ForumsWEPR[necro]Ask me questions on Christianity, and i will try me best to answer it

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145 posts

I think that a lot of people that are Christians need a lot of answers, so Iâm here to help out with them all the answers you have, and I will help to the best of my ability. I hope I can help.
: )

  • 147 Replies
10,816 posts

Which chick was that, BASHA?

To answer Ricador's question:

Why do most moderators seem to be Athiest?

I'm not sure this is actually true. As far as I can tell, the affiliations go something like this- Dan and Calm are Christian. Devoidless and Moegreche are Atheist. Asherlee appears to be neither given her positive, sympathetic interest in the area (maybe more of a unitarian universalist or deist? :P) and I'm not sure about John, Carlie and Dank. Of course this is just my perception, so don't quote me on these- best to ask the various mods/admins yourself!

I think your agenda here is to do with concern that atheistic moderatorship would somehow affect the balance of power. However each and every moderator has been carefully selected based on their ability to treat such differences with impartiality, so you should expect no threat to your religious standing from the moderators, especially since many of them have explicitly stated their position on Christianity/religious beliefs as being that of respect.

This is, after all, a forum for all people (insofar as it is legal)- so you cannot really expect everybody...or even a majority here to be Christian, or for Christian beliefs to be directly relevant to the consideration of the membership. This works both ways: in no way is anybody allowed to discriminate against those of Christian beliefs and the moderators are quick to admonish those who do.
145 posts

go on to my page and you will see a debate happining about War disease and famin

10,816 posts

Ah, this discussion between hojoko and pc123 is along the lines of the questions asked on page 5 of the thread. I'm not sure referring to 'granted free will' is sufficient though, seeing as we can argue that free will is acquired as it is learnt, not given innately.

18 posts

wow u got a lot of questions to answer, but i always wanted ot know y dinosaurs are known as a fact to of lived, yet god created earth etc and yet they aint mentioned in the bible or newhere within religion

737 posts

Are koala bears or lizards or elephants...etc. mentioned in the bible??

10,816 posts

Whoops, the link in para. 7 is stuffed. It should read like this.

737 posts

Wow strop...u just used paragraphs to say basically what i said (without saying it). Lol. Oh well your answer looks better and thats what counts, right?

10,816 posts

Not really! I think in this case, what counts is what the post communicates compared to what it purports to.

I started writing my post before you started writing yours so I didn't see it. There's definitely an overlap but I've decided to be a little more comprehensive- within their respective contexts the points actually come out differently. Only slightly differently, though.

Just how differently can be made clear by my asking you 'in what way do you believe the Bible is true?'

136 posts

Alright, I'd like to thank eyetwitch, Estel, and of Strop for your interpretations of where evil comes from.

I've been reading the dynamics of this thread and have noticed that this is just a forum on christianity vs all other ideas. There has been very little, "Where did Satan come from?" But a lot of discussion on ideas of where things fit in the bible.

The whole dino's in the bible have been talked about enough in my opinion. Strop, great job and eloquently put by the by.

I would like to ask another question and I know that there are some good thinkers out here, but, I want pc123 to answer. No offense to anyone else, its just that he started the thread, so I want pc123's answer.

What happened to Jesus for those 13 years that he wasn't mentioned in the Bible?

Before you answer, this is not a ploy to bring back up the topic of Jesus of history vs Jesus of faith. We are smart enough to know how to use forums to bring that back.

10,816 posts

Ichibon wrote:

Where did Satan come from?

That reminds me actually, I'd been meaning to ask that question for a while. I'm just not sure what kind of answer would be given. Where'd the name Lucifer come from, for example?

On a related note I also asked for backing for the notion of Hell some time ago.

I'm not sure what Ichibon meant by his last question. Maybe I'm missing something.
136 posts

I didn't post that question. It is funny thought that you and I are on at the same time, and I actually pondered what this kid would say before if I asked that. You and I have had a coincidental day.

Before I continue, this is a qoute from Benjamin Franklin. Before I post though, for those that don't know who he was, look him up. You would be remiss if you went your life not knowing who he was.

As to Jesus of Nazareth, my Opinion of whom you particularly desire, I think the System of Morals and his Religion, as he left them to us, the best the world ever saw or is likely to see; but I apprehend it has received various corrupt changes, and I have, with most of the present Dissenters in England, some Doubts as to his divinity; tho' it is a question I do not dogmatize upon, having never studied it, and I think it needless to busy myself with it now, when I expect soon an Opportunity of knowing the Truth with less Trouble....

977 posts

This source does the same. However it also reckons that dinosaurs also literally blew fire! Whoooo!

Scientist have discovered a dinosaur that has a cavity in its skull. This cavity is believed to have had chemicals stored in it. When the dinosaur blew these out, they combined and when touched felt like they were burning. Just like the Bombadier beetle. Again, this is a theory.
10,816 posts

Whoops, I think too many questions confused my post's meaning!

By "Ichibon's last question" I meant this one:

What happened to Jesus for those 13 years that he wasn't mentioned in the Bible?

Also, I will note that Benjamin Franklin became a strong proponent of Deism.
737 posts

I understand there differences i was just marveling out how pathetic my post was compared to yours...and you gave mention to the behemoth in job, which would prove me wrong...if it is indeed "mention of a dinosaur in the bible". But anyway, i'll try to answer your question.

in what way do you believe the bible is true?

And your question has me confused...can u elaborate?
136 posts

eyetwitch, ya know he wants to see what you believe can be taken by you to be true. Maybe its a literal thing like, did he cast the demons out of the peasant man into place them in a pig. Maybe, I don't know. I personally just think that its a book on eleborately giving you a value system and growing past your fears.

But I also have a question for you eyetwitch. pc123 grown folks are talking so don't pay any mind. Giving the impli ation that hell is just a sin without a redemption away, is it possible to go to hell if you haven't had a chance for redemption from a sin before you die. For example, a man walks down the street and happens to be a preacher. He see's a beautiful woman wlak by in skimpy clothing and stares at her boobs. For a split second he has a fantasy about, ya know, and immediately a piano falls on his head. Technically speaking, according to the bible and interpretations of that I have heard by countless preachers and prieasts, thats a sin. Now it says that even though you are saved, if you sin you have to ask forgivness to be back on the straight and narrow. So where does he go, in your opinion, heavan or hell?

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