ForumsWEPRWhat Is Your Opinion On Cheating (In a sense of adultery).

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134 posts

I personally think very low of people that cheat on their boy/girl friends or spouses and I have zero toleration for these people. If my girlfriend where to just kiss another guy on the lips I would break up with her.

Although I regret to say this I am not very certain that in situations whether I would cheat on my girlfriend or not...

Since we are all friends here I thought we could perhaps talk about this topic.

  • 25 Replies
539 posts

I find this very interesting.

Also, lets talk about society itself. General speaking, a women with multiple sex partners is looked down upon more than a men with multiple sex partners. Do you guys have anything to say about this? Why do you think this happens? Do you think its right?

It's a double standard, but you're right, it is how the majority view it.

I found it quite difficult to accept that I was going to have a daughter, but easily accepted having two sons before she born. My primary concern was how I would deal with her as she grew into a woman and I suppose how I would deal with the male attention she would receive as she grew up.

It's hypocritical of me because I didn't think about the father's of the girls I went out with throughout my teens or what they thought of my relationship with their daughters. In fact, I did my best to avoid the fathers of girls I dated as I knew they wouldn't approve of things I did with their daughter.

Can't really explain why it's the case that woman are looked down upon while men are almost congratulated for the number of sexual partners they have. I'm sure there will be studies into it, so I'm going to look them up over the next week.
3,371 posts

Can't really explain why it's the case that woman are looked down upon while men are almost congratulated for the number of sexual partners they have.

Honestly, I think that for regular people this isn't really true. It seems more like a sterotype of the male gender, that we consider cheaters pimps, and that men who cheat are awesome, and that pimps are awesome, ect... I think its an idea thats grown so much that sometimes people live up to it. But for the most part I don't think men respect that. And when I've heard of it happen, I've heard of other men calling the cheater a man *****. I don't think men are respected for this nearly as much as people beileve they are.
539 posts

Honestly, I think that for regular people this isn't really true. It seems more like a sterotype of the male gender, that we consider cheaters pimps, and that men who cheat are awesome, and that pimps are awesome, ect... I think its an idea thats grown so much that sometimes people live up to it. But for the most part I don't think men respect that. And when I've heard of it happen, I've heard of other men calling the cheater a man *****. I don't think men are respected for this nearly as much as people beileve they are.

I didn't mean to imply men who cheat are congratulated, but men are certainly congratulated on having multiple sexual partners, where as if a woman admits the same she is looked at as a 'loose' woman.

Attitudes to cheating among men and women, it'd be good to find a study to see whether attitudes to cheating are stereotyped.
539 posts

Didn't take long to find this.

5,129 posts

I didn't mean to imply men who cheat are congratulated, but men are certainly congratulated on having multiple sexual partners, where as if a woman admits the same she is looked at as a 'loose' woman.

well maybe thats because woman just have to ask. all man will say yes anyway. (aslong they are not extreemly fat or very ugly)
and man almost always have to work for getting a good kiss.

so when man have more then 1 he has worked hard. (except for when he is just very attractive) where if a woman has more then 1 she just walked up to a 2nd guy and tadaaaa.

it's both not good and not nice towards your partner. and can't be done whitout a realy good reason. (except when youve already agree to let eatch other lose @ partys)

it all maters of the situation in the relationship.
but aslong it has not been spoken off between the 2. then it should not happen and it is a clear show of not being loyal to your partner.

what the people do whit it is their own problem. what works for 1 doesn't work for the other.
539 posts

well maybe thats because woman just have to ask. all man will say yes anyway. (aslong they are not extreemly fat or very ugly)
and man almost always have to work for getting a good kiss.

Now that's a stereotype!

Seriously, it is a stereotype. Not all men are obsessed with sex.
5,129 posts

Not all men are obsessed with sex.

thats not what i'm saying...

i was (like the OP) talking about a kiss.
since when is a kiss the same as having sex?

read again plz.
134 posts

well maybe thats because woman just have to ask. all man will say yes anyway. (aslong they are not extreemly fat or very ugly)
and man almost always have to work for getting a good kiss.

so when man have more then 1 he has worked hard. (except for when he is just very attractive) where if a woman has more then 1 she just walked up to a 2nd guy and tadaaaa.

I certainly agree with this.
So it seems to me that the final decision is always the woman. Therefore, society expect woman to be very selective with her partners...
4,220 posts

Not all men are obsessed with sex.

Obsessed? No, but quite into it. Natural reproduction urges and all that.

I like my girlfriend. If she cheated on me, I'd probably be pissed. However, unlike most people, I'd be more willing to evaluate where I went wrong and work through it than break up with her outright. If you really love her, that's the mature way of going through the process. If it's just not working after said working through, you both can make the mutual decision to stop the relationship there. I'm pretty sure that leads to less painful break ups, as well.
9,462 posts

Or you could go and have you poontang and go home filled in shame, but as long as your girlfriend doesn't find out nothing will change between you and her.

However things would have changed between the two in this situation. The change would be on the guys end, not the girls. With relationships it is both parties involved, a change even one sided will still change the relationship as a whole.
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