
Don't know, don't really care as long as extraterrestrials attack earth -.- I don't like to get caught up thinking about one think for too long, there are just so many ways to see it and so many different coherent points of view for this discussion that I just don't know :S
if there is other life out there i doubt we would find it cause we will probably have destroyed our planet before we found another one. (btw in aliens attacked i would totally pee myself in fright im not kidding i would be so freaking scared.)
okay...anyway notataco does have a point, we'll all probably have died from our own pollution beforer we can reach deeper space, and btw, if the aliens run into us then they're more superior than us cause they did what we couldn't XD
Or what if, on Twin Earth, the humaniods there evolved from 2-toed sloths and they are all vegatarians and move real slow because they don't have enough energy.