It's hard to think of it. There are many galaxies, but if we dare enter them, who knows? Probably the astronauts could lose fuel, or age, or lose gas tank. And Aliens visiting our home planet, are they real? What do they plan with us? Why were they there if they are real? Too many questions, can't be answered all in once. :|
ok listen guys what is the chance that we are the only life in the universe if umm....the universe keeps growing constontly and we r only like a really small planet and there is a whole humongeous universe out tbere and only us be a living life form? i doubt it
First and foremost - I AM CHRISTIAN. Yes, you would think i would say that there is no life on any other planets. BUT NO! there could be. I am sure, though, that there is no human life forms on anywhere else. But, if God wanted there to be "aliens" on other galaxies, so be it. Who are we to judge what he should do or not. I mean, God made so many stars and galaxies in this universe and he named them all seperately. He didnt name them like we did (mc103/n-d882/etc.). We ran out of names to name them all. He did not. So, this infinitely powerful God can do as he pleases.
About 200 billion stars in a galaxy x about 200 billion galaxies =(40000000000000000000000) the Approximate number of star systems there are in the observable universe, it would be extremely presumptuous to assume that we are the only living beings in all of those systems, There might even be more universes reducing the chance of our desolation even further.
we might be alone we might be with someone but none knows whats lives beyond the solar system who knows maybe 1 day earth will die who knows maybe we will live so on on and fort
I think that we are alone. Everything has to be exactly right the right amount of gravity,closeness to the sun water ect. even if there is life in the solar system other then earth it has to be on mars or one of jupiters moons. If so they probaally are small bacteria
I think that we are not alone, though I have no idea where the others are. Apparantly we're like the last kid picked for kickball....
We did find frozen water on Mars though, and water generally begets life, so hey, maybe we'll even find something within this solar system, and theyll want to play with us!
Sometimes I think we're a giant experiment in evolution for aliens far away....