ForumsWEPR[necro offtopic]Have you noticed that most people are too lazy to spell correctly?

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64 posts

I have. It is as simple as txt talking but more letters.
Most people just txt talk and spam :Ã this is ridiculous and i think this should be enforced by the mods.

For those new to typing: LEARN.

  • 62 Replies
1,058 posts

I will be the first to admit that I am a stickler for grammar and the proper use of the language. I think it is sad that many of the people here choose to express themselves so poorly. All we have here is our words to show ourselves to each other, and when you spell things incorrectly or have horrid, rambling, run-on sentences, it reflects poorly upon you. I do judge people based on their ability to write, as snarky as that may seem. It really just shows the amount of effort you put into your appearance, as well as your intelligence. Even if you misspell something, knowing how to spell it, no one else knows that, and it just makes you look ignorant.

As you can tell, this is a topic that really agitates me. Not only do poor grammar and misspellings make communication all that harder, it makes you look uneducated.

2,611 posts

Well I hate it when people use this "howw doo u mak gammes ples tel" I don't do that but thats the way some people are amd I might leave out a letter in a word only because my computer keybord is really bad.

519 posts

Im a spanish girl but i speak English easily and i dont need a spell checker =)
And they are not lazy to learn , its because many just speak other languages and its too hard to learn.
My first time on a english site was when me were young(7 years) and thats because i know English.

Anyways sometimes i use my spellchecker as i use Firefox.

132 posts

I get where you're coming from, and yes I myself have noticed, but I don't mind it all too much, so long as I am able to understand most of it all. Most of the time, it is just people being too lazy to type things out, spelt correctly.

1,973 posts

Ummm, shouldn't this belong in the tavern? But, so I don't spoil the fun, here is what i have to say.

You can sometimes tell alot about a person just by the way they talk. If someone says, "Hayy watz ^?" then he/she is probably a kid who is just playing around and just wants points. If someone says something that brings up an interesting conversation, and uses proper grammar, capitalization, spelling etc, then he/she might be someone that is mature enough to use a couple more seconds to make sure everything is okay.

Of course, this isn't true for EVERYONE....

2,662 posts

I dont think this belongs in world politics

623 posts

Idk if it lzness , prbly jst too much txting.

402 posts

Hmmm, well, if texting is the problem, I often use short-cuts there, but I don't seem to have a problem with typing. And besides, it's not just laziness, some people who type fast are sure to mispell a word, anyway, it's not our business, just get use to them making errors or short-cuts.

10,816 posts

Using AIM-speak, chatspeak, l33t-speak, txt-spk, etc. is all acceptable within certain contexts: where assumed knowledge of abbreviations can be taken for granted. However if you want to be understood by everybody, it's best to refer to the world standard English. Simple as that. Well, not quite so simple, because not everybody has a perfect grasp of English, but seeing as standardisation is the central requirement to communication, that's what you get!

Aside from my usage of UK (Australian) English, I take care to spell everything as correctly as possible, typos included. I estimate that a typo gets away from me about once every...3000-5000 words or so, less now that later versions of Firefox come with auto-spellcheck. However part of this comes from the fact I've memorised the location of every key on a standard QWERTY keyboard so I actually type by feel, not sight. I don't even have to look at the screen to know when I've made a typo! That just came with practice, and typing looooots of essays.

Also, with the development of T9 auto-complete dictionaries, common txt abbreviations are now less efficient than spelling out the word!

10,816 posts

While I'm at it, a neat little anecdote:

When I was very young, late at night I would sometimes wake up to hear the tapping of the keyboard- that would be my father coding something (he was an IT consultant). Being such a long time ago, it was one of those heavy lead-based keyboards you could probably kill somebody with, so it was like listening to a machinegun going (no wonder I couldn't go back to sleep!)

But the neat part was that I could tell not exactly what my father was typing, but definitely certain characters, including the spacebar, the modifier keys (ctrl, alt, tab, enter/return) and especially backspace.

Very often, with 10-finger/touch typists, detecting a typo comes from reflexes. Our fingers are on autopilot such that we aren't even mindful of the patterns- the process of reading and reviewing what we've typed is an independent one from the process of typing, and that's why we can do speeds like 100, even 200wpm in some cases. However this means that when we do make a typo, we end up typing some more until we realise "oops, typo". Usually at this point, we hammer the backspace until the typo goes. It's just faster.

