ForumsThe TavernThe Most EPIC Way To Die [Not A Serious Threat]

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134 posts

Ok, so I want you to share with the community your most epic way to die.

- You Feel No Pain
- Keep In Mind Blood Loss
- No Swearing.
- No saying someone's way of dying is unrealistic (lol)
- Let your imagination go wild.

  • 25 Replies
134 posts

I would make a huge man sized catapult that is capable to launching me into the sky VERY HIGH, and I die upon impact with something solid. (that is if the sheer velocity and friction of the launch hasn't ripped of any limbs or torn off my skin :P)

858 posts

I can't tell if you're saying we're not allowed to feel pain, or we hypothetically won't, so:
The most epic way to die would be to be waling down the street while listening to "Pinball Wizard" on your iPod when you get picked up by a large green dragon fighting a giant spider. Then the dragon will fly to Tokyo and generally screw things up while meanwhile you have been rescued by a helicopter which happens to be full of starving cannibals, who promptly start to boil you. Then, a giant albino lobster will come crashing through the helicopter, thereby knocking you out. Fortunately, a pterodactyl grabs you, but flies towards its nest, intending to feed you to its hatchlings. You escape by squirming out of its feet, and then plummet to your death and land on an alligator being eaten by a python.

2,074 posts

How about just kill them? They're going to be dead anyway!

1,900 posts

Well, I would want to die of natural causes, but my funeral, ten thousand and one people shall die with me. My corpse shall be burned, half of the ashes shall go into the Ganges River, the other half shall be put into sea . . . 20,000 leagues under the sea, with a copy of War and Peace, to keep me occupied for a while.

132 posts

I loled at that ^

I think it would be awesome to die in a millitary battle and have my name ever recorded in history for "being that idiot who ran and blew himself up to save our MREs from a grenade. God rest his soul"

1,824 posts

Davy Jones's death, where he says the name of the only person he loved, then pitches over the side into a maelstrom. That would be epic! Or otherwise dying at sea, with my dog, going down with my boots on.

14,745 posts

How about...

In battle, pulling the pin from a grenade and throwing it away, while holding the grenade... =)

Of course (for entertainment) you would have to realise this error juuust before it explodes! LOL XD

74 posts

Well, I would think that I should die by being chased by a bunch of knife-holding Boy Scouts, end up running into a cave full of martians, being kidnapped by them and taken to the Eiffel Tower disguised as a box of donuts. Then, once the ancient Greeks find a way through to our time and capture the Tower, I am held as a hostage for betraying my countrymen. (Of course, the Plutonians.) I am ransomed for a nickel because the Greeks thought it was a way to communicate to my planet and then held in the witness protection program until I forget who I am, what I did, and what I could do. I then spend the rest of my life pretending to be an apple (sitting on the desk of a crazed underworld boss) and giving valuable information to the CIA....

keep going down for my death....




<span style="color: white; background:white;>I am eventually eaten slowly by the boss's minion because I disguised myself so well.</span>

NO!! Too far!!! (highlight the space above this message until you see it)

74 posts

Wow.. that was a fail :/ Oh well, that's how I die.

297 posts

i would like to be shooten in the air together with some fireworks
then i will explode like fireworks, but then i am humanworks
that's just so cool

145 posts

Epic Way to DIE?

when you are crossing the road and a tiger scared you.then a car come and crushed on you,but you didn't died, just the tiger die.then the driver of the car give you his car as reward and bring away that tiger.when you think of that car is great and get into the car,that car has something wrong-when crashed on something,a timed-bomb begin to start the time to boom!then the car locked and you are so scared of die.....After it,the bomb just turn the car into a really hotted car.and you started to feel hot,so you drink the water inside the car but the water are poisonous so you are poisoned!
and you still haven't die yet.because another car get crushed on your also make a dissater by you.then you stilll haven't die because your strength had been sttract by aliens,they bring you back to their planets and let you be a material to research the problem of never die,so you had been a lab rat.
the people in the earth hate you and aliens like you so much and so,people in the earth want to get back your body and research themself so humans and aliens have a EPIC WAR.

1,066 posts


If you all want the most epic way to die, get an Xbox 360/ PS3 or whatever console and buy the whole Call of Duty (COD) series. Then you can have fun laughing at how dramitically the main characters die.

Another option would to watch a modern movie that was created in Hollywood. Then you can laugh at how stupid and unrealistic it is. HAPPY DAYS!

Pic to go with it

297 posts

Epic Way to DIE?
when you are crossing the road and a tiger scared you.then a car come and crushed on you,but you didn't died, just the tiger die.then the driver of the car give you his car as reward and bring away that tiger.when you think of that car is great and get into the car,that car has something wrong-when crashed on something,a timed-bomb begin to start the time to boom!then the car locked and you are so scared of die.....After it,the bomb just turn the car into a really hotted car.and you started to feel hot,so you drink the water inside the car but the water are poisonous so you are poisoned!
and you still haven't die yet.because another car get crushed on your also make a dissater by you.then you stilll haven't die because your strength had been sttract by aliens,they bring you back to their planets and let you be a material to research the problem of never die,so you had been a lab rat.
the people in the earth hate you and aliens like you so much and so,people in the earth want to get back your body and research themself so humans and aliens have a EPIC WAR.

wow serious?
you can say that's EPIC
but you better say nothing, that's just weird
378 posts

Ok here is mine, I t might be a little hard to follow though. Ok you are walking down the street and you see this cute little puppy, while you weren't paying any attention to where you were going, you fell into a contraction pit, you lie there in the construction pit then all of a sudden a pip from beneath you burst from the sudden impact of you body and you go flying into the air. On the way back down a baseball suddenly hits you leaving a giant gash on your forehead. Before you get to hit the ground you are hit by a passing vehicle, then you fly from the impact of the car into a knife store where you get dozens of major gashes. You lie there unconscious as an ambulance comes and picks you up, but it isn't over yet. On the way to the hospital, the ambulance hits a sudden icy spot on the road and swerves out of control and heading towards a drop of a hill. You roll down the hill in the ambulance but you still hang on, barely. On your way down you hit a tree and the tree hit the ambulance ending you.

42 posts

I think being climbing into Old Faithful and being blown sky high, while being roasted alive would be the most epic way to die.

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