ForumsThe TavernDogs or Cats ?

48 7061
20 posts

i thinks dogs are so much better then cats but my friend likes cats and i dont like cats probably coz im allergic i dunno

  • 48 Replies
5,552 posts

They cough up hair balls everywhere.

I've had cats all my life, usually at least 3 at a time.

I have only ever found 1 hairball.

cats are actualy extremely clean.

I've only ever had to wash a cat once, and that was when we got it from the rescue shelter and it smelled like weird chemicals. Dogs you have to wash because they can't take care of themselves.

They are content to just sit there and let you pet them, but cats don't

Almost all of my cats I've ever had you could pet them whenever or pick them up, only 1-2 were that moody that they wouldn't let you.

i wish people would say bad things about dogs too

Wish granted.

1) They leave their crap all over the backyard.
2) They're dirty.
3) They slobber on you.
4) They require more food and thus are more expensive.
5) They aren't nearly as easy to transport.
6) They can be dangerous to family/visitors on occasion.
7) They are loud when they bark.
8) They get lost if let outside.
9) They can tear up the house when left alone.
10) They require near constant attention.
11) You have to take them on walks.
12) You have to wash them.

That's all I can think of off the top of my head, and from personal experience these are all true. Some are more common than others, but I've seen most of these.
138 posts

personally i would rather have a dog even though they are a lot more of a hassle to take care of. im allergic to cats but i can tolerate them, and seeing as my neighbor has 7 cats i think i have enough of them in the area

210 posts

I like both, but dogs are usually really "in your face." They're more likely to make a mess of the house, and require you for more things. Cats will do their own thing until you want to be with them and can go in/outside. Cats also don't drool on you or poop in the house, but to be fair cats can spray in the house also. I think cats are generally less maintenance and can be just as friendly.

i have a friend that had a dog So well trained that it needed to go outside to take a piss and no one was letting it out so it jumped of the balchony LMAO.
dogs i like better though
210 posts

Wish granted.

1) They leave their crap all over the backyard.
2) They're dirty.
3) They slobber on you.
4) They require more food and thus are more expensive.
5) They aren't nearly as easy to transport.
6) They can be dangerous to family/visitors on occasion.
7) They are loud when they bark.
8) They get lost if let outside.
9) They can tear up the house when left alone.
10) They require near constant attention.
11) You have to take them on walks.
12) You have to wash them.

That's all I can think of off the top of my head, and from personal experience these are all true. Some are more common than others, but I've seen most of these.

why? would u have a pet if u are not willing to look after it?
2,413 posts

People are willing to look after pets, but that's just crazy. Cats, not high-maintenance. Give them food, water, and attention, that's really all you need.

210 posts

All dogs (well good dogs) would die for their owner. if u train, look after them then they will.

5,340 posts

1) They leave their crap all over the backyard.
2) They're dirty.
3) They slobber on you.
4) They require more food and thus are more expensive.
5) They aren't nearly as easy to transport.
6) They can be dangerous to family/visitors on occasion.
7) They are loud when they bark.
8) They get lost if let outside.
9) They can tear up the house when left alone.
10) They require near constant attention.
11) You have to take them on walks.
12) You have to wash them.

i have to say most are true.
number 3 isnt always true though. actually its usually not from my experience.

number 5 depends on the breed. some dogs are smaller then cats lol XP

cats can have number 6 too but i can see your point. its all about education and personality though.

8 isnt necesairly true. i didnt have a dog but our neighbours dog was pretty much ours too. he used to take walks all over the city.

cats can do number 9 too. its peronality too. actually since cats can scratch and get to higher places its more risky with cats.

and thats it.

All dogs (well good dogs) would die for their owner. if u train, look after them then they will.

all GOOD cats would die for their owner too. just like most creatures. and you dont have to train anyone to do that for you. of course if you dont care about them they wouldnt do it
89 posts

Dogs all the way!
Cats are just so grouchy, like my grandparents.

83 posts

I really like dogs my Female dog just had puppies and they are so playful. Cats are good for indoors but Dogs you can play with.

510 posts

cats for me in every way shape and form dogs gross me out i hate how they just jump all over you and stuff like that cats are just so easy to pet and then dogs beg you to pet them which is annoying although if i had to have a dog or not i would probably get one but it would have to be blue heeler or lab but i still prefer cats i really like it when they play also you can tell i like cats much better cause i have nine and i have been around them my whole life dogs on the other hand i think i have had 2.

474 posts

I would prefer a dog, you get to play and be active. and that is why I like to be active. Cats...cant do that same kind of "lets play catch" thing...

1,673 posts

I would pick a dog too for the same reasons. Also I could run with it and once it's trained it would be way easier.

I don't have any pets BTW

531 posts

Well it's a hard one.

I love the way cats, after a few months, become all chilled out, and never really bother you unless they're after food/drink, or wanna get in/out if you don't have a cat flap, which I don't. I forgot to mention I have a cat. The most annoying thing with cats is, and I don't know whether others have this problem or if it's just my cat, but he always ends up meowing outside my bedroom window at daft o'clock, and I can't ignore the poor guy, so I have to get up and freeze. Best thing is they won't really bother you much. But if you wanna pet or play with them, they'll mostly be up for it. Until you wanna stop, then you just feel bad. Bloody big eyes.

I love dogs, too, though. I think dogs are better to play with, more loyal, more of a companion for humans than cats. I loved my dog before she had to be put down, and I'm not gonna lie, about 6 months later and I'm still not used to life without my dog downstairs. I still shout her name, and I miss her a lot. I've never not had her before she was put down as my mum and dad bought her not long before I was born, she was no pet, she was family. Rest in peace.

I'm gonna have to go with dogs on this one, but cats are just as great. Love them both.

6 posts

I'm allergic to cats, but I do adore them. But I have to go with dogs in the end due to the fact that they normally ALWAYS love you.

25 posts

Most differently dogs! although cats are cleaner and less demanding, a dog is on a totally different level! A dong is not just a pet, but a friend. They understand you and when you are down they know it nd try to cheer you up!

This is not surprising as dogs have been with us since the very beginning! dogs are the FIRST domesticated animal EVER.. some fossils prove that humans had domesticated dogs as early as 33,000 years ago!!

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