Me. I think its fake. The mayans could have been killed off by their enemy or something. And some random guy comes up to and starts spreadint the "End of the world" Making millions of ppl freak out.
We will only know when the time comes. Until then enjoy your life.
I don't think it will happen. If your christian, you would know that nobody knows the day when the world when end. The Mayans predicted earthquakes and every natural disasters will destroy the earth... But, how do they know that? Do they have proof that they know the future? It's basic logic to know that 2012 is not the end of the world. Unless I see proof, I'll never believe that piece of crap.
btw i saw a document on it and apperently the maya and chinnese were friends
I doubt they had commerce or anything like that, but.. could you be more precise as to what that document said exactly? I remember hearing something that indeed Chinese sailors might have reached America before Columbus, but I can't imagine it was in the time of the Mayan civilization. Also neither wiki article about Chinese or Mayan history make any notion of that.
Everyone says the world will end in 2012 because the Mayan calender ends there. I have many theories as to why this is incorrect:
Your 'theories' 2-4 are unnecessary since not only did they never predict an apocalypse, but their calendar doesn't even end in 2012. It's all just one of those unfounded media hypes again.
Also neither wiki article about Chinese or Mayan history make any notion of that.
you wont find that whit wiki.
to find that you need to search in the maya history for something like a ship arraving whit offers for the gods. or just a little fight somewhere. and then look in the chinese history for a ship that set sail for a long travel at the about the same time as the maya story would say.
and if yhey could then why didn't they go along the coast line and see where it was going. ending up in europe befor we got there. i doubt it is true.
their calendar doesn't even end in 2012. It's all just one of those unfounded media hypes again.
i would like to quote myself here from page 9 or something.
"the end of the maya calendar will be around the year.
41,341,049,999,999,999,999,999,994,879. ( ( counting from the theoretical end of the previous world in 3114 BC ). Each column is equal to twenty times its predecessor)
thats right. there is more reason to be scared of the sun imploding then the maya calendar ending."
1: The Mayan calender does not list leap years, (and 2012 is a leap year).
My post on page 15:
They didn't need a leap anything. Their calendar simply counts days. It's accepted that their calendar's overall count began on what translates to August 11, 3114 BCE. Today, Tuesday April 10, 2012, in the Long Count is
2:The only known Mayan calender maker may have died after carving 12/21/12.
Their calendar dosen't work that way. It simply counts days and repeats in cycles, similar to the way ours does when our calendar ends and we go back from December to January. It's just their belief that one of their gods will appear at the end of the 13th cycle and the start of the 14th cycle of their long count calendar, which has been calculated to 12/21/12 on our calendar.
3:The Mayans ran out of room on their calender.
Again, it simply repeats like ours does. It had nothing to do with room.
4:The Spaniards invaded the Mayan people after 2012 was listed.
Again, there was no specific listing of the date.
5:The world has been predicted to end many times before, (May 21, 2011, 1996, etc.), so what are the odds that it would end this year?
Because they have no evidence supporting them, no hints that they exist, and are horribly unscientifically based and go against all known science. They don't even have the popular backing or mind control most religions do.
Because they have no evidence supporting them, no hints that they exist, and are horribly unscientifically based and go against all known science. They don't even have the popular backing or mind control most religions do.
So would I be less "insane" if I follow the Bible without question or follow science without ever thinking of other possibilities? I never claimed the Anunnaki to be Supernatural gods either. If thats what you are getting at
So would I be less "insane" if I follow the Bible without question or follow science without ever thinking of other possibilities? I never claimed the Anunnaki to be Supernatural gods either. If thats what you are getting at
You would be equally as insane to follow the Bible, however there are no other possibilities then science. When something is proven true, it is science. Science is truth.
So you think they are natural gods then? It is insane.
I didn't say that either. I asked if anyone has read much about them as they seem to be coming up alot with theories about the 2012 end times stuff. Including theories about them being Aliens. Or is the scientific notion of Aliens insane too?