who thinks that armor games should put more games on Itunes and make them for the Ipod touch. personally I think that should put gravitee wars anyone else share me views on this subject and if so what games would you like to see on the Ipod touch
I don't have an ipod, ipad or anything else that needs or can play apps. So obviously I don't care.
Either way, you got to remember that not all games on AG is made by AG. So if you want those games to be made an app, you got to go tell the developer that they need to use time and money on building something like that. The game you mentioned? Not made by AG. Sponsored by AG, but not made by them. So you need to go talk to the developer.
I see. but I do have another question were sushi cat(made by joeybets), crush the castle(also made by him), siege hero (made by someone else), kingdom rush (someone completely different) and I'm pretty sure that there's at least one other game made by somebody else and there on Itunes and it says they were created by armor games so are the people who made those games all armor games developers or did they allow armor games to advertise for them on Itunes?
It's probably because ArmorGames sponsored them with the game development or distribution (for lack of a better word) of those games. Even though the games are made by game developers who are not 'in-house', they are placed under the umbrella of the ArmorGames website.
And to set your mind at ease... I'm pretty sure ArmorGames is developing more and more games to be launched on Apps, so you'll just have to wait it out untill more appear in the future. And the coming AGv3.0 will surely have even MORE games with these features as it is the future of flash gaming and ArmorGames is preparing it's surboard to hop on and start riding the wave!