I think that a lot of people that are Christians need a lot of answers, so Iâm here to help out with them all the answers you have, and I will help to the best of my ability. I hope I can help. : ) -pc123
Estel, let me rephrase. I know how the Pope is elected, thank you though.
Everyone remembers the good ole Inquisition, right? Well, since then it has still been a branch of the Catholic Church. It has a headquarters in Spain (which is ridiculous). The current Pope was the previous headmaster of this headquarters. I am really just appalled that it is still in motion and that the Pope was the headmaster.
Seriously, I have read that dinosaurs went extinct because Noah could not fit them on the ark. Do people actually believe this? Or is it just an extremist view? I believe it was in the Creationist Museum that this was said... but then again, look at where all of their funding comes from.
It is definitely a fundamentalist view of things. Strop and I were talking about the problem of truth when it comes to religious fanatics. It appears that the truth or logical answer to these subjects doesn't matter. Faith takes people a long way, and usually in the wrong direction.
The bible stats that Noah brot two of each animal, thus I believe that it is correct. And he made a boet biganuf for all kinds of animals. i hope that ansers your question on the subject.
and im sorry for the bad spelling i have a lot on my hands
I never got an answer to my question either. I will repost it only because I want to see what 'the answer' is. According to the christian folk anyways.
Have any of you ever wondered where evil came from. If your God is the only being that has the power of creation, and, is suppossed to be pure love and goodness, where did it come from. Mmmmmmmmmm.
And don't say Lucifer or any of his minions. None of them have the ability to create. They only have the opposing versions of the abilities that your God gave them.
sin, sin, sin. No, God did not create sin. God is holy and He would not create that which is contrary to His nature. Sinfulness is the opposite of holiness. It is lawlessness (1 John 3:4). God is the author of the Law which is a reflection of His holy character (Exodus 20). Therefore, God cannot create that which is in direct violation of the Law any more than a person can wish himself to be bigger than the sun. It just isnât possible. and the your right the devil did not make sin but he wuz the first to use it (to my knowleg)
@Ichibon, to add to what pc stated, evil all started form the first sin, which was from Satan. It is believed that Satan was once an angel up in heaven with God. Since God gave everyone free will, Satan could reject God, just as he did. God disbanded Satan from heaven, so he supposedly made hell.
God is all pure love and goodness, but he created free will which you probably know is the power to choose your actions. Satan chose to reject God, so this is what the creation of evil came from.
Lucifer was Gods right hand man 2nt in cumand and he thot that e was better than God so he chalenged God, and God disbanded Lucifer to hell and he gave him the name of satan
Umm yah i had planned on answering this question for you early ichibon, but i had too much to do. And i need to add that this is merely what i've come up with not sure how truly correct this may be.
God=Perfect And it is impossible for God to sin. If God can not sin, than obviously he can not create sin. So where does sin/evil spawn from? The Bible says that God is light in the dark. So that which the light is not in, is darkness or The Absence of Light=Dark What that analogy means is that God is Light is Rightousness and Sin/evil is Dark. Soooo the absence of Rightousness or God is sin. And to answer your next question, how is their sin if god is omnipresent(or i'm assuming...) I would say that the only sin that can be committed is within the hearts of man. Because nature can not sin, it is not evil. And the lord does not dwell in the hearts of the fallen or satan's who tempts christians to sin...(hope that all made sense, one of these days i'm going to write it down somewhere all nice with biblical references and whatnot...)
Wait a minute, if god did not create sin, how did it come into existence? According to CHristianity, god made everything. Also, I think that Lucifer is actually helping god by taking care of all of the sinners.
Also, Estel, do you mean that god made hell, or Satan made hell?
Despite not supporting the concepts of good and evil/ righteousness and sinfulness in their entirety, since they're so prevalent I'll offer a little metaphysical adjustment that eliminates the problem of "was evil created?"
Good and evil cannot be created because they are notions, not entities within themselves. One can embody good and evil values, insofar as they have been defined.
So while we define God as the embodiment of all that is good, it would be a syntactical error to say that God = good, even though this is true by definition in all but name. Using = assumes all kinds of properties about 'good' (constancy being one of them) that would not be wise to consider as a given.
The same applies for Satan = evil. When presented with this diametric opposition, I cannot help but feel that it relates only in the poorest, crudest of senses to mankind's way of being, but hey, it appears to work because everybody needs signposts. My general point is that the birth of the notion of moral value is an extension of our fundamental way of seeing things relatively- good cannot be anything if not compared to evil, for example.
Another problem with this though is the generation of false conflict- if something is not good, it's evil?
Also, I'm curious about this part:
Lucifer was Gods right hand man 2nt in cumand and he thot that e was better than God so he chalenged God, and God disbanded Lucifer to hell and he gave him the name of satan
Where is this stated in the canon of Holy Scripture?
I think that Lucifer is actually helping god by taking care of all of the sinners.
This is incorrect on a number of levels.
1) It is generally accepted that every man and woman is a sinner because we are imperfect. Only God is perfect.
2) Satan never helps god. Their diametric opposition is so complete that this would be a violation of the theistic order. Furthermore, Satan never cares for anybody, he may appear to grant something but ultimately it is used for his own ends.
3) God, loving all people, loves all sinners even if they do not accept him. Apparently not being granted eternal salvation doesn't mean you aren't loved. Think about it!
As a response to the part about not in holy scripture, it was actually mentioned in a book, which also was the first book that gave the name Lucifer to the devil. This book is one of many great english literature pieces.
Your arguments 1 and 2 are fine, but I have a problem with 3. When you go to hell, you're soul is tortured and labored for eternity,(right?) if god loves you, why would he let satan do that. Also, if every person is a sinner, and is forgiven by jesus, wouldn't Moses, Noah, Adam, Eve, and every other person who died before Jesus, is in hell.
You're argument on good and evil is well explained, but I have something to add. Good and evil are points of view. Just as we think terrorists are evil, they think that we are evil. It all depends on how you are educated and from what sources. It is very likely that if you were born in Afghanistan, you would hate America because everyone around you does. Just as here, we hate Nazis and Communists because they are enimies of our country. It is all a point of view when talking about good and evil.
I am sure that to satan thinks that his cause is just, and that god is an evil tyrant who is oppressing him. We need to keep an open mind when reffering to sources who say that one thing is evil, and need to learn about it to get a better understanding, so you may have a true idea.
wouldn't Moses, Noah, Adam, Eve, and every other person who died before Jesus, is in hell.
Its called the Adamic covenant, Mosaic covenant, and Davidic(that one might be wrong). Throughout The OT times the lord made different covenants with the jews and if they followed them they would go to heaven, then with the coming of christ, he "created" the covenant of grace. Which is what your talking about in and is forgiven by jesus I could explain each of them, but then i'd have to find my notes, and it would be a hugge waste of my time (since i doubt you care beyond this info)
Since satan existed in heaven as an angel and knew what perfection was. I doubt that he "believes" his actions are just.
@Strop thanks for sharing...i will definatly have to think my theory through...and like i said its still rough on paper (makes sense to me in my head)