ForumsThe TavernGreatest embarrassments

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402 posts

Since all of us are semi-anonymous here, it is safe to speak about embarrassing moments without feeling (as much) shame. What is your greatest, or one of your greatest embarrassments? To make it more comfortable for you to relive a painful experience and share it to the world, I shall give one little example on my own part.

I was on a class-trip to Ã, and we were on a boat. Me and a couple of my friends went to the deck section, and I decided to open my soda that I had just bought for 2.50â¬. I knew it had shook when we climbed up the stairs, so I went near the edge of the boat to open the bottle so if it fizzled, it would go over the edge into the water.
Now, I did not take note on the fact that it was pretty windy up there, and we were also going quite fast, so when I opened it, it didn't go into the water.. no, all of the soda took on the wind and flew onto ALL of my classmates plus the rest of the crew down the deck. When I heard people yelling and swearing, I quickly closed the bottle and showed it into my pocket, hoping that no one would notice. At this point my friends had backed up from me and managed to escape to soda spill, so I was the only one at the exact direction where it had came from.
Peoples heads started turning and I was just standing there, my hands in my pockets, bended over the edge of the boat, without any bottle or anything. Did I mention I'm also a pretty pale guy? Well of course everyone there presumed that I had got sea-sick and.. barfed. Even though that's not what happened, there was no way I could have possibly managed to explain this to everyone on the boat.
I lost 2.50⬠on that soda, got sticky hands, and got a nice nickname for the rest of the trip.
Your turn.

  • 20 Replies
138 posts

I was really tired in the middle of a class where i was a teacher aid. So, i wasnt really doing anything. And the teacher had this stool in her room and i liked sitting on it cuz it made me feel tall :P and so i was just sitting there while the teacher was lecturing to the 6th graders about something or other, and i dozed off. Next thing i know im falling off the stool face first into the carpet. Lets just say i got laughed at for the rest of the year :P

1,502 posts

I was jump roping and the oversized pants my mom bought me fell down. Yay for baggy jeans!

I still dont wear belts, but my fitted jeans can hold themselves up. Woots.

3,766 posts

Passing out in the middle of 5th grade. We were making candles and I got overheated. Not a fun experience.

42 posts

I was not paying attention and smashed my face into a telephone pool. All my friends were cracking up.

402 posts

Heh, pretty classic stuff, dozing off and loose pants x], but feel free to explain it in more depth, like for 'Alexistigerspice', where were you when this happened? Who saw this happen, what did they do? Did you have anything under those pants or what..? And so on and so forth. Great stuff on the rest of you too, isn't it relieving to get it out without people laughing straight at your face (just at their monitor)?

Another one of mine was when we were playing football/soccer at sports, which ever you want to call it, anyway I was chose- well, forced to be the goalie, and I told them I was no good but they kept this decision anyway. After some time the ball came at our goal for the first time, but it lost speed before it got to the goal and was just slooowly rolling towards the goal on the ground. I didn't think it was a big deal so I started slowly walking towards the point where I presumed the ball would go, doing little dance moves as if I didn't mind about the ball at all, and I lifted my foot and carefully placed it on the ball to stop it. I was proud of myself. Until the enemy team started cheering, my team started swearing. As I looked down, I noticed "Hey, there's no ball under my foot..!" Yeah it was in the net. Great job. Showoff is never a good idea.
Can you beat this? Gimme something worse than "quote on quote puking" on 30 people, and missing a ball that's going 0.5 m/s...!

1,608 posts

Well this week school started. I had some virus in my knee so I missed a month of school. And when I came back I wasn't able to walk good. So my first class was with a new teacher. It was his first class on our school, he send me to the principal because he thought I was drunk, which I wasn't I just walk zombie-ish.
Happy the principal believed me but it was a nice shame moment for the teacher and a nickname for me.

155 posts

ah yes. my most embarasing moment. well, let me start off that it was last year and that was when i was hanging around some... "questionable friends". i avoid them now but back to the point:
At my school we have these things called Pep Rallys. (basically the whole school goes into the gym, sits on the bleachers, they do some games, and call out the different sports teams to the front of the gym). It was especially noisy that year and i couldn't hear who they were calling down. My "friends" decided that it would be funny to pull a prank on me. They saw that people were going up to the gym floor and were urging me to go up. (they tolld me that they called a team i was on.) I was foolishly and incredibly gullible and went right on up. i wondered what was up so i asked if this was the team that i thought was called. to my horror, it wasnt and i had to make up some idiotic excuse for getting up like that. so..... i asked if i could get a drink of water. lame excuse. but that wasnt the worst part. once i got back to the gym, i noticed that i had to walk in front of EVERYONE to get back to my seat. it was utterly horrifying.
so. that was my most embarasing moment. thanks for reading!

205 posts

embarrassing moment for me was when I jumped out of the 2nd floor window during a rainy night after my brother left me in a city-wide brown out. I still had the hangover in playing Assassin's Creed 2 during that time and attempted to land on the car then go back home to fetch some candles and flashlights. I ended up sitting on the roof, soaked with roof dirt while waiting for my brother to get me down. Our neighbors panicked because of the stunt I pulled

29 posts

My mom asked someone where the jeans were in a clothing store and the guy said he didn't know so my mom was mad. It turns out he didn't work there.

5,952 posts

I was playing soccer and I was running to the goal with the ball. But it just so happened to rain last night so the ground by the goal was a mud pit. And it was very slippery. So I slipped, landed on my knees(while sliding), then fell on all fours(still sliding). Then I stayed their for a brief second, and my arms slipped and I fell flat on my stomach in the mud......

407 posts

I was doing a penalty kick and when I went to kick the ball I fell.
LOL don't ask.

210 posts

Family gathering, absolutely everyone there, remote family and all. We had rented the top floor of a bar, complete with barmaid and all. I was 16 and couldn't handle my drink, I tried to keep up with my older cousins and ended up getting completely and utterly sozzled. I was apparently flirting outragously with the barmaid and she almost called the police about it for harrassment. ( Don't remember a thing about that. ) I ended up in the toilets, collapsed in the corner after throwing up, my uncle walks in and sees me, so his idea of 'helping' is to drag me out in front of everyone there across the roughly carpeted floor, which caught on my jeans, pulling them ( and my boxers ) off.

TL;DR: I ended up passed out and naked in front of 50 family members.

71 posts

I got really excited because i just got a $200.00 card out of a $2.00 card pack and broke the automatic doors at wal-mart when i ran into them.

2,739 posts

well you guys know how with the original DS and the DSlight that in the pictochat yo u can have a secret message.well nobody ever told killerusp that other people could see them! killersup's secret message was"killersup likes(insert name)" and of course on a field trip eveybody is playing on their DS.and all of a sudden killersup had a bunch of people in killersup's face asking alot of questions....super embaressing.and the thing was that she was like in 8th and killersup was in 4th........

another was when a guy took a very ebmaressing video of killersup on his phone talking about somthing (don't ask, but it is somthing only guys do) adn he threatened to sow it to killersup's crush.well here is when it gets good for killersup.instead of letting THAT happen,killersup punched him in the face adn if he ever tried somthing like that killersup would snap him in half. and so far it worked.killersup was not kidding though when he said that....(david if you read have been warned.)

534 posts

This is close to the same thing as the Thread Stupidest things we've done because many of these things or embarresment which counts as stupidity.

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