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14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Love them or hate them, their family. From big brothers who protect you, down to younger prepubescent sisters who act like mini Avril Lavinge, we all have good and bad memories of them.

So, how are your siblings? I have a great twin brother who went to the same school with me, for the past 12 years or so!

  • 44 Replies
578 posts

*Sigh* I have two younger half sisters and two younger half brothers... I've always wanted an older sibling.

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

I've always wanted a younger sister to pamper and protect. I just don't know why. Then again, I really won't mind tantrums and tempers if anyone is snorting; I've dealt with it all with my nieces and cousins.

531 posts

I'm the youngest. Got 2 brothers and 2 sisters. I hate being the youngest.

5,340 posts

i have a younger brother and a sister... and i honestly dont really like this situation...

of course i love them... but if they werent my family i think i wouldnt want to be with them and they wouldnt want to be with me.

we are so different and since im the oldest (by 10 years and more) i never really did anything with them that i could enjoy as well.

and since my mother always tells me to do something instead of them (im guessing this is because psychologically im older so they are techincally young?) its getting really annoying. and by that i mean that if one of them watches tv and the remote is in his hand (and my mother sees it) she tells ME to lower the volume (he is 8 years old and obviously knows how a remote works) and when i tell her that he has the remote she just yells :/

its kind of like this in any situation and when i respond i get those illogical arguments with her id rather not have.

it became a situation in which i have to punish them when they do something wrong and they run to her for safety :/

if i wont do it, she wont do it and just yell at me for not watching over them.

i honestly think that they dont know how a real family lives and how a big brother really is supposed to be. i mean, last time i noticed my sister asked ME if she may have some potatoe chips instead of my mother and it honestly feels as if im the parent...

so yeah... usually when i had to be with them it was in an unpleasant situation so i didnt really get to enjoy being a big brother and i doubt id miss any of them if id move out.

i dont like saying this and feel bad about it but unfortunately its true.

154 posts

My sibling is just great, thank you. :P

My younger brother (by 4 years), who is at this moment sitting on the couch playing something he just bought off PSN, is in many ways more mature than me. Although I suppose it could be just a matter of perception, as where I'm boisterous and quite vocal about my opinions, he keeps to himself. Sometimes I feel as though he brings apathy to a whole new level. He's very intelligent but doesn't really apply himself. He's much more pedantic than I am, and his down-to-earth demeanor complements my rather dreamy, artistic personality well.

In case you couldn't tell, I absolutely adore my brother, even though we fight on an almost daily basis. Especially since we live together in a very small flat, tensions can flare up really fast. (Mostly we fight about whose turn it is to do the dishes or clean the toilet - which I end up doing most of the time.)

Aside from my brother, I'm fairly close with my cousins, all of whom are younger than me. I'm basically the 'cool' big sis of the entire family. (How cool depends on who you ask. My 10 year old cousin swears I'm the coolest person on the planet. My brother disagrees.)

138 posts

Im the only girl in the family, besides my mom, and im wedged between two brothers. my older bro is 4 years older than me and is autistic so i kinda dont hang out with him very much to avoid fights and making him angry. my other brother is a year younger then me but mentally he is a lot older. he's super smart and honestly i have to ask him for help on my homework.

I have a pretty good relationship with my siblings but a better one with my younger one than i do my older one

1 posts

I have a LOT of sibling. 9 in total! Three of them are step-siblings that are on my dad's side. Another two of them, which are twins and I have never seen before, are my dad's. The other four are my mom's.

So, to start, my step siblings. The youngest, named Brock, is 9 years old and he always gets into trouble. My step-sister, named Alena, is 11 years old, and I usually never see her since she lives with her own dad. And there is Doss, who is 14 like me, and always complains about me being older than him my a couple weeks.

(I'm going to skip my two, never-seen-before brothers)

Okay, so on to my mom's side, my youngest sister is named Keira, and she is 1 yr old. The second oldest is 5 and his name is Isaiah. Third, is Gabriel, the most annoying person ever, and he is 13. His account is GabrielTheGamer... And lastly is my oldest sister, at 17, and her name is Shantel.

I kinda have a big family. ;D

54 posts

Oops! I forgot to sign out of his name. Sorry guyss. Dx

123 posts

I'm a triplet! I have a brother and sister who I'm a triplet with and then an older sister too! How exciting!

3,766 posts

I have an older sister. She is usually pretty cool, but when she is not in a good mood it can be hell. I think we have only fought like twice and she usually is not mad at me, just my parents.

4 posts

I have 2 older brothers, and while being the only girl sibling kind of sucked when I was younger, they're a lot better now, I mean we actually get a long really well.

1,795 posts

I have it the worst. I'm the middle child w/ a 21 year old sister and a 6 year old brother. Almost every day of my life i'm constantly being pestered. My brother just threw something at me right now, in fact.

497 posts

I have 1 younger brother who is not bad, he gets on my nerves sometimes....which is normal for me. But i have 6 other siblings, all of them are my cousins and 3 of them are mature enough not to get on my nerves, the oldest being 23, then 14(half a year older than me xD) and 13. The other three are..meh ok but get on my nerves as well. The oldest of them is 11 i think, 10 and 2(I like her very much because you cant really hate on a 2 year old, unless they scream alot).

17,384 posts

I only have an older brother who I find rather annoying. No matter what the time, he likes annoying me even when I try telling him to stop. Also, he likes punching me in the arm.

1,075 posts

1 younger bro and 1 younger sis...

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