Me. I think its fake. The mayans could have been killed off by their enemy or something. And some random guy comes up to and starts spreadint the "End of the world" Making millions of ppl freak out.
We will only know when the time comes. Until then enjoy your life.
can anyone give me a compelling argument to say that the world will end in 2012? Please if your going to iclude God don't make God the center of your argument.
i commented like this in another post but themayans didnt say this is the day the world ends and just because the "stars" say something dosent make it true and they didnt factor in leap years they died before american society made them so we would be"dead" months ago i have many more ways people are stupid for beliveing it but i would be here all day
i have many more ways people are stupid for beliveing it but i would be here all day
no need, i posted a link that debunks all the theory's and give answer to about all the questions about 10 times. but people will still believe because they are to lazy to read the truth.
thanks partydevil people just dont want to believe the goverment for some stupid reason what has the government done so wrong that we have to ignore everything they say and make conspiracy theories that make no since
The worst thing is that on the "Apocalypse" is my BIRTHDAY! The 2012 Doomsday movie is HORRIBLE! Here is some annoying things about the movie: 1. Computer Animated snow. (Only a few flakes on the characters) 2. The "space camera" views the world with NO LAND and there is only a puffy white cloud where North America should be. 3. There is a pregnant woman who is about to give birth, yet she has only like TWO contractions.
The belief is fake, and the movie sucks. (^That was about the movie.)
Will the world end? Of course not. People have said it will end countless times, including in the year 2000. But it has never happened. Besides, the Mayan thing is a Myth. Therefore not proven.
Every time the economy is down people predict a cataclysm
Coincidence? I think NOT
The end of the world has been predicted almost once a year since centuries. But it's true that with a more direct threat like an economic crisis, or other 'triggers', the rate of apocalypse predictions tend to rise.
... someone really should do a statistical analysis on that one to see if there's any kind of significant correlation X)
Let me tell you all something: they aren't saying the worlds gonna end in 2012 because the Mayan calendar stopped on that date. They think that the Mayans predicted that the sun will align itself with a black hole on that date and the world will be pulled towrds the sun as a result of all that gravity. Considering that the mayans knew the circumfrence of the earth, invented the number 0, knew the distance of the sun to the earth, were only off by a few seconds when they made their calendar, and could predict accurately whenever an eclipse happened, it could actually be probable that they were right.
Let me tell you all something: they aren't saying the worlds gonna end in 2012 because the Mayan calendar stopped on that date. They think that the Mayans predicted that the sun will align itself with a black hole on that date and the world will be pulled towrds the sun as a result of all that gravity. Considering that the mayans knew the circumfrence of the earth, invented the number 0, knew the distance of the sun to the earth, were only off by a few seconds when they made their calendar, and could predict accurately whenever an eclipse happened, it could actually be probable that they were right.
The Mayans didn't "Invent" Zero, although they did have their own zero, the Arabic Numerals are were the...east got our zero. Wait, the sun doing what? How in hell does a sun "Align" itself with anything? How in hell would that make us fall into it? Where in hell would the black hole come from? How in hell would we not notice it?
And then, when did they find the circumference of the earth? That would be impossible, considering they didn't know that the earth was any bigger than basically Mexico and south America. And they thought the sun was a god, I would be be highly impressed if they found it's distance from earth when they didn't know what in hell the sun even was.
Where in hell are you getting your facts?
I just don't worried about the ending of 2012. If it come, it will come. Worried can't help.
Why wouldn't worry help? It isn't coming, but a legitimate disaster should be resisted as much as possible.