Yes, but 60% is a an extremely high number.
ofcours it doesn't all only go to that. maybe 5% of the 60% go to that. their is way more we get in return. medical care costs way more tax money. and we are the only country in the world that have to pay tax for water management. and not because our government is greedy but because our country needs to protect itself from the water all the time.
if I earn less, I keep more of my money.
let's take the example of my earlyer posts about tax rates:
if you earn 4000 then you pay 20% over those 4000.
if you earn 7000 then you pay 20% over the 1st 4000. and 40% over the next 3000.
if you earn 9000 then you pay 20% over the 1st 4000. 40% over the 2nd 3000 and 60% over the last 3000.
so it's never that you keep more money by earning more.
they only thing that lots of dutch people do if they earn just above the 4000 for example is. that they say to their boss that they do not want that money as loan but as a gift. so they stay under the 4000 earnings.
Wait till you come here. A simple 4 room flat can cost nearly 300,000 USD if I'm not wrong.
but the netherlands is not singapore, we can handle it this way. it probably wont work for your country. thats why i like diversity.
In times of crisis,
crisises come and go. their have been nearly 20 crisises the last 200 year and more then 200 since the 1st real big company was made (VOC)
we don't need to look at now we need to look at the future. if we only look at what is now. then we are already to late for what is happening.
it's absurd if I'm paying for bummers who live off like parasites
they do not get money here. the government is very well controling people that they actualy have the right to get this money.
and not like a 5 min test once a year where the people have to go to by themself. it gets realy good controled.
More jobs which require more taxpayers money to fund their salaries.
and giving people work to do. so they can function in society and not become outcasts. thats right.
work hard to get up to the top, and I don't really appreciate so much leaking away.
it's not like it's easy to get rich in the netherlands. neither is it anyware but. when you have lost your income somhow i rather be in my country then yours.
it's just never perfect and we both live different and we both like how it is for ourself. i c no problem just don't come living here and i don't go live there =P
extra info:
for all questions about getting money to study in the netherlands.
here is a link to the international page of the organization that will give you this money.