I have. It is as simple as txt talking but more letters. Most people just txt talk and spam :Ã this is ridiculous and i think this should be enforced by the mods.
That's how it will work until somebody teaches them that people might hate them for bad grammar in the world. I'm gonna get an alarm clock and try to figure out what time it will be when it happens
Some people just are lazy people, most likely that type slow. These people can't be bothered with typing intelligently, they would rather type like a dim-wit. I think that people should at least try to type right.
In the end, as long as the person clearly understands you, what's the problem with bad punctuation. I seriously doubt it'll lead to a total collapse of the English language.
Mac_MK, thats not what they mean. They are referring to leet speak or txt speak. For example, leet speak would be like l33t, where the 3 looked like Es so I replaced it with them. Txt speak would be like what I'm doing right now, "txt", is short for text. Also, the different words do not differ largely from the common language so that is nothing to be worry much about.
I do find both "languages" unattractive and unpleasent but no one is going to change the ways of many, many people. Somehow they think it's cool or something, but I'm not sure. Also, like another understanding member said, its not going to destroy the English language. I agree with this, but I also noted how influencial the internet is and what would happen when the English language BECAME, leet and txt speak. *shivers*, But sadly, we have no control. would like it as well, some people take 10 more seconds to so, type a proper sentence, but alas, tis' impossible for said mere mortal. But note something. The computer was made to make everyday life faster, so why should txt speak be outed? Because someone wants to do something faster? 10 seconds 50 times a day adds up pretty quickly. That is all I have to say.
NOTE: For all those who don't know what leet/l33t speak is, it's short for elite, but they made it even shorted into lite, and made it easier to play around with into leet/l33t. Horrible isn't it? Text and elite speak into one amalgamated monstrosity.
I think somebody would totally win @ teh internetz if they encoded a "de-leetifyer", such that everything came out in vaguely proper English. I mean...the opposite (of sorts) has already been done: I bring you the LOLINATOR!!!
However, with the lack of spelling comes a disregard for grammar. The issue here is not an overexertion of freedom of expression, and in some cases it isn't even a case of being too lazy, but one's education is so poor that one simply doesn't appreciate the actual uses of language, and how grammar actually affects how understandable your utterances are.
Language --> communication. When you write something, think just how likely it is that people are going to understand what you mean!
I for one, use "i can has" and then ":O", multiple times in chat rooms but I still use proper English in any other situation (usually). I find it amusing and comedical, in a stupid way...you know...like Family Guy. I can has Snugglez Le0p@rd? :O See, very fun, try it...you can't resist D:<
I usually don't start my fist sentence in the post with a capital letter. Otherwise, my grammar and punctuation is good. A little thing like mine will not kill you, but good grammar is key.
It wud red lik ths if te sp. was bd. Imgin rding a hole pst. lke ths.
One way to help prevent the bad grammar is to add FireFox people! FireFox has a built-in system that is like Microsoft. If a red line appears under your word, it is spell wrong.