ForumsThe TavernThe Art Of Trolling

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2,765 posts

Hello. I am looking for how most users think of trolling. This is a very long opinion so short opinion is at the bottom.

Being a troll myself on websites that allow it I may have a biased opinion of it but I will say what I think.

Long opinion below


I think trolling was designed to be funny when it was first thought of. Nowadays anyone can qualify to be a troll. People seem to think that if they can't fit in being serious they must be a troll. This leads to people who simply think trolling is making people angry and posting "U mad bro?" with a troll face. Although that may technically be trolling I believe it to be a low form of trolling.

When I first started trolling (other forum) it was originally supposed to make people laugh. People could tell I wasn't being serious and that was pretty much why I didn't get banned on the forum I troll on. I never really tried to insult anyone while trolling although I admit there was a huge discussion on whether I should be banned when some new Forum Admins came in. They basically thought I was not constructive and was not needed. Eventually I got unbanned because the community were complaining.

Now I mention that because I believe that has to be a troll in every community. Someone that is funny and makes the community laugh. There was some good ones on AG but they pretty much disappeared. I personally believe that is why some veterans are losing interest in AG. There is nothing to laugh at anymore and it seems most threads are about hypothetical situations. Do you agree that trolls can bring laughter or do you just think they are idiots who think they're funny


Short opinion below


I think that anyone can be a troll nowadays and that is why there is a negative opinion on it. I believe that funny trolls that don't insult anyone are good for communities. I believe it might be why veterans are losing interest.

Do you agree that trolls can bring laughter? Or do you just think they are idiots who think they're funny?

  • 24 Replies
12,319 posts

You mentioned both a low form of trolling and a higher form of trolling.

Low Form

making people angry and posting "U mad bro?" with a troll face.

Obviously, that is bad and should lead to a quick ban.

With the high form of trolling, there is a fine line between funny and spammy. From there, I think bans should only occur if the line is crossed to the "spammy" zone.

Now to answer the question:

Do you agree that trolls can bring laughter? Or do you just think they are idiots who think they're funny?

Yes and no to each. See the bolded part of the post to see why I think that.
2,739 posts

i guess i am techinically a troll on this 1 site.but i make everybody laugh so they let me stay

12,319 posts

i guess i am techinically a troll on this 1 site.but i make everybody laugh so they let me stay

Your about mentions saying "the wrong thing at the wrong time." It seems you have not done so yet, but make sure to remain in the "funny" zone if you want to stay (which you have done so far).
10,816 posts

The definition of "forum troll" has changed. When first coined it meant somebody who vindictively and deliberately attempted to destroy a community via interacting with it, generally in ways that was in line with forum rules. These trolls were good sophists and manipulators.

These days, troll seems to mean somebody who likes to joke around, not necessarily in line with forum rules. We can't make exceptions to forum rules without actually changing how we interpret the rules or changing the rules themselves, so all those "trolls who were funny" eventually left because they kept getting the balance just a little bit wrong and the bans were mounting. We don't mind fun. But we don't like "fun" that reasonably offends people.

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Oh well, it's just a tightrope that we have to master one day without falling over and getting smashed by your ban hammer. At least some of the vets got it correct. Just not Zega.

13,657 posts

As far as I know, trolling was initially a way to make people angry, insult them some more and then laugh at their anger. Not particularly fun for anyone that wasn't a troll themselves. Trolling was a combination of flame baiting, insulting and dancing on the line between following the rules and breaking them, as Strop said.
Basically it went by the rules of "You get banned, you lose", often with the successful troll on the winning side, because they knew how to do their - line dance, while their victim would start flaming them and thus get banned for breaking the rules.

But, alas, the same way as hacking now means "you forgot to log out, and your best friend left a message on your facebook", trolling today is a blend between the stuff on Art of Trolling, which is basically just using memes to annoy other people (Magnets and mormons, fx) and making a ton of accounts that posts offensive material until it is banhammered, where the - "troll" then moves on to the next account and more offensive material (which is better known as an account suicider, because that is pretty much all it leads to).

