I thank you guys for waiting, and am actually rather amazed that you were so kind as to obey what I said. I'm impressed.
Ok, so, now I study my powers more, and while I am doing that, I create a tube of fire, and direct it at the tree.
(sorry, you can only do one or the other, not both)
Sorry, hard to remember every single resistance of the tree. I take the matter on the inside of the tree, and compact them to one single space, then heat it up, compact it more, so that several peices are in one space at one time, cause it to create a hole in the fabric of space-time (I watched a lot of discovery channel when I was 5 Okay?) and make a hand sized black hole inside the tree. After I'm far away, and after a few hours, I take all of the matter the black hole has taken, and force it out in one massive explosion. I make sure, I am as far as it as possible.
1. I don't know if you can do this, and I apologize in advance if you can't.
2. If this works, everyone else Run For Your Lives!
lol, it was successful, but not as well as you though it would. when the tree's ironbark fully encases the tree, nothing gets in, or out. the bark held the tree together after the matter was unleashed. yes, the tree sustained a lot of damage, but not enough to cut it clean through.
I get a bunch of nuclear missiles, set them right next to the tree, fly a jet clear to the other side of the earth, and detonate them from there.
(lol, you are new to the game, so I won't blame you for not knowing this. all radiation based attacks have no effect on the tree. Nukes count as radiation based attacks, sorry.)
I politely ask anyone with fire powers to form a GIGANTIC ball of fire next to the tree, then ask santi THE EPIC to make another small black hole in the center of the fire (so it would be like a sun), creating a white dwarf. I would then throw a couple iron bars into it, causing it to rapidly expand (up to 100 times bigger) and engulf the tree (the iron bark would fuel the sun EVEN MORE) creating an explosion that could destroy the tree, and probably even 6/7 of the continents. If anyone says yes, I would RUN FOR MY LIFE TO ANTARTICA
No, you need me for your plan gameplayer, and I say no.
lol, if Santi_went along with that attack, that would've given gameplayer101 the title of norse hero then and there. but it was unsuccessful so...
awwwwwwww, I was hoping you and someone with fire powers would help me destroy the tree.Maybe if I adjust it so that instead of a black hole, its fueled by helium and hydrogen like the normal sun. I would THEN throw in the iron bars and run screaming into the teleporter and hopefully living.
unfortunately, you can only make one attempt at an attack per turn (I really cannot stress that enough).
(from now on, you can only post once, and whatever your post is, whether an attack or not, will be what I put down. non attempt posts will not count. this is an example of a non-attempt post:
All of y'all who attacked the tree this turn after Santi_ are gonna die really fast. (Sorry, I'm Texan.)
now you know. this is so I won't have to put up with people who try to attack multiple times. yes, people have done that before.)
I erect a teleporter entrance near the tree, and hurl the exit towards the hills. I tell everyone to enter, and if they do, I will enter, and sap the exit so no explosions and stuff will be teleported.
I Run For My Life.
ya'll do that (i'm texan too, lol.)
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