ForumsWEPRSeparating the Private and the Public Face

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14,991 posts
Grand Duke

'It is of no concern to the public what a politician does in his private life.'

Discuss at length.

  • 14 Replies
585 posts

It should be a concern what a politician does in his private life because if he has criminal offences then he should nto be a politician. You want to know what the politician is really like and if he is the trustworthy and nice politician that he shows on press.

Here in London, Ontario we had a female mayor but her husband was a drunk who would go out alot and drink. One time he was driving drunk and crashed into vechiles and the police caught him. But of course he was let off because he was the mayor's husband. He was lucky he didn't kill anyone! This brought an uproar for a vote for another mayor. So eventually there was a vote and that politician was definatley not picked.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Here in London, Ontario we had a female mayor but her husband was a drunk who would go out alot and drink. One time he was driving drunk and crashed into vechiles and the police caught him. But of course he was let off because he was the mayor's husband. He was lucky he didn't kill anyone! This brought an uproar for a vote for another mayor. So eventually there was a vote and that politician was definatley not picked.

I would agree in the former case, but won't you be barred from seeking political office already when you have a criminal record?

On to the second case. Well of course it would be reported, since accidents tend to make the papers. But to link his alcoholism and her political track record stinks of poor logic.
8,256 posts

It should not be of any concern as long as the public is well informed about the political decisions of the politician. As long as they do their job well, I see no reason to bother with their private lives. In 44Flames example, it does not matter whether he was the mayors husband or not; the mayors decision was wrong and this is why she was replaced.

I understand why people want to know politicians private life, what because of trustworthiness and so on; and I do feel the same way sometimes. But I find it sad that a politician can do a perfectly fine job and lose it because he isn't as immaculate as the people want him to be.
Private life is a platform for political enemies to sink their contrahends without having to face them on the political level, which for me speaks against the political abilities of the debate winner.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

the mayors decision was wrong and this is why she was replaced.

I read it in a different light; he was let off because he was linked to an important figure. Not because she intervened. 44, we need more details on this ambiguity.
585 posts

Yes it is because the mayor was involed with a criminal offence by her husband and also because he was sort of let off and not punished because he was her husband.

But why would politicians want to hide their private lives. People would think they are hiding something and not vote for them. I know I have nothing to hide in my private live. But politicians shold have a right to show only a little or parts of their private lives. Because it is sort of rude and not respectful if we want to know every little details of their private lives.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

But why would politicians want to hide their private lives. People would think they are hiding something and not vote for them. I know I have nothing to hide in my private live.

Would you want everyone to know your medical history?

Not too long ago, former president Bush senior's wife, Barbara Bush underwent an open heart surgery. An extremely risky procedure, and considering her age, it was unlikely to have predicted a good outcome. The former president shared some tears over this, something that should not have been broadcast. This moment was a family matter and should have remained so, but somehow, the media felt as though it was necessary to broadcast it. It is true that Barbara Bush is an important figure in American history but that doesn't permit us to broadcast Bush senior's personal moment.
585 posts

It seems in you quote you left out the part when I said that it is rude and not respectful if we show and want to know every detail of a politicians personal life. But we should at least have a summary or overview of their personal life to see what they are like in the real world and if they are a hard worker and are going to do what they say.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

I know you mentioned that. Since my point was essentially maintaining that view, why would I even be responding to it?

But we should at least have a summary or overview of their personal life to see what they are like in the real world and if they are a hard worker and are going to do what they say.

Of course. But there is no need to sensationalize every bit of their lives as we tend to do today.
585 posts

But there is no need to sensationalize every bit of their lives as we tend to do today.

Yes I agee with this but if they do a criminal offence in their personal lives we should know about it because it will give us a view of who they are.
5,043 posts

But of course he was let off because he was the mayor's husband.

This is wrong because it's an abuse of power.

Here's my view when it comes to politicians and their personal lives. When a politician does something wrong, it shouldn't really be that big of a deal unless the politician infringed on someone else's rights, or unless they did something hypocritical to one of their own policies that are either in place or that they advocate.

If a politician is caught cheating on his wife, it really shouldn't be the public's concern unless he's being hypocritical in some way. So let's say that this politician is trying to make it a crime to cheat on the person you're married to, then yes, the public have every right to jump on his case!

If a politician advocates one thing, but does something that contradicts what they advocate, regardless as whether what they did was legal or not, the public should pounce on them. Otherwise, it shouldn't be anyone's business. Granted, if a politician does something that's illegal, then that's another good reason for people to jump on their case. Politicians should be bound by the same laws as anyone else, obviously.
1,826 posts

'It is of no concern to the public what a politician does in his private life.'

Discuss at length.

I would rephrase it as
"'It is of no concern to the public what a celebrity does in his private life.'"
cuz I think their private life is well, their private life
as for the politicians, their private life makes a hell of a difference, I would surely not like a drunk man lead my country.
Cuz being drunk will cloud his judgment.
653 posts

There are certain circumstances in which I do care what they do in private but mostly I could care less. For example:

The scandal with the South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford. He lied about it to his constituents and when he was in Argentina with his mistress he left the state without its Governor. He even used State money to pay for it. Obviously, that affected his job and he should have been let go.

The Anthony Weiner scandal. At first I didn't care if he was cheating on his wife or if he was sending boner pictures to women. I've done the almost the same thing except for the cheating part. Until, he started lying to his constituents repeatedly about it, I would've voted for him again if I could. When someone repeatedly lies to you, can you ever fully trust them again? That's a legitimate reason not to vote for him.

When someone is your voice in your Government, I can understand the desire to want to hold them to a higher standard but they're just regular screwed up people like the rest of us.

585 posts

So is there a concensis that people need to know some details of a politicains life if he is going to win in votes and popularity. Also I think it is always good to know a backround summary of what they were like as a kid growing up. So then you can see how they changed and became more responsible. But not every detail of the politicians life.

3,224 posts

I think the reason this is such an issue is because to hold public office, you are taking on a somewhat paternalistic role, by claiming in your election campaign you are the best man/woman for the job. This doesn't just pertain to what education qualifications or work experience a candidate has but in a sense his or her record of citizenship. You may be extremely intelligent or qualified, but if a candidate has a well known history of dishonesty for example, even if only in his privaste life that leaves voters uneasy. And I can completely understand such a sentiment. If politicians want us to trust them, and hand over important decision making responsibilities, I think it's perfectly reasonable to expect them to behave well in both private and public life.

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