I am someone who enjoys understanding who people are, and why they are that way. Thus, I have to ask a question despite the fact that it will probably turn into a religion vs atheism debate after 5 pages: For those that are atheist, why did you chose to believe in it? Everyone has that moment when they grow up from being a kid, and decide who they are going to be- what moment made you decide that religion was incorrect? If you don't mind indulging me, I'm curious. I could guess why based on arguments presented here and what not, but I figured it didn't hurt to ask.
I believe I can answer this one pretty well, since the change is still fresh in me.
for me, I had some bible lessons, and I kept on noticing multiple little errors that broke logic. I should've been the good little jesus follower, but no, my obsession with analysis made me ask how it was possible. instead of a passionate response that could in some way correspond with god just enough for it to make sense, my teacher instead pulls out her teaching manual, and read some pre-scripted bull crap about what happened. there was no relation to rationality whatsoever, nothing that could've even begun to connect with natural law, since that is how "god" operates.
angry with it, I started studying. and I found multiple things that showed how god had nothing to do with it. it made me realize that what I was reading wasn't as literally true as I was taught to believe.
that was about 2 years ago. I had forgotten about the experience due to the constant berating of my gospel teachers.
the true pivotal moment that begun my transformation was when my brother became an atheist about a year ago. he and I debated theology, and philosophy constantly, until he left for college a while back. each debate I had with him shook my faith more and more. by the time he left for college, I was what you would consider a loose christian.
over time, I started picking up on even more illogical pieces of information, and even more excuses as to why they were this way. they weren't even good excuses either, usually something along the lines of "god made it so, or the devil corrupts man to do these things" it started to make me sick with disgust.
a week ago was when I finally had enough, and just shrugged off my religion completely.
that was how I became an atheist.
P.S. the Debates on AG definitely helped spur me along to this stage of my life.
2) I didn't "choose" it, rather, all religions contradict themselves, claim to be true, and have no evidence for their claims.
what moment made you decide that religion was incorrect?
There was no moment. There was just the observation that no one had any answers, or they were never the same answers, and that it just didn't add up. I didn't even know the term atheist until I was around 13-14. I just simply didn't believe in anything.
I dislike all the death and war that religion cause. I don't feel like detailing further, but whenever somebody ask me why I am an athiest that is the first card I play.
Btw, the site Reddit has an absolutely ginormous amount of athiest.
I didn't "choose" it, rather, all religions contradict themselves, claim to be true, and have no evidence for their claims.
Very true my friend all religion contradicts with each others views even protestant groups their is always going to be a new ranch that gains more popularity than the other to adjust to that persons views so the original christian line might as well be gone so that's my reason to e an atheist similar to kasic's view.
As nichodemus pointed out, there is already an active thread that's similar to this one. This isn't a bad thread though. Hope to see you around the forums more.