Well, you know better than the people who have spent years studying it then. You should contact them with your assumptions on human nature and see whether they'll take it on board.
I'd appreciate if you lacked belittling and sarcasm. But you know, even with that, I guess I'll throw out a simple reason for why my point can stand to truth.
People don't think the same way I do. In culture, do they value logic and reason as much? Hell, freaking, no. I would recommend you do not question me, as I don't leer towards that which happens, but what could happen. My fantasist side kicking in -- but hey, it works for those with an open mind.
Would you like an example? Myself, again. Secondary and unreliable evidence at best, but hey, you know what? You probably have examples yourself. How "natural" do you think you and I are? What "motives" are we given that we ignore, and what urges have we made blunt under our years of civilization? I'll give you some time to think about that.
Do you know what monogamy is?
Speaking in the sense of a relationship, not marriage. Should've clarified.
Do you have any idea about the other types of relationship (which are perfectly normal and natural incidently) that exist?
Funny. Monogamy is "a form of marriage in which an individual has only one spouse at any one time". I guess marriage is natural in itself too?
Consider what else is natural, religion is, where an answer, proven or unproven, right or wrong is a natural form of ideology that people created in order to explain purpose.
You're not talking about something you have no experience or clue about yet again are you, because it would appear you are.
Considering I said I've no experience, I guess that part sticks.
You're also helping with the chemistry here.
Monogamy is something you have to agree, it isn't a given.
My poor presentation is at fault here.
It is part of the unspoken agreement between a couple that comes about by getting to know each other.
Marriage is not unspoken, it is a declaration.
But in the case you are speaking on the level I intended... unspoken rarely works. It is a given, which is why I said you should be EXPLICIT when being anything otherwise. As far as I'm concerned, the reasonable time for this to be recognized is when the status is "couple" or "dating".
Some couples choose to discuss it quite openly with their new partner as I did with my wife.
... For the first part, that's stating the obvious.
As for the second, I fail to see relevance in experience until it is reasonably backed up.
Simply (and bluntly) put, what is your point on that?
Had we agreed another form of relationship by mutual consent, as long as it was agreed, no problem.
That is the point of agreeing. Hello? Despite your apparent belief, I'm not a muppet.
Cheating is simply doing something that goes against the agreed relationship. It doesn't have to be sex, it could be a number of other things.
In the sense of adultery.
Although being as it is closely related with the topic, fine.
And please explain where you derived the idea that I hadn't come to the same conclusion?
Ironically I'm going to give a fair bit on experience -- and that is that a lot of people on the WEPR, the "veterans", especially are incredibly intelligent and well-versed people. I'm not saying I am, but being as I've spent a lot of time here I'm not really a "rookie" in any subject of discussion. As long as I know the situation I feel I can make a good call, but one of the best things is looking past that, and seeing a better situation.
The irony is, a debate, or in this case it's more of me being slashed, usually engages with the disproving of ones ideas, even if it is subjective, through logic and reason.
You repeatedly state various things, much not related to my point but more or less to me -- and you have nothing backing it up that provides a sufficient counter-argument to what I've already presented. In the case of evidence being myself, I can't really give any more, but the debate should be waged on both sides and looked at openly by both sides -- if I have a point but can't prove it, then it would be good for both of us to try and make it an agreed subject, or vice versa.
I'm not going to go on about debates, as I hope you have a good idea of what they are already.
It's recommended you follow that, of course.
- H