A lot of people rather watch movies than read books. It's a shame because movies that are based on books are almost never as good as the books. LotR movies are very good though but I strongly recommend reading the books too.
Yeah, The LOTR is awesome. I got through the first book in less than a day because it was so good. You should read the books before you watch the movies though. Peter Jackson did an awesome job on the movies, but there is nothing better than reading Tolkien's books.
Yeah I think that the Lord of the Rings is amazing!! I've read through every book and watched all the movies. I really can't wait for the Hobbit to come in theaters and on DVD, and I' really have high hopes for the Hobbit. Oh yeah, is anyone looking forward to The Lego Lord of the Rings?? In the Lego game, I'm hoping that there will be the mass-field battle system that they put in Lego Star Wars the Clone Wars 3. ( sadly many of you may not know what the hell I'm talking about. *sighs*)