i don't believe in God, maybe you do, maybe you don't. I would gladly 'battle' a religious person to determine if 'God' is real or not. Anybody up for the challenge?
There is a man who got 1 wife and 1 son. The man is gone to work, When the man comes back from work, he gonna kill his wife and his son.
You can prevent it for happend. you have god like power. 1. You kill the man in a car accident, before he comes home. (you just killed a innocent man) 2. You let him come home. (because of you, a woman and a child died)
what you gonna do?
i would let the man win some lottery so he has a way to get out whitout killing.
if he doesn't do it on it's own then i will let him have a accident so he ends up in hospital. if his state of mind consurning the killing of his family doesn't go away over time in hospital then i will make sure he wont be able to kill them by keeping his body shut down.
In such a scenario, not only does God accidentally make the wife think she's some sort of Messiah, he does interfere with free will.
I think it makes sense to argue that God telling you what is going to happen in the close future/telling you the intentions of others is a violation of that very free will we feel deserving of, because then it makes sense that God knew that his intentions were coming and all of this was pre-determined.
But really, this argument is just like the others. Tiny Side A: MYSTERIOUS WAYS Much Larger Side B: I NEED TO SEE IT.
Voice in head, message on radio, message on TV, scary voice in air, does it really matter? You're supposedly an all powerful, all knowing benevolent God, this isn't an issue.
remember you interfere with the free will, if you are proven real.
It is NOT interfering with free will to provide someone information which may very well save their life.
*Deaf person is walk along a train track and a train is coming behind them. You run over, pull their hand and point behind you. They look and see the train and decide to get off the tracks.*
Where in the above do you violate that person's free will? You don't.
Now, do we see God doing ANY of these things? No. No benevolent divine acts which do not interfere with free will.
For that matter, revealing oneself is not interfering with free will. People could still choose to deny God's existence even if he appeared in every town/city/nation as a 500 foot apparition and told everybody at the same time that he is God.
how would you do it exactly? remember you interfere with the free will, if you are proven real.
What are you talkin' about? Yawheh does this all the time in the bible, especially the torah, and I don't see anyone shouting "YOU ARE INTERFERING WITH FREE WILL" in there....
In such a scenario, not only does God accidentally make the wife think she's some sort of Messiah, he does interfere with free will.
If god did this with every bad thing, then it would be a common occurrence and would be considered normal, not "I AM THE MISIA FEER MAH"
And if that does, then what about, once again, all the times similar things happened in the bible? Did those just not count? Did the rules change once we can actually communicate and prove such things?
But really, this argument is just like the others. Tiny Side A: MYSTERIOUS WAYS
Alright, lets say the real god is a giant celestial polar bear. This polar bear randomly roars, which kills random people with cancer. But he is a good guy. You just don't understand because of his mysterious ways. Does this make any since to you? I shouldn't.
Please redirect to the links Kasic kindly provided but ignored by everyone. And since y'all ignored it, I must do the one of the few things I know how to do which is lock the thread, for being a duplicate.