I noticed this by hearing my father type, not watching it, and eventually adopted that behavior myself. For me, the sound of typing is very important- not only that but the character of the sound also tells me about the build-quality of the keyboard, as well as its state, which is why I always judge a keyboard on its sound.

In rapidfire communication and brief messages such as txting and IM, however, slapping the backspace repeatedly is dreadfully inefficient unless you are really set in your ways. Which is why in IM, typos are so much more common. This in itself has given rise to a set of commonly recognised typos which has been commentated on by its adoption into 'teh internetz' lexicon, generally as 'lulz' speak. 'Teh' is in fact the most common of these. 'Freudian slip' typos are also highly popular.

10,816 posts

I'm putting this comment in bold because it's a really big pet peeve of mine, and it also happens to be a major issue today:

Please learn when to use contractions properly. Paying a little attention won't kill you

If I see any more posts that mix up your and you're, I swear I'm going to start flagging each and every one of them for deletion.

344 posts

I only appreciate misspelling in lolcat images, and it's understandable. Cats have large paws that make it hard to type correctly.

1,305 posts

^That is so true. The way they spell meh, zomg, lawl, and other shenanigans is quite funny.

3,025 posts

this is ridiculous and i think this should be enforced by the mods.

If it is something that is relatively easy to understand, which granted not all posts are, then I'm alright with it - the point of typing is to communicate, and if they do it in a lesser form and I understand what they're saying, no problem.

The forums there were much better because of the features and the spelling that you could read.

The only problem with shorter term writing is that I can easily see people whom's primary language isn't English coming in and having difficult deciphering what people are saying - even so, I still don't think it's much of a problem, and certainly not something that should be enforced.

Encouraged, maybe?

Yea same I couldn't be bothered typing full words but on another forum they banned me for not spelling any word correctly so I started to spell complete words

So none of you did it because... well, it looks better?
Am I the only one who did it because it's cool?

Yes a lot of people don't spell right because they are to lazy.

Too lazy to add that O, I see. ^^

But even those that do spell right, often most of them do not use there conventions right.

I'm beginning to think your lack of an O was part of an elaborate joke.

Another comment: If you are having trouble typing, GET FIREFOX. iT [i]REALLY, REALLY, REALLLLLY, will help.

I'm on Firefox but I don't use any form of AutoComplete. It's not necessary.
Especially when I first used Internet Explorer, I didn't have that luxury.

Yeah but it would be cool if they could do a synonym check like on word. You know, encase you want really smart words

A Thesaurus? Meh, I've not had situations where I bore no lexicon that did not provide ample elaboration on a sophisticated or simple point of mine.

You don't need to use enhanced vocabulary to express yourself or your intentions, it only takes good oration.
Otherwise I would be spewing gargantuan words on a much more consistent basis.

but seeing as standardisation is the central requirement to communication, that's what you get!

True, bringing locational and non-standard English doesn't constitute much intelligence either.
I can only imagine someone replying with:
Innit bruv!

That just came with practice, and typing looooots of essays.

I learnt how to do it prior to needing to write an essay, needless to say my English work is pretty phenomonal on the computer.

Very often, with 10-finger/touch typists,

:/ Sadly I'm not much of a 10 finger typist, although I'm adept at naturally seeing any incostistencies in my spelling.

If I see any more posts that mix up your and you're, I swear I'm going to start flagging each and every one of them for deletion.

It's something I used to pay attention to back when I had a problem with it. I'm kind of astonished at how people don't see the mistakes - it's as if they don't understand what the word actually means.

It's also one of the reasons I have problems with other languages. Where Welsh has mutations everywhere it's difficult to identify what happened to the word, why, and whether it changed anything. Same with other languages that don't use as many words as English to say, roughly, the same thing.

- H
1,810 posts

i would understand if it was a big topic and a couple months old...but come on!!!!! There are many other topics that are active instead of an 08 one.....and 6 words aren't really worth it. If you did not see the date it said than I apologize. But Highfire really went all out didn't he.

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