ForumsThe TavernReasons to adopt a dog?

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2,074 posts

Hello, all, from AG's most invalid user. Well, recently my family was discussing whether we should adopt a dog or not. My two sisters want one, but my parents aren't sure about it. First of all, my dad is concerned on who and when to take the dog out to do its business. Then, we don't know what to do when we go on vacation and stuff. I, personally, don't really mind getting a dog, but I don't see what else a dog can do other than you petting it and stuff. So, could any of you dog owners give me some reasons why my family should adopt a dog?

  • 18 Replies
4,104 posts

To help you fight crime and to cure cancer.

1,766 posts

'Cause dogs need love. And love is the key to the circle of life.

It's really a hassle though, I would suggest not to adopt a dog.

Ultimately it's your decision.

1,824 posts

I have a dog. The problem is sometimes I love him, sometimes I hate him. Choose your dog wisely, and if you get a dog like a Border Collie or a German Shepard, be prepared to spend a lot of time with them, when they're a puppy and a young adult. But, when you have moments when you like them, you really like them. They're affectionate, friendly creatures, eager to please their master.

39 posts

they teach your kids responsibility but make a mess

536 posts

Getting a dog would be fun in some ways, but you have to get the right type. A reason to get a dog would be for the friendship. A dog is man's best friend, and that saying is pretty true.

4,220 posts

Get a pitbull if you can. If the shelter doesn't adopt out pitbulls, burn it to the ground.

Pitbulls are easy to train, great with kids, immensely loyal, very expressive, complete sweethearts, and above all, will scare the living **** out of anybody who doesn't belong. The dogs can tell who does and doesn't belong, so no worries about them biting your buddies, so long as your buddies aren't stupid.

Pretty smart, too. Just uhh... make sure you bring one up right. You don't need a dog that can bite harder than an alligator, pull more than a truck, and run faster than the fastest sprinter becoming even a tad bit feral. That's a recipe for the bull**** you see on the news.

5,340 posts

but I don't see what else a dog can do other than you petting it and stuff.

first of all let me say what i REALLY think most people should get inside their minds. you dont get a dog to use it. thats like making a child so he can take care of you when your old or whatever other reason.

you have love that you want to share with someone? then you should get a pet.

probably the most important reason is to save a dog from being put to sleep. idk how it works over there but in many places they just put the unwanted ones to sleep.

Pitbulls are easy to train

just like many other dogs.

great with kids

just like many other PETS.

immensely loyal

read the above.

just noticed that you should read the above about every reason you gave there.

well except for the last one. if you want a guarding dog or a dog to scare people then yes theyd be a better kind of dog.

The dogs can tell who does and doesn't belong, so no worries about them biting your buddies, so long as your buddies aren't stupid.

this can be right with any other pet or wrong with pitbulls and any other pet. its not that every pet/breed has one personality and you get to choose. if they like someone they will be nice to him. if they dislike someone (and are agressive) they will be agressive. works with pitbulls and even cats.

Pretty smart, too. Just uhh... make sure you bring one up right. You don't need a dog that can bite harder than an alligator, pull more than a truck, and run faster than the fastest sprinter becoming even a tad bit feral. That's a recipe for the bull**** you see on the news.

definitely the most important thing about raising a pet. espacially if its as strong as a pitbull.

i would recomand you to first look at kind of breeds on the internet. dont be too passionate about them though. im talking about BIG differences like small/big dog and things like that.

hopefully your not one of the people who immidiatly (spelled wrong...:/) say no to mixed breeds. this is really not a thing you should look at when getting a new pet.

sorry if i sounded mean... animals are really important to me and i know TOO many people who are the exact opposite of me.

so please do remember. your getting a friend not an item.
1,824 posts

Well, some dogs can only be classed as items, i.e Chihuahuas, (I hate spelling that) and other tiny dogs. But the bigger, smarter ones are not items. Their a friend on sale! Or, eh, something like that. If you have a lot of love (and double the time) I suggest a Border Collie. They're smart, don't be surprised if they try to herd you through your own house. Or, another great kinda dog; A Husky, or Malamute. I love them for their eyes and the colors in their coats. But tis up to you. Good family dogs are German Shepard's, and 'Snousers' (I think that's how you spell it), they're the grey dogs that seem to have a moustache.

1,608 posts

German Shepard's

They are not the best dog for Invalid777's family because of his 2 sisters because German Shepards live in a pack. They see the family as his pack so when you leave one of the smaller children ungaurded the dog may starting to advance in the pack by force.

But I suggest taking a dog with less &quotack" feeling.
539 posts

There is no reason to adopt a dog.

Dogs are animals, there is no reason to have an animal in the home, so what possible reason could there be to adopt an animal to keep in the home?

Incidently a German Shepard isn't a pack animal, never has been, never will be. A Husky and a Malamute are different breeds with very different reactions to humans. And pitbulls may well be very intelligent dogs, but they are still dogs. Don't expect any sympathy if you get one that attempts to rip your face off. They have a reputation for a reason - more than happy to put you in touch with people who have had children killed by pitbulls.

1,824 posts

Tell me, do you own a GSD? I do. I think I know what they're like. It's not a 'ack animal', wolves are.
You had a bad experience with a dog? You don't seem that hot on the idea of having one.

539 posts

You had a bad experience with a dog? You don't seem that hot on the idea of having one.

No. I've owned dogs in the past, but mainly as working dogs. Only one dog I've had didn't work, and it wasn't a particularly rewarding experience.

Whilst I appreciate that many people may get companionship from a dog, a human companion would be better in all respects. Dogs are over-rated and dare I say, mistreated as pets. Let them go back to running wild, enjoying their lives.
1,824 posts

Unfortunately, nay on four thousand years has rendered dogs incapable of simply being left to 'run wild and enjoy their lives'.
They are more loyal than a human. I could trust my dog more than my friend. They are incapable of betrayal and deceit. Humans, on the other hand/paw are a whole different ship.

1,608 posts

Tell me, do you own a GSD? I do. I think I know what they're like. It's not a 'ack animal', wolves are.

Yes, nice to ask, my parents had a German Shepard for 14 year and only once left me alone with it whilst I was small, and when my parents entered the dog was being very domestic over me.

And a dogs social unit is called a pack and he sees it that way, just like your social unit is (I think) your family. You can look it up here.
205 posts

For protection, teach responsibility, to catch any misfortunes that will hit the family, keep you company

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