So you've probably heard the news. It seems the Obama administration decided christian hospitals "must" provide contraception and morning pills which is against what they belive in. I find it surprising Obama would be so bold. What are your thoughts on this?
Otherwise, you all of a sudden not wanting the thing or just randomly getting pregnant is your problem, and you should pay for it.
As far as I know, they still will have to. It's not like the hospitals are being forced to give these treatments/for free, only to have the treatment available.
private businesses.
Can you really call a hospital private if it's open to the general public? If anyone can walk in and get treatment without having to first do something to join, that's not private.
It's a point of making people provide extra services that aren't necessary.
No, it's a point of having a public serving facility have on hand the materials for certain valid treatments.
Can you really call a hospital private if it's open to the general public? If anyone can walk in and get treatment without having to first do something to join, that's not private
My Dad owns a private business that works on computers and it's open to the public. It doesn't mean whatever it was you were thinking. There are many private businesses open to the public their just not being controlled by the government.
This is legislation covering what employers should have to pay for... for their EMPLOYEES. This isn't about the services they provide to their patients.
BUUUUUUUUUUUUUTTTT lets do this anyway. lets go there
what's this stupid bull crap about lawyers and scientists HAVING to do things? THEY ONLY HAVE TO DO THEIR JOBS CERTAIN WAYS WHEN THEY SIGN CONTRACTS. Lawyers have the right to take cases or to not take cases. Scientists choose what they want to study. If a lawyer signs a contract to be a public defender, then they CAN be forced to serve clients they don't want to serve on legal grounds... or be punished according to the contract. Unless a scientist signs a contract saying they're going to pursue research in certain fields, they are free to do whatever they want to do.
A hospital is a place of business. They provide services. They have the right to choose what services they want to have available at their business. There ARE doctors out there that will refuse to treat certain patients. Whether it's because they don't believe the patient needs it or there's a chance that they'll die on the operating table and screw up the doctor's stats. Gas stations are more public services facilities than hospitals. Under your logic I should be able to go up to a gas station that sells hot dogs and demand they sell pizza. Gas stations sell fuel. It's the owner's decision to sell whatever grade of gas they want to sell. There are gas stations that are not official brand names out there... so accept the example. I demand it!
Here's the thing about transplants... not everyone can perform them. You have to set up an agreement with the person who can perform the surgery... who is most likely going to be at a hospital that allows it. The transplant thing is about as well thought out a retort as that lawyers and scientists thing. What if you're at a hospital that doesn't have a surgeon trained in organ transplants and the one doctor who is vaguely familiar with it that has a slight chance of a successful procedure and a high chance of killing you says that he doesn't want to kill you on the operating table b/c attempting that procedure would affect his stats... thus making it less likely for people to choose him as their doctor in the future. B/c who wants a doctor who is known to routinely kill patients b/c he isn't specialized in that area? That was a terrible run on, but whatever...
Under your logic, if someone wants medication they should be able to walk into a hospital and ask for it. What if they don't need it, but just want it? I mean who doesn't want to take random hits of morphine? Doctors have the right to refuse treatment and medication to people. Not all places are outfitted for every type of procedure. If you're in dire need of certain medical attention you either go to the hospital that has it or you get airlifted to it if there's need for it.
If a hospital doesn't want to hand out condoms, pills, or perform contraceptive procedures, then they don't have to. Under your logic, everything we do job wise is a public service and none of us have the right to decide what we want to do with our vocations or how we go about them.
If a group of doctors and individuals want to band together and build a large enough building and run their own hospital, then I'd think that would constitute a private hospital. Thus, I repeat... If they then don't want to provide certain services with their resources, then they don't have to.
What he does is his problem. Not mine. Personally, I'm a strong believer in contraception, morning pills, and the such. If you look at the statistics though, it's actually quite a small chance that your parner will get pregnant... I fink. Not too informed on this.
But, I will not discuss this further, I've banned myself from discussing or arguing religion.
There is a wide variety of things you could say a hospital should have just by the fact it's a hospital. Not all of them have pharmacies inside for you to pick up meds... And I'd think that is more important than contraception. Hospitals are there for planned procedures and emergencies. If they don't want to also sell things like vitamins and condoms then you need to go find an ob/gyn, a pharmacist, or a gas station bathroom... Or order it off the internet.