So, eh. To me, trolling will be the offensive stuff that tries to get someone to respond in a manner that might incriminate themselves. If it is funny and harmless, jokingly, all that, it isn't trolling.
So, no, I do not believe trolling can be funny. Annoying, yes, not hilarious in any way. And trolls will only be trolls when they are found out (and banned) anyway, so they are not as much idiots that try to be funny, as just plain idiots.
There is a reason the trollface is as it is. The original comic went about with the "How it looks/how it is" routine, where the trolls writes something offensive, someone rages over it, troll goes trollface. Cut to reality, where someone doesn't quite think about what he wrote, someone corrects him, and he goes "Lol, trolled!!" in a sad attempt to justify his own stupidity.

I do appreciate a good laugh, though. I just don't think someone that makes others laugh should call themselves trolls.

3 posts

you know, last year a guy had been processed for trolling and the sentence forced him away from web/net and socialnetwork and all the rest. there was, of course, a certain fine too.

he kept on trolling dealing some "mental damage".
so there is some kind of "rules", this implies that trolls may be fined.

ps: i tought of answering quoting the starting message and replying with a "too long". would that be trolling?

2,765 posts

It seems to me that Cenere and Strop's definition of a first troll is different. For example I believe strop to be describing the top hat troll. Otherwise known as the troll who looks down on others. Extremely annoying to other users. These types of trolls rarely venture out of serious debating areas and are much more sophisticated. They TRY to create a mess of the community, rather than simply flaming.

Cenere however, is describing an average troll. A troll who simply tries to flame slightly on users who launch full back attacks on them. They try to find a sensitive subject to a person and insult them indirectly.

I don't think anyone really knows what a troll is. 4chan?

And as to the person who trolled and got sent away from the internet. That is extremely interesting but sadly, I don't think it would ever happen. One serious troll every 10 years is not any work what so ever.

6,800 posts

Not a Troll:

Me: Ensenar... To Teach... Amar... To Love...
Girl: Will you shutup? I'm trying to study.
Me: Calm down bro.
Girl: I'm not a bro.
Me: You mad bro?
Girl: -_-

Cenere and Strop have already covered what a troll is. Nowadays, its really just a person who says crap you piss you off. Like the above. Though in my defense, the girl deserved it. Shes always bashing everyone to make herself feel better, so that the whole class got to laugh at her expense doesn't bother me too much.

5,952 posts

i sometimes troll, but i was forced to grow out of it after ban threats.... now i wait for the right time and then i make a good trollololol post and stop again, then see the opportunity and take it(thats what she said :P)

2,074 posts

[quote=leo99rules]making people angry and posting "U mad bro?" with a troll face.
[quote=Patrick2011]Obviously, that is bad and should lead to a quick ban.[/quote][/quote]
So. . . why would that be bad? Overly sensitive people, I guess.

[quote=ImTheMostManlyMan]yes i agree that it can be funny[/quote]
What can be funny? Getting banned due to trolling?

4,104 posts

What can be funny?

Peoples reactions to it. Seriously, think about a question before you ask something stupid.
2,074 posts

[quote=master565]Peoples reactions to it.[/quote]
As in the excessive commentary, correct?

[quote=master565]Seriously, think about a question before you ask something stupid.[/quote]
Who, me?

5,952 posts

Seriously, think about a question before you ask something stupid.

........u mad bro? sorry i had to :P
Who, me?

yes u, u said that didnt u? yes you did.

i dont think people getting banned is funny. some of their posts are funny though.
2,074 posts

[quote=pickpocket][quote=master565]Seriously, think about a question before you ask something stupid.[/quote]........u mad bro? sorry i had to :P[/quote]
Bet he is. (Sorry if the quoting doesn't work out)

[quote=pickpocket]i dont think people getting banned is funny[/quote]
You don't? I find it hilarious when users get banned.

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