ForumsThe TavernGreatest embarrassments

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Since all of us are semi-anonymous here, it is safe to speak about embarrassing moments without feeling (as much) shame. What is your greatest, or one of your greatest embarrassments? To make it more comfortable for you to relive a painful experience and share it to the world, I shall give one little example on my own part.

I was on a class-trip to Ã, and we were on a boat. Me and a couple of my friends went to the deck section, and I decided to open my soda that I had just bought for 2.50â¬. I knew it had shook when we climbed up the stairs, so I went near the edge of the boat to open the bottle so if it fizzled, it would go over the edge into the water.
Now, I did not take note on the fact that it was pretty windy up there, and we were also going quite fast, so when I opened it, it didn't go into the water.. no, all of the soda took on the wind and flew onto ALL of my classmates plus the rest of the crew down the deck. When I heard people yelling and swearing, I quickly closed the bottle and showed it into my pocket, hoping that no one would notice. At this point my friends had backed up from me and managed to escape to soda spill, so I was the only one at the exact direction where it had came from.
Peoples heads started turning and I was just standing there, my hands in my pockets, bended over the edge of the boat, without any bottle or anything. Did I mention I'm also a pretty pale guy? Well of course everyone there presumed that I had got sea-sick and.. barfed. Even though that's not what happened, there was no way I could have possibly managed to explain this to everyone on the boat.
I lost 2.50⬠on that soda, got sticky hands, and got a nice nickname for the rest of the trip.
Your turn.

  • 20 Replies
2,739 posts

This is close to the same thing as the Thread Stupidest things we've done because many of these things or embarresment which counts as stupidity.

no,embaresment is not stupidity.not in the these,true some are kinda stupid.that however is not the point that they are trying to make.the point for them is how embaressing it is.not how stupid.
1,826 posts

I was Goal keeper and I some how managed to score a goal,
Right after that I was kicking ball from my D but some how managed to kick it in my own goal post.

2,300 posts

The most embarrassing moment, I was waiting for my dad in school to pick me up. So, this identical car came. But I wasn't aware of the car plate, so I went on opening the door rapidly, because the door was locked that time. It was raining, so I went back and realized. My best friend laughed so hard at me. I felt stupid.

6 posts

We were camping out, and thought it would be fun to make a period. All the girls climbed onto each other, and our teacher, who is also female, went to take the photo. The next day at school my teacher was viewing the pictures on the projector, and in the picture with the pyramid, you could clearly see my boobs... The boys in my class seemed to get a kick out of it, and my teacher seemed as surprised as I was.

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