The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) is a bill that is being debated on by US congressmen. It aims to help stop online piracy by essentially cutting off offending websites (copyright infringement) from being accessed (at least in the USA, from what I've heard.) It will hurt websites that are run off of user generated content like Youtube as a lot of the content are parodies of video games or songs. So a person could be sued for posting a video of him/herself singing on of their favorite songs onto Youtube. What are your thoughts on this bill? This is now open discussion on anything relating to this bill as long as it follows AG guidelines. I think its complete and utter nonsense and the US congressmen are shooting themselves in the foot. Repeatedly.
oh i'm sorry. i only looked through 3 pages of forum for anything that might resemble this... i should've delved deeper... and from what i see, the last time someone's posted on that thread is over 2 weeks ago.