Do you people feel its right for the government to set very high tax rates while also giving out very comfortable government benefits to their non-working population. *Cough* *Cough* Europe!!! *Cough* *Cough*
not whole europe. only the more richers countrys that are able to do this.
For example, I used to live in The Netherlands. My father made quite a big salary of 9,000 Euros a month. However, he lost 60% of his salary to taxes. That is 5400 Euros a month, leaving him with 3600 Euros!
be glad he didn't make 3000 a month more then he could pay 80%
but i wonder if you actualy know how the tax rates in the netherlands work or that you only have lived here wwhile you were young and only heared the story's of your father.
from those 60% you mentioned he ddn't had to actualy pay 60%. he had to pay 60% only over they amount of a few 1000. from 7000 to 12000 or something like that. and 40% over 4000 to 7000 and only 20% over 0 to 4000
(numbers arn't right just a rough sketch of how it works)
on the street and during conversations we say we have to pay 60% but in reality we don't.
I feel that these high tax rates destroy peoples incentive to work hard. When giving out quite comfortable government benefits (about 1200 Euros a month) to the non-working community will surely create a society full of lazy ^%!^@'s.
the average amount that people get after they have lost their job is 70% of the average payout from the last 26 weeks. also for people to get this money they need to have been working atleast 60 weeks in the last 2 year. if they didn't they do not get this money.
they get this money for max 1 year and max 2 year if you have worked for the same company the last 5 year. during this period you are forced to search for work. (atleast 5 applications eatch week)
after this period and you still don't have a new job then you will no longer get the money. instead you will get money from a other branch of the government. they will pay you only 600-800 euro a month. (not 1200)
and you will still be forced to look for work.
(if you don't look for work in either branch. then you will not get any money at all. then it's time to become a bum
and people that can not work because of a disability need to do a test every few months to check if they are still "labor inappropriate" only people that are "labor inappropriate" for more then 80% do not have to do anything to get money (around the 1200 indeed). all the people that are less then 80% are helped by the government to find work for them that they are still able to do even tho they have disabilities.during this process they get from 700 to 1200 a month.
the government is not a throw random money around to useless people type of government. they tickle us to start working and to do your best. there are lots of safety nets when you are unable to find work (fit for you.) but if you as person do not want to work then the government will no longer pay you money. aslong you can show that you are willing to work then the government will help you untill youve found work.
i dunno when was the last time you were in the netherlands (what age) but i can asure you that most of the dutch want to work and are working hard for their money. (WE ARE NOT THE GREEK)
No wonder Europe is in its terrible condition today.
tell me what part of the world isn't in terrible condition?
and don't say china. china also has money problems. even tho they are not in debt.
I believe that taxes should be lowered to allow more people to increase their consumption
they way used in the netherlands makes sure that the average income is higher then when you let people out to rot away. by giving people that do not have work money. they are able to take a shower, buy clothes, buy some things needed to look good to find a job. when a bum walk in a office he wont get a job anyway loonly based on how he looks. it might be the smartest man around but he looks and smells like a nutjob he lives under a tree in a box. you going to give him the job? NO!!
also this way you can make sure that people that have no job. can still buy food. can still live in a house. etc. etc.
it's just beter for society to give these people money then to keep evrything to themself and only get richer yourself (isn't that what the 99% wanted in usa?
And yes, high tax rates does destroy the incentive to work.
highly depends on what the people get in return for their tax.
i have no problem paying near 80% when i know i get all this in return. it's beter then paying only 30% and their are almost no safety nets to fall into when you need them.
For example, if a Greek Civil servant dies, and his daughter is not married, she can continue receiving his pension even when she has a job if I'm not wrong. That's outrageous. Austerity measures on the welfare system should be implemented, because that's what's dragging Europe down. Germany did it in the past, and with its leaner welfare system, it can still power its economy. Australia has such a problem too if I'm not misinformed.
the biggest missunderstanding from people outside europe is that they think that evrey country in europe is the same like every state in usa is the same.
but europe has no constitution, the european constitution was denied because the netherlands and UK didn't agree whit it. after that no1 has tryed to make a new constitution for europe that all the countrys agree whit.
untill that time every european country has it's own laws and it's own way of doing things.
those things you discrubet about greece. i can 100% asure you that doesn't happen ever in the netherlands.
What angers me is that people like this this can get away with government money. This man lives in the UK and like another quarter million of UK's population he simply lives off government benefits while he is perfectly capable of working.
then use the UK as example. not the netherlands. in the netherlands it;s near impossible to live your whole live whitout working.
it wasn't always like this in the 70's and 80's the law was different and people were not forced to search for work when they lost their job. so some people worked for 2 year and then the rest of their live they could get 80% of their last payout. this however is not the case anymore since mid 90's.
people like this this can get away with government money.
that is something that is 100% impossible in the netherlands.
don't blame 1 country for the doing of a other.
europe = 27 countries not 1